Good manufacturing practices: On-farm dairy processors

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These good manufacturing practices (GMPs) are intended to prevent the introduction of hazards to dairy products from the farm environment as well as the processing environment. They are based on GMPs: Dairy processors, with a focus on hygiene practices that are unique to on-farm operations.

Record keeping

In a Preventive control plan (PCP), it is important to maintain and keep records of activities which demonstrate that the PCP is implemented and working effectively. Records can be in either a hard copy or electronic format. Refer to Record keeping for your preventive control plan for additional information.


The premises (processing facility) includes all elements in and around the building, including the outside property, roadways, drainage, building design and construction, product and employee flow, sanitary facilities and water quality.

Surroundings and outside property

An on-farm processing facility's location may result in increased risks to the product as opposed to facilities that are not on-farm. Thoroughly consider potential sources of contamination when deciding on the location of the dairy processing facility on the farm.

  • Do not locate the facility where conditions may result in a risk to food safety. For example, locate the facility away from:
    • environmentally polluted areas and industrial activities
    • areas that are not free from objectionable odours (for example, located as far away as possible from animal housing, manure storage areas and upwind of the prevailing winds relative to any sources of contamination)
    • areas subject to flooding or run off unless safeguards are provided (for example, not located in low lying areas)
    • areas prone to infestations of pests
    • areas of waste disposal facilities
  • Keep the facility separate from barns, livestock housing, living quarters and other incompatible operations
    • 30 metres distance is suggested however this may vary depending on the risk to the product and what measures are in place to control the hazards, such as controls for odour, air flow, dust and other environmental hazards
  • Ensure the site has good drainage and provides a suitable base for construction of the dairy facility
    • take precautions (for example, soil sampling) to assure that structures are built on the best possible foundation in order to minimize settling and sagging of the building
  • Do not permit free roaming animals, including livestock and family pets, in the vicinity of the facility
  • Maintain the area immediately surrounding the building in a neat and orderly manner
    • keep it free of tall grass, debris and other materials (for example, equipment, pallets, tires, building materials, bales of hay or straw, vehicles) likely to be a breeding place for flies or rodents or be the cause of any other objectionable conditions
  • Ensure that the surrounding property drains adequately to prevent flooding and run-off


Hazards which may contaminate dairy products in a farm environment (for example, barn odours, fumes from chemical sprays) need to be effectively controlled. Presence of pests in the dairy facility increases the likelihood of dairy product contamination.

Roadways, driveways, parking lots

Roadways, driveways and parking lots are designed and maintained to minimize environmental hazards.

  • Grade, compact, dustproof and drain roadways, driveways and parking lots on the premises to prevent free standing water or mud from accumulating in wet weather
  • Have a separate driveway to and from the barn, away from the main access driveway
    • at a minimum, the roadways for access to the facility are such that any vehicles to the facility do not cross areas contaminated by livestock wastes or farm vehicle traffic


Depending on the time of year and weather conditions, the risk of contamination of barn yards and roadways may increase due to equipment travelling back and forth, manure from spreading operations, mud from farm equipment, as examples.

Dairy facility layout and design

The dairy facility design provides a good flow of product, employees and equipment to minimize the risk of cross contamination. The design provides a hygienic progression from the point where the milk enters the facility to finished product shipping.

