All committees that recommend varieties for registration must be officially recognized by the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food for this purpose.
Atlantic Recommending Committee for Cereal Crops (ARCCC)
Caitlin Congdon, Secretary
Field Crops Specialist, Perennia Food and Agriculture
23 Aberdeen St,
Kentville, Nova Scotia
B4N 2N1
Telephone: 902-698-9473
Responsible for the following crop kinds: Barley, six-row, two-row; Oat (grain type); Wheat, common; Wheat, durum; Wheat, spelt; Canola
Ontario Cereal Crops Committee (OCCC)
Melinda Drummond, Secretary
Ontario Cereal Crops Committee
883280 Highway 65E,
New Liskeard, ON
P0J 1P0
Telephone: 1-833-381-0939, ext 203
Web site:
Responsible for the following crop kinds: Barley, six-row, two-row; Oat (grain type); Wheat, common; Wheat, durum; Wheat, spelt; Triticale (grain type); Buckwheat; Rye (grain type)
Ontario Canola Recommending Committee (OCRC)
Martin Harry, Secretary
374151 Foldens Line RR#5
Ingersoll, Ontario
N5C 3J8
Telephone: 519 423-6435
Cell: 519 657-6456
Web site: Ontario Soybean And Canola Committee
Responsible for the following crop kinds: Canola, oilseed rape, rapeseed
Ontario Pulse Crop Committee (OPCC)
Emily Morneau, Secretary
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
2585 County Rd 20
Harrow, ON
N0R 1G0
Telephone: 519-325-8279
Web site:
Responsible for the following crop kinds: Bean, faba (small seeded); Bean, field; Lentil (grain type); Pea, field (commodity type)
Ontario Recommending Committee for Flue-Cured Tobacco (ORCFCT)
Dr. Godfried Amankwa, Chair
Ontario Tobacco Evaluation Committee
The Canadian Tobacco Research Foundation
P.O. Box 322, 500 Highway 3, Unit 3
Tillsonburg, ON N4G 4H5
Telephone: 519-842-8997 extension 600
Fax: 519-842-8539
Responsible for the following crop kinds: Tobacco (flue-cured)
Prairie Recommending Committee for Oat and Barley (PRCOB)
Dr. Marta Izydorczyk, Chair
Grain Research Laboratory
Canadian Grain Commission
1404-303 Main St
Winnipeg, MB
R3C 3G8
Phone: (204) 983-1300
Web site: Prairie Grain Development Committee – Oat and Barley
Responsible for the following crop kinds: Barley, two-row, six-row; Oat (grain type)
Prairie Recommending Committee for Oilseeds (PRCO)
Dr. Gene Arganosa, Secretary
Dept. of Plant Sciences
51 Campus Drive
Saskatoon, SK
S7N 5A8
Telephone: 306-966-4970
Web site: Prairie Grain Development Committee – Oilseeds
Responsible for the following crop kinds: Flax; Mustard (brown, yellow, oriental)
Prairie Recommending Committee for Pulses and Special Crops (PRCPSC)
Dr. Glen Hawkins, Chair
Senior Agronomist and Pulse Research Manager
P.O. Box 22622 Southbrooke
Edmonton, AB.
T6W 0C3
Telephone: 780 616-4146
Web site: Prairie Grain Development Committee – Pulse and Special Crops
Responsible for the following crop kinds: Buckwheat; Bean, faba (small seeded); Bean, field; Lentil (grain type); Pea, field
Prairie Recommending Committee for Wheat, Rye and Triticale (PRCWRT)
Dana Maxwell, Chair
President & CEO
Ag-Quest Inc.
Box 144, Minto, Manitoba R0K 1M0
Telephone: (204) 776-5561
Cellular: (204) 305-0224
Fax: (204) 776-2250
Web site: Prairie Grain Development Committee – Wheat, Rye and Triticale
Responsible for the following crop kinds: Wheat; Rye; Triticale
Quebec Recommending Committee for Cereal (QRCC)
Mylène Desautels, Chair
5175, boulevard Laurier Est
Saint-Hyacinthe, Québec
J2R 2B4
Telephone: 450-799-3225 #09234
Responsible for the following crop kinds: Oat (grain type); Wheat, common; Wheat, durum; Barley, six-row, two-row; Wheat, spelt; Rye (grain type); Triticale (grain type); Buckwheat
Quebec Recommending Committee for Oilseed and Protein Crops (QRCOPC)
Hicham Fram, Chair
Quebec Oilseed Recommending Committee (RGCQ)
83 Rue des Trembes
Lévis, QC
G6J 1C1
Telephone: 514-771-3831
Responsible for the following crop kinds: Pea, field; Flax; Canola
Western Canada Canola/Rapeseed Recommending Committee (WCCRRC)
Dr. Jemanesh Haile, P.Ag.
Co-operative Testing Manager, WCCRRC
Canola Council of Canada
410 Downey Road, Box #6, Lab #12
Saskatoon, SK S7N4N1
Cell: 306-280-7177
Responsible for the following crop kinds: Canola, oilseed rape, rapeseed; Canola-quality Mustard