Bilingual labelling requirements of treated seed, coming into force on April 23, 2020

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) has implemented regulatory changes that require information related to health and safety on labels of seed treated with pest control products to appear in both official languages.

These regulatory changes were published in the Canada Gazette Part II and registered on April 23, 2018.

The CFIA recognizes that companies will have costs related to the new bilingual labelling requirements. To help ease potential burden, the CFIA provided a two-year implementation phase to allow companies to use up their existing inventories of unilingual labels.

  • The phase-in period started on April 23, 2018 and will end on April 22, 2020.
  • On April 23, 2020, companies must have fully implemented the new bilingual labelling requirements.

Please note that this information must all be physically attached to or marked on the package of seed in order to meet the requirements for sale in Canada, as in Section 5 of the Seeds Regulations.

Precautionary symbols and caution words

The table below summarizes the precautionary symbols as recorded in Schedule 3 of the Pest Control Products Regulations. In the columns on either side, you will find the current requirements for the signal word and the new requirements for the signal word associated with each symbol. The appropriate symbol and caution words must be present on the package or on an additional label for seed treated with a pest control product.

Precautionary symbols: current requirements and new requirements
Current requirements:
Caution word
Symbol New requirements, effective April 23, 2020:
Caution word
Caution or Attention

Symbol for caution, consisting of the outline of an inverted triangle.
Table Note 1


Symbol for danger, consisting of an outline of an eight-sided shape.

Warning or Avertissement

Symbol for warning, consisting of an outline of a diamond shape.
Table Note 1

Corrosive or Corrosif

Symbol for corrosive, consisting of an image of the bones of a hand.

Explosive or Explosif

Symbol for explosive, consisting of an image of an explosion.

Flammable or Inflammable

Symbol for flammable, consisting of an image of a flame.


Symbol for poison, consisting of an image of a skull and bones.
Table Note 1


Table Notes

Table Note 1

Most common symbols used for seed treatments.

Return to table note 1  referrer

Precautionary statement language requirements

The CFIA also updated the language requirements concerning the precautionary statement. The updated Regulations require this statement in both English and French. The precautionary statement for all treated seed in Canada will read as follows:


"Do not use for food or feed. This seed has been treated with space (common or chemical name of pest control product). Ne pas utiliser pour l'alimentation des personnes ou des animaux. Cette semence a été traitée avec space (nom commun ou chimique du produit antiparasitaire)."

The table below summarizes the current requirements and the new requirements
Current Requirement New Requirement, effective April 23, 2020

Do not use for food or feed. This seed has been treated with space (common or chemical name of pest control product).


Ne pas utiliser pour l'alimentation des personnes ou des animaux. Cette semence a été traitée avec space (nom commun ou chimique du produit antiparasitaire).

Do not use for food or feed. This seed has been treated with space (common or chemical name of pest control product). Ne pas utiliser pour l'alimentation des personnes ou des animaux. Cette semence a été traitée avec space (nom commun ou chimique du produit antiparasitaire).

Please note that the English and French precautionary statements do not need to appear side by side, or one after the other, in order to be compliant with the new requirements. They can appear separately on different parts/sides of a label, for example, and still be compliant.

Chemical-specific labelling requirements

The chart below shows the labelling requirements for certain seed treatments. This chart is up to date as at September 18, 2019. Please note that this information is only a guide, and is not a substitute for consultation with Health Canada. Please consult the label for the pest control product for your seed treatment, use the Pesticide Label Search online tool, or contact the Pest Management Regulatory Agency at to confirm your labelling requirements.

Labelling requirements for certain seed treatments
Symbol required Caution word required Name of seed treatments (name of active ingredient in brackets)

Symbol for caution – poison, consisting of an inverted triangle with a skull and bones inside.