  • Maintain up-to-date blueprints and building plans
  • Include a sufficient number of rooms to accommodate separation of incompatible operations
    • some examples of incompatible operations include: raw milk receiving, storage and processing rooms, raw milk/pasteurized milk, raw cheese/pasteurized cheese, raw product/pasteurized product undergoing maturation or ripening
  • Plan for adequate space in each room to allow access during processing and access around equipment in order to perform proper maintenance and effective cleaning and sanitizing of equipment, floors, walls and ceilings
  • If aging caves (man-made underground caves) are used, include adequate ventilation, drainage, temperature and humidity controls to prevent condensation and water pooling issues
  • Install equipment and pipelines in a manner so that the integrity of the processing and the clean-in-place (CIP) system is not compromised
    • for example, where there are direct pipelines transporting product from the barn to the facility, do not use the facility CIP system for pasteurized product for the CIP cleaning and sanitizing of the pipeline from the barn
      • it would be acceptable to use either the barn CIP system or the raw milk receiving CIP system from the facility
    • ensure the pipeline is able to be open and accessible for inspection, preferably located above ground
    • ensure the pipeline is permanent, rigid, stainless steel, adequately supported so that there are no dips in the line, and sloped to enable draining of the line
      • these features are important to the integrity of the raw milk being transported within these pipelines
      • lengthy pipelines are difficult to clean which may lead to a build-up of biofilm
      • validate initially and verify periodically the cleaning effectiveness on these lengthy pipelines
    • where a pipeline is not feasible, use a tank vehicle to transport milk from the milking house to the dairy processing facility
  • Completely segregate incompatible products such as raw materials from pasteurized food products, cleaning products from food products and waste materials from food products
    • where vat pasteurizers for thermal processing are also used for finished product holding or ripening, have a policy in place to mitigate the risks
    • ensure these units meet the criteria for batch pasteurizers in Dairy processing systems: Batch pasteurization
    • do not have raw product in the same room at the same time as pasteurized product, including in tanks, pumps, pipelines, drains
      • segregation of raw product from pasteurized product during processing could also be accomplished by time separation of the different processes
  • Where raw milk cheeses and pasteurized milk cheeses are manufactured in the same facility, physically separate these processes (for example, separate brine tanks, separate curing shelves) which can include area (space) or time
    • always make the raw milk cheeses after the pasteurized milk cheeses
  • If products are sold on-site directly to consumers, use a separate room that does not allow entry of visitors to the processing areas
    • have a policy to control employee and product movement between these areas
  • If a public washroom is required, check with the municipality or local health unit for building code requirements
    • do not permit the public to use washroom facilities dedicated for dairy facility employees
  • Strictly control the movement of employees between the farm (including the milking parlour) and the dairy facility
    • clearly separate on-farm and dairy processing employees and duties to minimize cross contamination from workers
  • If it is necessary for employees to enter the facility after being in the barn (for example, in emergency situations, employees illness), have a protocol in place to mitigate the risks of cross-contamination from these employees
    • for example, have procedures for the employee to follow before entering the dairy facility (for example, washing, changing into dairy facility clothing, hair restraints and dedicated footwear)
  • Change outer clothing and footwear prior to entering the dairy processing facility, including barn boots and barn clothing
    • where feasible, provide a separate change area and clothing storage prior to entry into the facility
      • for example, in a vestibule area, with doors entering and leaving that provide for the transition between the farm environment and the processing environment
    • keep the 2 sets of clothing and footwear separate from each other in this area. Place well maintained footbaths at the entrance to the processing facility
  • Structure the workday to minimize the number of times employees exit and return again to the facility
    • for example, start and complete operations before exiting the facility
  • In planning the construction of a dairy processing facility, consider the potential for future expansion and the negative impact it could have on the flow of the operation


Attention to good hygienic design and adequate facilities is necessary to enable effective control of hazards and prevent the introduction of pathogens into the facility.

General construction recommendations

Floors, walls and ceilings

Structures within dairy facilities are constructed of durable materials that are easy to maintain, clean and disinfect. The following conditions are necessary to protect the safety of food:

  • All construction materials are safe and suitable for use in dairy processing facilities
  • Walls and ceilings are smooth, hard, impervious to moisture and washable
    • choose light coloured walls and ceilings to facilitate the identification of unclean areas
    • use suitable materials for walls and ceilings such as glass board panels, glazed tiles and smooth steel
    • do not use unsuitable materials such as painted plywood, drywall and porous, acoustic-type boards
      • while the surface finishes of walls and ceilings are most important, the durability of the underlying structures is also important
  • Walls are free of pitting, cracks, crevices and ledges and kept in good repair
  • Wall-floor joints are well joined or coved to facilitate cleaning and prevent contamination
  • Construct floors of sealed concrete (or some other impervious, cleanable material) in all rooms where dairy products are received, processed or stored
    • ensure floors in storage rooms for storing dry ingredients or packaging materials or utility rooms are smooth and cleanable
    • store materials on clean, well maintained pallets (not directly on floors)
  • Slope floors to provide good drainage of liquids to sufficiently sized trapped outlets (for example, ¼ inch per foot or 2% if feasible, depending on the size of the room)
    • avoid pooling of liquids on the floor at all times as this provides a source of microbiological growth

The above applies to processing and product storage areas within the dairy facility. A greater variety of construction materials can be used in other areas of the facility such as office, lunchroom and washroom as long as sanitation is not jeopardized.


