Discover detailed information and guidance on food safety preventive controls, preventive control plans, and traceability. Access safety standards, testing reports and our resources on food safety investigations and recalls, commodity-specific requirements and food packaging.
Services and information
Preventive controls and preventive control plan
Information and guidance on the preventive control requirements, including if you need a preventive control plan
Food safety investigations and recalls
Food safety investigation process, how to prepare for a food recall and when and how to notify us
Who needs traceability and guidance on the requirements
Food safety standards and guidelines
Standards and guidelines for food, additives and maximum residue limits
Requirements and guidance by commodity
Requirements and guidance for specific food commodities
Food packaging
Food safety guidance on packaging
Food safety testing reports and journal articles
Results of our sampling and testing to detect food safety risks
Food Safety Recognition Program
On-farm and post farm food safety systems developed by national industry associations
Canadian Food Safety Information Network (CFSIN)
A collaborative network of federal, provincial and territorial food safety authorities
Guidance finder
Search for guidance on federal requirements that apply to food businesses