  • Acceleron D-342 Seed Treatment Fungicide (Prothioconazole)
  • Acceleron® Dx-109 Fungicide Seed Treatment (Pyraclostrobin)
  • Actara 240Sc Insecticide (Thiamethoxam)
  • Adama Tebuconazole Technical (Tebuconazole)
  • Admire 240 Flowable Systemic Insecticide (Imidacloprid)
  • Alias 240 Sc Systemic Insecticide (Imidacloprid)
  • Azoshy 250 Sc (Azoxystrobin)
  • Azoxystar Fungicide (Azoxystrobin)
  • Bas 500 F St (Pyraclostrobin)
  • Byi 02960 480 Fs (Flupyradifurone)
  • Cruiser 5Fs Seed Treatment (Thiamethoxam)
  • Flumioxazin 51 Wdg Herbicide (Flumioxazin)
  • Fluopyram 600Fs (Fluopyram)
  • Fluopyram 600Fs Canola (Fluopyram)
  • Folicur Technical Fungicide (Tebuconazole)
  • Gaucho 480 Fl Insecticide (Imidacloprid)
  • Gaucho Cs Fl (Insecticide/Fungicide Seed Treatment) (Thiram, Carbathiin, Imidacloprid)
  • Heads Up Plant Protectant (Saponins Of Chenopodium Quinoa)
  • Helix Liquid Seed Treatment (Difenoconazole, Fludioxonil, Thiamethoxam, Ylidene(Nitro)Amine, Metalaxyl-M And S-Isomer)
  • Helix Vibrance (Metalaxyl-M And S-Isomer, Sedaxane, Fludioxonil, Thiamethoxam, Difenoconazole)
  • Hgw86 200 Sc Potato Seed Treatment Insecticide (Fluopyram)
  • Ilevo Seed Treatment (Fluopyram)
  • Maxim Psp Potato Seed Protectant (Fludioxonil)
  • Nipsit Suite Canola Seed Protectant (Metalaxyl, Clothianidin, Metconazole)
  • Ptz 480Sc Seed Treatment Fungicide (Prothioconazole)
  • Quilt Fungicide (Propiconazole, Azoxystrobin)
  • Rancona V 100 Pro Fs Fungicide (Ipconazole)
  • Reason 500Sc Fungicide (Fenamidone)
  • Redigo 480 (Prothioconazole)
  • Sepresto 75 Ws (Imidacloprid, Clothianidin)
  • Stamina Soybean (Pyraclostrobin)
  • Stamina(Tm) Corn (Pyraclostrobin)
  • Super Azoxy Fungicide (Azoxystrobin)
  • Tpm Flowable 25% Undyed Liquid Fungicide Seed Treatment (Thiophantate-Methyl)
  • Vault 50 Fs Insecticide Seed Treatment (Acetamiprid)
  • Vibrance Cinco (Azoxystrobin, Metalaxyl-M And S-Isomer, Fludioxonil, Sedaxane, Thiabendazole)

Symbol for warning – poison, consisting of a diamond shape outline with a skull and bones inside.



  • Acceleron® Ix-409 Insecticide Seed Treatment (Imidacloprid)
  • Aceta 70 Wp (Acetamiprid)
  • Apron Xl Ls Fungicide (Metalaxyl-M And S-Isomer)
  • Assail 70 Wp Insecticide (Acetamiprid)
  • Gaucho 600 Fl Insecticide (Imidacloprid)
  • Metalaxyl Technical (Metalaxyl)
  • Metalaxyl Technical Fungicide (Metalaxyl)
  • Nipsit Inside 600 Insecticide (Clothianidin)
  • Senator 50 Sc Fungicide (Thiophantate-Methyl)
  • Sombrero 600 Fs (Imidacloprid)
  • Stress Shield 600 (Imidacloprid)
  • Thiophanate-Methyl 500 Sc Fungicide (Thiophantate-Methyl)
  • Thiram 75Wp Wettable Powder Fungicide (Thiram)