Properly finished walls, ceilings and floors are more easily cleaned and sanitized, which will minimize the risk of contamination of dairy products from environmental sources.

Utility lines and conduits

  • Suspend utility lines and conduits away from work areas or areas of exposed dairy products
  • Ensure they are clean, identified and free of flaking paint
  • Where appropriate, insulate to prevent condensation
  • Locate lines carrying contaminated or hazardous materials, such as sewer lines or floor drain lines, away from any product or product contact surfaces


Dripping condensate or excessive dust from overhead utility lines can act as a potential source of contamination when suspended over work areas or areas of exposed product.

Doors and windows

  • Ensure doors are close-fitting and constructed to withstand the rigours of normal use, with a smooth, non-absorbent surface that is easy to clean
  • Ensure doors are made of either a rust-resistant metal or other suitable construction material
  • Ensure doors leading to the outside or other areas (for example, processing room, washroom) are self-closing and tight-fitting
    • keep doors to the outside closed at all times
    • ensure exterior doors do not open directly into an area where there is exposed product (for example, processing areas, storing/aging rooms, packaging rooms)
  • Use measures such as screening, fans, or air curtains to ensure doors, windows and all other openings leading to the outside prevent the entry of pests
  • Ensure windows are easy to clean and constructed to minimize the build-up of dirt
    • if necessary, fit them with removable and cleanable insect-proof screens
    • if not properly screened, seal windows and keep them closed at all times
  • Protect glass windows, including those in doors, against breakage in critical areas


Pests may carry pathogenic organisms on and within their bodies which could be spread throughout the facility including on the equipment. Properly closed windows and doors prevent dust, farm odours and chemical fumes from entering the processing areas.

Paint and coatings

  • Avoid using paints in processing and storage areas due to the need for increased maintenance over time
    • if used, ensure paints and coatings are safe and suitable for use in dairy processing facilities
  • Never paint food product contact surfaces


Properly finished surfaces will minimize the risk of contamination to dairy products by permitting thorough cleaning and sanitizing and reducing moisture absorption which could contribute to microbial growth.


Proper illumination (whether natural or artificial) is important for safe food handling and thorough cleaning of the area.

  • Follow the recommended minimum light intensities:
  • Use lighting that is designed to prevent accumulation of dirt and is cleanable
  • Use shield lights with shatterproof coverings where dairy products, ingredients, food additives or packaging materials are exposed


The shielding of lights is necessary to prevent the contamination of dairy products from glass fragments in the event of breakage. Adequate lighting promotes cleanliness by facilitating the identification of unclean areas.


On-farm dairy facilities need to have adequate ventilation to provide a sufficient exchange of air in all parts of the facility and to keep the air fresh and free of objectionable odours, dust, steam and vapour.

  • Filter or treat air used for ventilation to remove all environmental contaminants
    • for example, HEPA (high efficiency particulate air) filtration may be necessary depending on the surrounding conditions and risk to the product
  • Ensure ventilation is sufficient to keep equipment, walls, ceilings and overhead structures free of condensation and mould growth
    • use additional venting capabilities in areas where excessive heat and/or moisture are being generated (for example, furnace/boiler rooms, open ricotta kettles, ghee tanks, clean-out-of-place (COP) tanks)
  • Properly locate air intakes and filters so they are effective in preventing the entry of dust or objectionable odours
  • Adjust the ventilation system so that the air flow is from the processing areas (positive pressure) outward to other areas of the facility (negative pressure)
    • if there is a micro testing laboratory in the facility that is not isolated from the processing areas, maintain negative air pressure in the laboratory
  • Avoid direct air movement onto product, product contact surfaces or filling and packaging areas unless the air is properly filtered


Unclean air, excessive dust, odours, or build-up of condensation are all potential sources of contamination for dairy products. It is essential that the air supply does not contaminate the equipment or the dairy products.


