Inspection and enforcement

Explore why inspections matter, procedures for our staff, resources to help businesses prepare, and the actions we take against non-compliance.


How inspections work

The value of inspections for consumers and industry, and how we focus our efforts based on risk and science.

How we decide to recall a food product

The 5-step process behind food safety investigations and what triggers them.

Guidance for food inspectors

Procedures and responses to risk or when a business does not comply.

Guidance for industry

How to get ready and what to expect if you produce, process, transport, import, or export food, plants, or animals.

Sampling food products

How sampling is used to verify that food products are safe and what they claim to be.

Food safety investigations

Reports on food safety incidents that have caused serious illnesses.

Livestock feeds

National Feed Inspection Program, industry and inspector guidance, reports, and policy clarification.


How we enforce

The policy and approaches that guide how we respond to non-compliance to protect consumers, the economy and the environment.

Enforcement actions taken

Includes monetary penalties, suspensions, cancellations, charges laid, prosecution bulletins, food safety investigations and reports.


How food testing helps keep you safe

CFIA scientists test food products to look for undeclared allergens and other hazards, like pesticides and bacteria, that could make you or your loved ones sick.

Consistent and efficient inspections

In order to ensure the Safe Food for Canadians Regulations are applied nationally in a consistent manner across industry, the CFIA is making changes to its food inspection procedures.

The food safety puzzle: piecing together an outbreak investigation

Behind every outbreak of food poisoning, a team of detectives works around the clock to pinpoint the source. Canadian Food Inspection Agency, Health Canada and the Public Health Agency of Canada, explain how they connect the dots to save lives.