  • Acceleron D-281 (Fluoxastrobin)
  • Acceleron D-961 Fungicide Seed Treatment (Penflufen, Prothioconazole, Metalaxyl)
  • Acceleron Nemastrike St (Tioxazafen)
  • Acceleron® Dx-309 Fungicide Seed Treatment (Metalaxyl)
  • Acceleron® Dx-612 Fungicide Seed Treatment (Fluxapyroxad)
  • Actinovate Sp (Streptomyces Lydicus Strain Wyec108)
  • Agrox Fl (Captan)
  • Agrox Fl (Non-Dyed) (Captan)
  • Allegiance Fl (Metalaxyl)
  • Allegiance For Vegetables (Metalaxyl)
  • Altus Insecticide (Flupyradifurone)
  • Anchor Planter Box (Carbathiin, Thiram)
  • Apron Advance Seed Treatment (Fludioxonil, Thiabendazole, Metalaxyl-M And S-Isomer)
  • Apron Maxx Rfc Seed Treatment Fungicide (Metalaxyl-M And S-Isomer, Fludioxonil)
  • Apron Maxx Rta Seed Treatment Fungicide (Fludioxonil, Metalaxyl-M And S-Isomer)
  • A-Rest Sg Plant Growth Regulator Seed Treatment (Ancymidol)
  • Armour Rtu (Triticonazole)
  • Azoxy Flowable Fungicide (Azoxystrobin)
  • Bas 100 U St (Bacillus Subtilis (Strain Bu 1814))
  • Bas 154 U St (Bacillus Subtilis (Strain Mbi600), Bacillus Subtilis (Strain Bu 1814))
  • Bas 516 F St (Pyraclostrobin, Boscalid)
  • Bas 720 F St (Pyraclostrobin, Fluxapyroxrad, Metalaxyl)
  • Bcs 2960 Insecticide (Flupyradifurone)
  • Belmont 2.7 Fs (Metalaxyl)
  • Bora Hc (Trichoderma Harzianum Strain Krl-Ag2)
  • Captan 400 Liquid Seed Treatment Fungicide (Captan)
  • Charter Hl (Triticonazole)
  • Charter Rtu Seed Treatment Fungicide (Triticonazole)
  • Clariva Pn (Pasteuria Nishizawae Pn1)
  • Concept Liquid Insecticide (Deltamethrin, Imidacloprid)
  • Coragen Insecticide (Chlorantraniliprole)
  • Cover 2 Fungicide (Metalaxyl, Ipconazole)
  • Cruiser Maxx Beans Seed Treatment (Metalaxyl-M And S-Isomer, Fludioxonil, Thiamethoxam)
  • Cruiser Maxx Potato Extreme (Fludioxonil, Thiamethoxam, Difenoconazole)
  • Cruiser Maxx® Vibrance (Tm) Cereals Seed Treatment (Metalaxyl-M And S-Isomer, Sedaxane, Difenoconazole, Thiamethoxam)
  • Cruiser Vibrance Quattro (Thaimethoxam, Metalaxyl-M And S-Isomer, Difenoconazole, Fludioxonil, Sedaxane)
  • Cyclaniliprole 50Sl Insecticide (Cyclaniliprole)
  • Deflect Fungicide (Tebuconazole, Metalaxyl)
  • Dividend Extreme Fungicide (Difenoconazole, Metalaxyl-M And S-Isomer)
  • Dividend Xl Rta Fungicide (Metalaxyl-M And S-Isomer, Difenoconazole)
  • Dpx-Yt669 250Fs Fungicide Seed Treatment (Picoxystrobin)
  • Dynasty 100Fs Fungicide (Azoxystrobin)
  • Evergol Activ (Trifloxystrobin, Metalaxyl, Penflufen)
  • Evergol Energy (Prothioconazole, Metalaxyl, Penflufen)
  • Evergol Xtend (Trifloxystrobin, Penflufen)
  • Evergol Xtend C Seed Treatment Fungicide (Trifloxystrobin, Penflufen)
  • Evito 480 Sc Fungicide (Fluoxastrobin)
  • Exirel Insecticide (Cyantraniliprole)
  • F4018-4 (Bacillus Licheniformis Strain Fmch001, Bacillus Subtilis Strain Fmch002)
  • Fluoxastrobin St (Fluoxastrobin)