  • Install adequate drainage throughout the facility
    • the number, size and location will depend on the nature of the facility and will need to be sufficient in areas of high water discharge to prevent the pooling of water, milk or other processing waste
  • Individually trap and vent drains, such as U or P type traps
  • Slope drain lines and equip them with effective rodent screens
  • Equip drains with removable covers and locate them so that they are accessible for cleaning and sanitizing
    • ensure interior surfaces of trench drains are smooth and easy to clean


Properly designed drains and drain lines reduces the likelihood of an unclean environment and contamination of dairy products. Trapping and venting of drains prevents sewer gases and pests from entering the facility.

Sewage and wastewater disposal

  • Design the sewage system so that the effluent of human waste does not cross-connect with any other waste effluent system in the facility
    • ensure that under no circumstance does human waste empty into a catch basin
  • Dispose of sewage in a sanitary manner
  • Ensure all privately constructed and operated sewage and waste treatment systems, for example, wetland technology (for example, man-made marshes), or septic technology meet all environmental and municipal requirements
    • contact local municipalities to obtain proper approvals, licences
  • Protect living wastewater and sewage systems from the detrimental effect of chemicals and other contaminants or have an alternative for disposal in the event of a problem with the sewage and waste treatment system
  • Ensure there are no cross-connections between the drains or drain lines and the water supply, the dairy product lines or equipment or CIP system
  • Ensure overhead drain lines or sewer lines do not pass directly over or through production areas
  • Sub-surface all drainage systems and observe local and provincial ordinances and codes


Properly designed systems will reduce the likelihood of contamination to the dairy processing environment and prevent the introduction of pathogens.

Garbage and waste disposal

  • Designate an area that is suitable for the storage of garbage prior to disposal
    • if it is a separate room within the facility, remove garbage and clean the room at an appropriate frequency
      • provide ventilation if odours are a problem
  • If it is a garbage container outside the facility, maintain it in good condition and keep the lid closed so that it does not attract pests
    • ensure liquids draining from the garbage do not pool outside the facility
  • Do not burn combustible wastes in the vicinity of the facility in order to avoid contamination of the facility by ash and odours
  • Within the facility, provide a sufficient number of leak proof garbage containers that are accessible to employees
    • clearly identify these containers and use them only for garbage
    • empty garbage containers regularly and clean and sanitize them prior to use
  • Dispose of whey in a manner that does not pollute the environment or cause any unsanitary conditions (for example, insects, objectionable odours) within and outside the facility
    • if an outside storage tank is used, set it on a concrete platform
    • use storage tanks that are washable, well drained and sloped, and keep clean


Adequate waste management will minimize the presence of pests and decaying product inside and outside of the dairy facility, reducing the likelihood of dairy product contamination.

Hand washing facilities

  • In production areas, provide remote-control type (foot, knee activated or timed) hand washing facilities with trapped waste pipes to the drain
  • Equip them with liquid or other type of soap dispensers, paper towels in suitable dispensers and used towel receptacles
    • roller-type cloth towels are not suitable
  • Locate hand washing facilities in a convenient and accessible place, close to product handling areas as well as at the entrance to production areas
  • Locate sanitizing facilities in areas where employees are in direct contact with product
  • Post hand washing signs in all product handling areas


Proper use of hand washing facilities is essential to reduce the likelihood of contamination of dairy products. Poor hand washing is known to be a major contributing factor in outbreaks of foodborne illness.

