Overview of CFIA's role in cannabis regulation

On October 17, 2018, the Cannabis Act came into force, which put in place a new, strict framework for controlling the production, distribution, sale and possession of cannabis in Canada. In keeping with the federal government's public health and public safety approach to the legalization and regulation of cannabis, effective October 17, 2019, the Cannabis Regulations will be amended to permit the legal sale of edible cannabis, cannabis extracts and cannabis topicals.

Cannabis plants, seeds and feed

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) administers a number of acts and regulations that relate broadly to the import, production and use of plants. These requirements also apply to cannabis, industrial hemp, cannabis products and by-products, such as regulations for livestock feed and the disposal of unused plant parts. The legalization of cannabis and the passing of the Cannabis Act does not affect these acts and regulations; they remain in effect.


The production, distribution and sale of edible cannabis are controlled primarily at the federal level under the Cannabis Act and the Cannabis Regulations. The Safe Food for Canadians Act and its regulations do not apply to edible cannabis.

For more information on the regulatory control of edible cannabis please see Health Canada's Notice.

Get the facts about cannabis in Canada and learn more about the Cannabis Act and Regulations.