  • Fortenza (Cyantraniliprole)
  • Fortenza Red (Cyantraniliprole)
  • Fortuna Mancozeb 80 Wp Fungicide (Mancozeb)
  • Harvanta 50Sl Insecticide (Cyclaniliprole)
  • Insure Cereal (Metalaxyl, Triticonazole, Pyraclostrobin)
  • Insure Cereal Fx4 (Metalaxyl, Fluxapyroxad, Carboxamide, Triticonazole, Pyraclostrobin)
  • Insure Pulse (Pyroclostrobin, Fluxapyroxad, Metalaxyl)
  • Intego Solo Fungicide (Ethaboxam)
  • Integral (Bacillus Subtilis (Strain Mbi600))
  • Ipco Vitaflo Sp Fungicide (Carbathiin, Thiram)
  • Jau 6476 100 Fs Seed Treatment Fungicide (Prothioconazole)
  • Kodiak Concentrate Fungicide (Bacillus Subtilis (Strain Gb03))
  • Kodiak Flowable Fungicide (Bacillus Subtilis (Strain Gb03))
  • Loveland Vitaflo Fungicide (Carbathiin, Thiram)
  • Lumiderm Insecticide Seed Treatment (Cyantraniliprole)
  • Lumiflex Fungicide Seed Treatment (Ipconazole)
  • Lumisena Fungicide Seed Treatment (Oxathiapiprolin)
  • Lumivia Cpl Insecticide Seed Treatment (Chlorantraniliprole)
  • Lumivia Insecticide Seed Treatment (Chlorantraniliprole)
  • Luna Privilege (Fluopyram)
  • Maxim 480 Fs Colourless Seed Treatment (Fludioxonil)
  • Maxim D (Fludioxonil, Difenoconazole)
  • Maxim Liquid Psp (Fludioxonil)
  • Maxim Quattro Seed Treatment (Fludioxonil, Thaibendazole, Azoxystrobin, Metalaxyl-M And S-Isomer)
  • Maxim Xl Seed Treatment Fungicide (Fludioxonil)
  • Mertect Sc Fungicide (Thiabendazole)
  • Metlock Ct Fungicide (Metalaxyl, Metconazole)
  • Metlock Fungicide (Metconazole)
  • Nipsit Suite Cereals Of Seed Protectant (Metalaxyl, Clothianidin, Metconazole)
  • Pen 240Fs (Penflufen)
  • Penncozeb 80Wp Fungicide (Mancozeb)
  • Penred 240Fs (Penflufen)
  • Penthiopyrad Fungicide Seed Treatment (Penthiopyrad)
  • Pentrime (Metaxyl, Trifloxystrobin, Penflufen)
  • Phostrol Fungicide (Mono- And Dibasic Sodium, Potassium, And Ammonium Phosphites)
  • Plenaris 200Fs Seed Treatment (Oxathiapiprolin)
  • Pro-Gro Systemic Dust Seed Protectant (Thiram, Carbathiin)
  • Prosper Evergol (Clothianidin, Trifloxystrobin, Metalaxyl, Penflufen)
  • Prosper Fl Flowable Insecticide And Fungicide Seed Treatment (Metalaxyl, Clothianidin, Thiram, Carbathiin)
  • Prosper Fx Flowable Insecticide And Fungicide Seed Treatment (Carbathiin, Metalaxyl, Clothianidin, Trifloxystrobin)
  • Prosper T 200 Flowable Insecticide And Fungicide Seed Treatment (Carbathiin, Metalaxyl, Clothianidin, Trifloxystrobin)
  • Quadris Flowable Fungicide (Azoxystrobin)
  • Rancona 3.8 Fs Fungicide (Ipconazole)
  • Rancona Apex Fungicide (Ipconazole)
  • Rancona Pinnacle Fungicide (Metalaxyl, Ipconazole)
  • Rancona Trio Fungicide (Metalaxyl, Carbathiin, Ipconazole)
  • Rancona V Rs Fungicide (Ipconazole, Carbathiin)
  • Rascendo (Sulfoxaflor)
  • Raxil 250 Fl Flowable Fungicide (Tebuconazole)
  • Raxil 312 Fs Seed Treatment Fungicide (Tebuconazole)
  • Raxil Md Fungicide (Tebuconazole, Metalaxyl)