Employee facilities, employee hygiene and health

  • Consider washrooms, change rooms and lunchrooms when designing the layout of the dairy facility
    • provide washrooms and change rooms for the exclusive use of the dairy facility employees (that is, not for public use)
    • do not wear or store barn clothes and barn boots in the dairy facility
  • Do not eat or drink in any area where dairy products are prepared. Provide a lunchroom for employees not living on the farm who are employed in the processing facility
  • Washroom, change room and lunchroom facilities do not open directly into an area used for receiving, processing or storing of dairy products
    • install doors that are self-closing and tight-fitting
  • Ensure washrooms have hot and cold potable running water, soap dispensers, soap, sanitary hand drying equipment or supplies and a clean waste receptacle
  • Ensure washrooms are easily cleanable, provide properly drained floors, and effective, negative ventilation vented directly to the outside
  • Post hand washing signs in washrooms
  • Verify plumbing meets the applicable provisions of the provincial or local plumbing codes
  • Use an external cleaning company to clean (wash) employee clothing or provide laundry facilities in the facility which are used solely for this purpose
    • choose white or light-coloured employee clothing to provide a better indication of cleanliness than dark clothing, and help identify facility employees
    • use hair nets that are obvious and shower type, as these types can be easily seen and completely cover the hair


Properly designed, located and maintained sanitary facilities are necessary to protect dairy products, equipment and containers from fecal contamination which may be carried by insects, hands or clothing; reduces the chance for the spread of contamination; and reduces the risk of contamination into the processing areas by way of air and pests.

Non-processing areas

Facilities for equipment cleaning and sanitizing facilities (COP)

  • Separate facilities from food storage, processing and packaging areas
  • Construct facilities using corrosion resistant materials that are easily cleaned
  • Use potable water at the recommended temperature for diluting concentrated cleaning chemicals (as per usage instructions on the label)
    • a minimum of 60ºC is recommended when hot water is required
  • During the cleaning process, monitor and record temperature, time and chemical concentration (either manually or with a recording chart)
  • Ensure the area has adequate lighting, drainage and ventilation

Other rooms (such as boiler, compressor, mechanical shops, retail outlets)

  • Separate other rooms (boiler, compressor, mechanical shops, retail outlets) from food handling areas
  • Ensure they are properly maintained
  • Keep free of conditions which attract or harbour pests


Properly located, designed and constructed cleaning facilities and non-processing areas are necessary so as not to pose a contamination risk to food processing and handling areas and prevent hazards that might adversely affect the safety of a dairy product.

Non-food chemicals

  • Identify and store chemicals in a separate room or area, away from other supplies or materials (ingredients and packaging materials)
  • Ensure that all non-food chemicals used in a facility are safe and effective and meet all regulatory requirements


It is important that chemicals do not become a potential source of contamination.

Water and steam quality and supply

  • Use potable water if it could contact product or product contact surfaces
  • Where non-potable water is used (for example, fire protection, boilers), ensure there is no possibility of a cross connection between potable and non-potable systems unless measures have been taken to mitigate the risk
  • Where automatic chlorinators are used, establish controls and procedures to ensure water potability
    • this includes using an automatic metering device for adding chlorine in the correct concentration and testing water twice daily for free residual chlorine level
    • keep records of these residual chlorine tests
  • Use steam for cleaning and sanitizing purposes and in the manufacturing process.
    • use culinary type steam if it has direct contact with product and product contact surfaces
    • see Culinary steam for more information

A fully documented program helps to ensure that safe potable water is always used in the preparation and processing of food.


The water supply needs to be safe, sanitary and adequate at all times to avoid the contamination of dairy products, equipment and containers and to ensure effective cleaning.

Glass breakage policy

  • If glass containers are handled in the facility or there is glass in manufacturing areas, for example, glass windows, develop and maintain a written glass breakage policy
    • specify in the policy the procedures to be followed in cases of broken glass and designate a responsible employee


The implementation of a glass breakage policy reduces the likelihood of introducing a hazard which may adversely affect the safety of a dairy product.

