Exporting cedar forest products

The Canadian Debarking and Grub Hole Control Program summarizes the phytosanitary certification requirements for the export of untreated cedar products, including lumber, logs, pre-fabricated buildings, and log houses made with cedar (Thuja sp.) wood products to importing countries covered by the program.

Policies and manuals

Verification bodies

All Grading Agencies accredited by the Canadian Lumber Standards Accreditation Board:

Canadian Lumber Standards Accreditation Board
102-28 Deakin Street
Ottawa, Ontario
K2E 8B7
Telephone: 613-482-2480
Facsimile: 613-482-6044

Grading Agencies accredited by the Canadian Lumber Standards Accreditation Board

Certificate of Debarking and Grub Hole Control

Picture – Certificate of Debarking and Grub Hole Control. Details in text following the image.
Description for image – Certificate of Debarking and Grub Hole Control

This form must be filled in for the export of untreated wood product to the European Union. There are 17 fields to fill in plus date and signature.

This form must be filled in for the export of untreated wood product to the European Union. There are 17 fields to fill in plus date and signature.

Exporter (name and address) [1]

Consignee (name and address) [2]

Import entry reference [3]

Buyer contract no. [4]

Certificate no. [5]

Date [6]

Lot no. [7]

Mill [8]

Mill no. [9]

Ship name [10]

Point of loading [11]

Port of exit [12]

Port of destination [13]

Country of origin [14] canada

Country of destination [15]

Description of consignment [16]

This document has been issued under the program officially approved by Agriculture Canada, Plant Protection Division and the products covered by this document are subject to occasional pre-shipment inspection by that agency, without financial liability to it of its officers

This lumber has been examined by a mill inspector, shipper, or other authorized person and found to have been stripped of its bark and to be free of grub holes to conform to the best of their knowledge and belief, with the import requirements of the receiving country.

Authorized person responsible for certification [17]

Print name



Use of certificate

Shall only be issued by grading agencies, mills or shippers approved by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency.

  1. Exporter – For optional use of exporter.
  2. Consignee – For optional use of exporter.
  3. Import entry reference – For use by country to which document is directed.
  4. Contract no. – The buyer contract number.
  5. Certificate no. – Refers to a number to be assigned by the authorized issuing mill/shipper/Agency. Each certificate must bear an individual number so as to clearly identify each individual certificate. This is required by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency.
  6. Date of certification – Refers to the date on which the certification occurred.
  7. Lot no. – Refers to the mill lot number of the lumber.
  8. Mill – Refers to the mill name or division and provides the address. This information may be pre-printed on to the Certificate.
  9. Mill no. (or shipper no.) – Refers to an approval number assigned by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency to approved participants in the program. To avoid confusion the number may correspond to mill numbers as provided by grading agencies. Only mill/shipper /agencies listed with and approved by CFIA may participate in the program. The mill number may be pre-printed on to the certificate. It consists of two parts, a grading agency logo and a number.
  10. Ship name – For optional use of exporter.
  11. Point of loading – For optional use of exporter.
  12. Port of exit – For optional use of exporter.
  13. Port of destination – For optional use of exporter.
  14. Country of origin – Canada
  15. Country of destination – These certificates may only be used for lumber destined to countries who have approved their use.
  16. Description of consignment – Must include information on the species, marks, grades, numbers of packages, lot or bundle numbers, volume and other appropriate descriptors. If space on the form is insufficient, attach additional pages, and indicate on face of Certificate, in the "Description of consignment" block, the number of supplementary pages appended. These additional pages must bear the mill number, certificate number and signature.

    If an aggregated consignment is based on numerous certificates, list individual certificate numbers (that is, mill numbers, certificate numbers and dates) on the single certificate describing the aggregated consignment. The individual certificates need not accompany the goods. This single certificate constitutes a re-certification.

  17. Name and signature – The name of the person responsible for the certificate program at the mill or for the shipper or the agency, shall print, or legibly write or type their name beside the signature block. The authorized accountable person for the mill/shipper/Agency should sign the certificate. The signature indicates the lumber has been properly debarked, subjected to Monochamus grub hole control, inspected and meets the importing country's requirements.

    Disposition of certificate – The original certificate must be presented to the competent authorities in the importing country when the lumber is landed. Issuers must retain copies for their records and for auditing purposes by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency.

    Production/printing of certificate – Approved participants must print their certificates exactly as the standard format illustrates. They may be printed electronically. The approved mill number may be pre-printed on the documents.