How to import Netherlands bulbs into Canada

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Where can I find the Netherlands bulb list

What is the Netherlands bulb list

The Netherlands bulb list is a list of plant taxa that are permitted entry to Canada, provided they originate from the Netherlands as underground plant parts (e.g. bulbs, corms, rhizomes). The list is not exhaustive: other plant taxa may also be permitted.

What is the purpose of the Netherlands bulb list

The Netherlands bulb list is intended to simplify the application and issuance process for import permits for underground propagative plant material (e.g. bulbs, corms, rhizomes) imported from the Netherlands. Rather than listing each plant taxon individually on their import permit application, importers can request permission to import any/all of the taxa on the entire Netherlands bulb list in a single step. In this case, the import permit will reference the Netherlands bulb list rather than listing individual plant taxa.

Can the Netherlands bulb list be used for material from other countries that is re-exported through the Netherlands

No. The Netherlands bulb list may only be used for Netherlands origin material.

How does the Netherlands bulb list compare to the Netherlands Dormant Perennials and Flower Bulbs Preclearance Program

All plant taxa on the Netherlands Dormant Perennials and Flower Bulbs Preclearance Program approved Bulb List are also included in the Netherlands bulb list.

How does the Netherlands bulb list compare to the Horticulture Plant List

The Horticulture Plant List (HPL) is a list of plant taxa that are permitted entry from all origins, not only the Netherlands. Some of the plant taxa on the Netherlands bulb list do not appear on the HPL, so an import permit for the HPL does not include all the plants on the Netherlands bulb list. If you want your import permit to include all the plants on the Horticulture Plant List and the Netherlands bulb list, you must request both lists on your import permit application.

How do I apply for an import permit for the Netherlands bulb list

In the "Description" portion of the import permit application form, choose the "Plants/Plant parts for planting/propagation" option. This will generate the table required for you to do the following:

  1. Select the type (e.g. bulbs, corms, rhizomes).
  2. In the "Scientific Name" column, type "Netherlands bulb list".
  3. Choose "Without Soil". (Plants with soil are prohibited from the Netherlands and the Netherlands bulb list is not intended to be used for plants in growing media that are imported under the Canadian Growing Media Program.)

On the same permit application, you may request the Horticulture Plant List in the same manner and also request any plants that are not on either list by indicating them individually on the permit application form.

How do I add the Netherlands bulb list to an existing import permit

If you wish to add the Netherlands bulb list to an existing import permit for plant material from the Netherlands, you will need to apply for a permit amendment. A permit amendment fee will apply.

Can the Netherlands bulb list be used for the Canadian Growing Media Program

No. The Netherlands bulb list cannot be used for plants imported under the Canadian Growing Media Program.

Will the contents of the Netherlands bulb list change over time

Yes. The CFIA may update the Netherlands bulb list by adding or removing plant taxa. Importers must ensure that consignments only include plant taxa that are on the Netherlands bulb list at the time of shipping.

How will I be notified when there is a change to the Netherlands bulb list

The CFIA has established an e-mail notification service for information related to plant import permits, including updates to the Netherlands bulb list. All importers who hold import permits for plants are strongly encouraged to subscribe to this notification service.

You can sign up for these notifications using the CFIA's Email Notification Services for Plants. Under the heading "Permits, Licences and Registration Service Updates", check the box marked "Plant and Plant Products" and click the "Submit" button.


It is the responsibility of the importer (import permit holder) to review the Netherlands bulb list online prior to each shipment to ensure that the plants to be imported appear on the list.