Raw product acceptability

  • Conduct antibiotic screening on each lot of milk/cream prior to receiving the milk into the facility
    • this may not be necessary if the milk is coming directly from the establishment's own herd and there is documentation showing the treatment of the animals and withdrawal times
  • Accept only raw milk/cream that is negative for the presence of veterinary drug residues and inhibitory substance residues as tested by an approved screening method or testing below the MRL (maximum residue limit) by an approved quantitative method
  • In addition to antibiotic screening, monitor raw product for microbiological standards, acidity, incoming temperature as per the National Dairy Code, Production and Processing Requirements or provincial regulations
    • keep records of this monitoring
  • Ensure the temperature of incoming raw milk into the dairy facility is not greater than 4ºC
    • milk coming directly from the barn and being processed within 2 hours (such as for cheese making) may be at higher temperatures, depending on provincial requirements
  • Filter all raw milk at receiving, prior to storage
  • If raw milk/cream is not processed immediately, control the storage time/temperature so that there is no detrimental effect on the quality and safety of the product
    • do not store raw milk/cream longer than 72 hours at a temperature of 4ºC or less
  • If raw milk/cream (generally applies to sheep milk, because with other milks the protein coagulates out and causes damage to the milk) is being frozen to accumulate a larger volume for processing, have procedures in place so that milk does not go through a period of freeze, thaw, and freeze prior to use
  • If frozen raw milk/cream is stored and then tempered from a frozen state, have a written protocol for how the product will be handled so as to minimize the growth of micro-organisms, including routine documented temperature checks and microbiological testing. Consider the following:
    • cool warm milk to 4°C before adding it to the frozen milk
    • freeze the raw milk within 72 hours and keep it in a frozen state until it is going to be processed
    • uniquely identify each container of milk so that the milk can be traced back to each producer
    • when tempering milk from the frozen state, do it under controlled conditions
    • after defrosting, inspect every pail of milk from each producer for odour and quality
      • filter all the milk prior to processing
  • Equip the freezer unit with an accurate temperature measuring device. Keep a daily record of freezer temperature.
  • Thoroughly clean, sanitize and dry re-useable milk storage containers after emptying them and before the next use
    • if pail liners are used, only use them once. Store containers so that the exteriors remain clean and free of contaminants.
  • Where more than one dairy species are being processed in the same facility, have procedures to prevent the unintentional mixing of the milk between dairy animal species


Contamination of milk from animal and environmental sources during production needs to be minimized to reduce the risk of unsafe dairy products. Pathogen contamination and/or recontamination from poor handling procedures and growth of toxins from temperature abuse may cause a health hazard in the dairy product.

Equipment construction, design, installation and calibration

  • Use equipment that is:
    • constructed of corrosion resistant materials
    • free of noxious elements
    • capable of being cleaned
    • accessible for cleaning, maintenance and inspection (or easily disassembled for those purposes)
    • effective for the purpose for which it is intended
  • Ensure food contact surfaces are non-toxic, smooth and free from pitting, crevices and loose scale, unaffected by dairy products, capable of withstanding repeated exposure to normal cleaning and non-absorbent
  • Install equipment with adequate space within and around it to facilitate cleaning, sanitizing and inspection
  • Check that equipment design prevents contamination from the dripping of lubricants from bearings, gears, motors, as examples
    • should drip pans be necessary for protection against contamination, ensure they are easily accessible for inspection and cleaning
  • Install and operate processing equipment in a way that precludes any cross connections of any type between raw product and pasteurized product, cleaning solutions and product, and potable water and product
  • Have in place a written equipment program, including critical process test procedures
    • include procedures, frequencies and records for the maintenance, testing and calibration of all equipment in the facility
      • use trained and properly qualified employees within the facility to do the calibrations and equipment testing or use a reputable equipment calibration and testing company
      • review records from the third party testing/calibration and address any identified issues


Proper design, installation and maintenance of equipment provides for good sanitation practices and visual inspection. The design and installation of equipment has an impact on the effectiveness of cleaning and sanitizing to protect a dairy product from contamination. Pasteurization has been conclusively shown to prevent diseases which may be transmitted through milk.


  • Have in place a written sanitation program. Keep sanitation records and perform effectiveness checks
  • If there is a CIP system, use validated CIP criteria for time, temperature, concentration and velocity, such as that specified by a cleaning specialist
  • Sanitize all processing equipment (raw product and finished product equipment) after it has been cleaned
  • Assign supervision of the sanitation program to individual(s) to assure its implementation and effectiveness


The implementation of a thorough planned and written sanitation program is essential to ensure product safety by facilitating the continuous effective control of food hazards likely to contaminate dairy products.

