Consultation on the pest risk management options for regulating Cydalima perspectalis, box tree moth (BTM), in Canada: Closed consultation

Current status: Closed

This consultation ran from August 5, 2022 to September 3, 2022.

About the consultation

Cydalima perspectalis, Box tree moth, is a serious pest of Buxus spp. (boxwood), a woody ornamental plant that, although not native to North America, represents an estimated annual value of $40 million to the Canadian nursery sector.

The CFIA proposed the addition of Cydalima perspectalis, Box Tree Moth, to the list of federally regulated plant pests, to establish a regulated area for all of Ontario, and to implement import restrictions for Buxus spp. plants.

Who was the focus of this consultation

All groups that are interested in plant health, including:

  • the nursery industry
  • plant importers, distributors and retailers
  • industry associations
  • other government departments
  • international trading partners

All comments were welcome from industry, governments, the public, or other organizations or individuals.

Key themes for discussion

The CFIA sought feedback on the 3 risk management proposals

  1. no federal regulation
  2. establishment of a localized regulated area in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) and Niagara peninsula, or
  3. establishment of a regulated area for the province of Ontario (recommended option)

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