  • Raxil Pro (Tebuconazole, Prothioconazole, Metalaxyl)
  • Raxil Pro Concentrate Seed Treatment Fungicide (Tebuconazole, Metalaxyl, Prothioconazole)
  • Raxil Sp Soluble Pack (Tebuconazole)
  • Raxil T Flowable Fungicide (Tebuconazole, Thiram)
  • Revus Fungicide (Mandipropamid)
  • Rootshield Hc Biological Fungicide Wettable Powder (Trichoderma Harzianum Strain Krl-Ag2)
  • S-2200 3.2 Fs Fungicide (Mandestrobin)
  • Senator 70 Wp Wsb1 Fungicide (Thiophantate-Methyl)
  • Senator Pspt 1 Potato Seed Piece Treatment (Thiophantate-Methyl)
  • Senator Pspt Potato Seed Piece Treatment (Thiophantate-Methyl)
  • Sharda Fungtion Sc (Propiconazole, Azoxystrobin)
  • Sivanto Prime Insecticide (Flupyradifurone)
  • Stress Shield For Cereals (Imidacloprid)
  • Stress Shield For Cereals And Soybeans (Imidacloprid)
  • Systiva Soybean (Fluxapyroxad)
  • Tribune Seed Treatment Fungicide (Fludioxonil, Metalaxyl-M And S-Isomer, Difenoconazole)
  • Trilex Al Concentrate Seed Treatment Fungicide (Trifloxystrobin, Metalaxyl)
  • Trilex Al Seed Treatment Fungicide (Trifloxystrobin, Metalaxyl)
  • Trilex Component 1 (Trifloxystrobin, Penflufen)
  • Trilex Component 2 (Metalaxyl)
  • Trilex Component A (Trifloxystrobin, Penflufen)
  • Trilex Component B (Metalaxyl)
  • Trilex Fs Seed Treatment Fungicide (Trifloxystrobin)
  • Velondis Extra (Bacillus Subtilis (Strain Mbi600), Bacillus Subtilis (Strain Bu 1814))
  • Velondis Flex (Bacillus Subtilis (Strain Bu 1814))
  • Velondis Plus (Bacillus Subtilis (Strain Mbi600), Bacillus Subtilis (Strain Bu 1814))
  • Verimark Insecticide (Cyantraniliprole)
  • Vibrance 500Fs Seed Treatment (Sedaxane)
  • Vibrance Flexi Canola (Sedaxane, Fludioxonil, Metalaxyl-M And S-Isomer, Difenoconazole)
  • Vibrance Flexi Cereals (Sedaxane, Fludioxonil, Metalaxyl-M And S-Isomer, Difenoconazole)
  • Vibrance Maxx Rfc (Fludioxonil, Metalaxyl-M And S-Isomer, Sedaxane)
  • Vibrance Potato (Sedaxane)
  • Vibrance Quattro (Sedaxane, Fludioxonil, Metalaxyl-M And S-Isomer, Difenoconazole)
  • Vibrance Trio (Metalaxyl-M And S-Isomer, Fludioxonil, Sedaxane)
  • Vibrance Ultra Potato (Mandipropamid, Difenoconazole, Sedaxane)
  • Vibrance Xl Seed Treatment (Sedaxane, Metalaxyl-M And S-Isomer, Difenoconazole)
  • Vitaflo-280 Fungicide (Carbathiin, Thiram)
  • Vitavax 200 Flowable Fungicide (Carbathiin, Thiram)
  • Vitavax Fl (Carbathiin)
  • Vortex Fl Seed Treatment Fungicide (Ipconazole)
  • Votivo 240 Fs Nematicide (Bacillus Firmus I-1582)
  • Votivo 247 Fs Nematicide (Bacillus Firmus I-1582)
  • Weed Away Vitaflo Sp Fungicide (Carbathiin, Thiram)
  • Xemium 325 Fungicide Seed Treatment (Fluxapyroxad)
  • Xemium 333 Fungicide Seed Treatment (Fluxapyroxad)
  • Zoxy Fungicide (Azoxystrobin)

If you have any questions about the new bilingual labelling requirements, please contact the Seed Section at