Pest control

  • Have in place an effective pest control program for the control of pests both inside and outside the facility to ensure that the dairy facility is free of pests, is free of conditions which attract or harbour pests, and is protected against the entry of pests
    • include the measures to detect any entry of pests, to eliminate pests when present in the facility, and to remove any sign of pest activity
    • maintain a pest control station map and keep records of pest control activities
  • Equip all windows and other exterior openings that could allow the entry of insects, birds, bats, with effective screens
  • Use air curtains or other suitable devices over outside doorways and in areas where screening is not practical, such as loading docks
    • only use electronic fly zappers in areas where food and packaging materials are not exposed
  • Ensure there are no open holes or seams to the outside to prevent entry or habitation by rodents in the dairy facility
  • Do no use open bait stations inside the facility
    • only use pest control chemicals suitable for use in dairy facilities
  • Place equipment and supplies at a distance from the walls that will facilitate inspection for the presence of pests
  • Do not allow farm pets (such as cats and dogs) or other animals in the dairy facility
  • Refer to Pest control


The implementation of a documented pest control program is essential in order to control pests that are likely to contaminate dairy products in a dairy facility. Strictly control pest control chemicals to prevent chemical contamination.

Employee training

Personnel, including the operator/owner, need to have the necessary knowledge and skills to enable them to process and handle dairy products in a safe and sanitary manner.

  • Provide the necessary training to all production employees involved in the processing of dairy products, for example:
    • basic microbiology
    • general food handling practices
    • personal hygiene practices including clothing, grooming, health conditions and behaviour and habits
    • handling of materials (ingredients, packaging materials and finished product)
    • pasteurization, reasons for and the microbiological consequences of inadequate pasteurization
    • pasteurization equipment, proper operation, maintenance and testing
    • dairy facility cleaning, equipment cleaning and the sanitary maintenance of the equipment
    • control of post pasteurization contamination
    • chemical contamination such as antibiotics, allergens and cleaning chemicals
    • other topics that may be specific to the dairy product being processed


The implementation of an effective and up-to-date training program for dairy facility employees is critical to ensure that the procedures and practices of these employees are such that the final product will not be contaminated.

Recall program

This program highlights the step-by-step procedures that would be implemented in the event of a recall.


The implementation of an effective recall system is essential to ensure the complete and rapid recall of unsafe dairy products from the market.

Product and environmental monitoring

  • Sample and test dairy products to verify compliance to food safety standards and guidelines and as an indication of overall sanitation and shelf life
  • Verify product composition (such as, fat and moisture, protein) for compliance to the Canadian standards of identity for dairy products
  • Include environmental testing (product contact surfaces and non-product contact surfaces) in the sampling program
  • Refer to Sampling procedures for guidance on what, where, how, and how often to sample
  • When a food facility contains a laboratory, control the operation of the laboratory to make sure it does not pose a risk of contamination to the dairy products

Control of Listeria monocytogenes in ready-to-eat (RTE) foods

The potential for the growth of L. monocytogenes (Lm) in dairy products depends on certain inherent characteristics. Health Canada's Policy on Listeria monocytogenes ready-to-eat foods provides guidance on a risk-based approach to controlling Lm in the processing environment and RTE foods.


Sampling and testing of product and environment verifies that the facility has control over its products and environment and verifies the production of safe food and compliance to regulatory standards.

Product labelling

  • Refer to the Industry Labelling Tool for information on the labelling requirements for dairy products
  • Only use pasteurized milk to make dairy products, except for cheese which may be made from raw milk (or milk treated at a temperature lower than pasteurization)
    • if cheese is made from raw milk (or milk treated at a temperature lower than pasteurization):
  • Use only food additives that are on Health Canada's List of Permitted Food Additives
  • Ensure labels accurately reflect product formulation, composition and regulatory requirements
  • Have controls in place to prevent the presence of undeclared allergens
  • Ensure that all packaging materials used in a facility are safe and effective and meet all regulatory requirements


To ensure that all dairy products meet the same criteria for production and sale, protect dairy products from product misrepresentation and economic fraud and to be consistent to avoid consumer confusion.