- Item no. 400 – Pork carcass
- The carcass shall be dressed "packer style" when it is packaged without the head and kidneys and practically free of internal fat. There shall not be any objectionable scores on the outside of the carcass and, unless otherwise specified, the carcass shall be skin on. Mutilated feet must be removed at the hock or upper knee joint (as applicable). Carcasses with a "stuck" shoulder are not acceptable. The membranous portion of the diaphragm must be removed close to the lean, although the lean portion (and the membrane surrounding the lean portion) may remain, if firmly attached to the carcass. The jowl may remain intact with each carcass side, except that minor trimming is acceptable for removal of bloody portions and ragged edges. However, excessively trimmed or mutilated jowls shall be removed by a reasonably straight cut perpendicular to the length of the carcass and is not more than 1.0 inch (25 mm) anterior to the ear dip. The carcasses shall be split into reasonably uniform sides by cutting lengthwise through the backbone so that the major muscles of the loin and shoulder are not scored and such that the spinal cord groove is evident on at least 75% of both sides of the back bone.
- Item no. 400A – Whole roasting pig
- This item is as described in item no. 400 except that the carcass shall not be split, the head shall remain, internal fat and membranous portion of the diaphragm may remain.
- Item no. 401 – Pork leg
The leg is separated from the side by a straight cut approximately perpendicular to a line parallel to the shank bones. The cut passes through a point which is not less than 1.5 inches (3.8 cm) from the anterior edge of the aitch bone. The foot shall be removed at or slightly above the hock joint. The tail, vertebrae, flank muscle (M. rectus abdominis), M. cutaneous trunci, prefemoral lymph gland, and any other exposed lymph glands shall be removed. The skin and collar fat over the inside muscle (M. semimembranosus) shall be smooth and well rounded such that the innermost curvature of the skin is trimmed back at least half the distance from the stifle joint to the posterior edge of the aitch bone. The skin overlying the medial side of the quadriceps group shall be removed and fat overlying the quadriceps group and pelvic area shall be removed close to the lean. The fat thickness beneath the leg face measured at the skin edge and directly under the bone shall not exceed that indicated in the following schedule:
Fat thickness Weight range Maximum fat thickness 17-20 lbs. (7.7-9.1 kg) 1-½ in. (3.8 cm) 20-28 lbs. (9.1-12.7 kg) 1-¾ in. (4.3 cm) 28 lbs. (12.7 kg) – up 2.0 in. (5.0 cm) - Item no. 401A – Pork leg, short shank
- This item is as described in item no. 401 except the shank shall be removed by a straight cut made at an approximate right angle to the shank bones exposing a cross section of the M. gastrocnemius.
- Item no. 401B – Pork leg, sirloin on
- This item is as described in item no. 401, except that the loin is removed by a straight cut immediately anterior to the hip bone and related cartilage leaving no less than 1-½ lumbar vertebrae on the leg. When specified, the shank shall be removed as described in item no. 401A and may be labelled accordingly. Not in MBG.
- Item no. 401C – Pork leg, skinned, pelvic bone removed
- This item is as described in item no. 401A, except that the pelvic bone (aitch or hip), fat and lean above the pelvic bone (oyster), vertebrae, flank and M. ilio psoas are removed. Unless otherwise specified, all skin shall be removed. The purchaser may request this item be made from item no. 401B, which will include the sirloin.
- Item no. 401D – Pork leg, hind shank
The item will consist of the skinless hind shank of the pork leg. It is separated from the leg by a straight cut passing through the stifle joint. The foot will be removed at or slightly above the hock joint.
- Option: The shank shall be frenched by trimming it to be practically free of lean and fat from the posterior end (hock joint) so that the shank bone is exposed for a distance of 1.0 inch (25 mm)
- Item no. 401E – Pork leg, handle on, semi-boneless
- This item is as described in item no. 401, except that the pelvic bone (aitch or hip), fat and lean above the pelvic bone (oyster), vertebrae, flank (M. rectus abdominis), M. ilio psoas are excluded. The leg shall be "faced" by a straight cut that exposes the M. semitendinosus, and a cross section of the ball of the femur. This cut may sever the quadriceps group. Further, the shank and heel meat shall be excluded from the tibia (shank bone) by a straight cut perpendicular to the ventral edge of the leg leaving no less than 3.5 inches (8.8 cm) of the shank bone exposed. The fibula shall be completely removed, minimizing scoring to adjacent lean. The exposed shank bone shall be trimmed practically free of lean. Unless otherwise specified, all skin shall be removed. This item may also be referred to as a "Steamship leg of pork".
- Item no. 401F – Pork leg, hind shank portion, frenched
- This item is derived from item no. 401D. It consists of the fibula bone and shank meat. The fibula bone is separated at both extremities and part of the shank muscle, M. flexor digitorum superficialis, remains attached to the bone. This item may also be referred to as a "Pork drumstick".
- Item no. 402 – Pork leg, skinned
- This item is as described in item no. 401 except the skin and fat on the outside of the leg shall be trimmed. The skin shall be removed anterior to a straight line parallel to the leg face, which starts at a point that does not exceed 25% of the distance from the stifle joint to the leg face. The fat exposed by the removal of the skin shall be trimmed to not exceed ½-inch (13 mm) in depth at any point which is 1.5 inches (3.8 cm) or more from the skin edge. However, fat thickness at the tail end of the pelvic area shall not exceed 1.0 inch (25 mm).
- Item no. 402A – Pork leg, skinned, short shank
- This item is as described in item no. 402 except the shank shall be removed as described in item no. 401A.
- Item no. 402B – Pork leg, boneless
This item is prepared from item no. 401. All bones, cartilages, skin, flank muscle (M. rectus abdominis), M. cutaneous trunci, fat and lean above the aitch bone, shank meat and exposed lymph glands shall be removed. The loin end shall be exposed by a straight cut anterior to the quadriceps group. The cut shall not be less than 1.0 inch (25 mm) and not more than 3.0 inches (7.5 cm) from the anterior end of the femur pocket. Purchaser may request this item be netted or tied.
- Option: Shank meat which is firmly attached may remain and shall be folded into the femur cavity. The tendinous ends shall be excluded
- Item no. 402C – Pork leg, short shank, trimmed, boneless
- This item is as described in item no. 402B except the popliteal lymph gland and surrounding (star) fat in excess of ¼-inch (6 mm) shall be removed. Additionally, the shank shall be removed by a straight cut made at an approximate right angle to the length of the shank exposing the M. gastrocnemius.
- Item no. 402D – Pork leg, outside
This boneless item shall consist of the outside muscles (M. biceps femoris, M. gluteus superficialis, and M. semitendinosus) from the leg. The inner shank (M. gastrocnemius) may remain; however, the "mouse" (M. flexor digitorum superficialis) shall be removed. The popliteal lymph gland and surrounding fat in excess of ¼-inch (6 mm) in depth shall be removed. The purchaser may specify outsides from two legs to be reversed, and the boned surfaces placed together to produce a uniformly thick roast (when this option is specified, the purchaser may also specify the item to be divided into approximately equal portions by a straight cut(s) at a right angle to the length of the cut). Purchaser may specify additional trim specifications.
- Option: The inner shank (M. gastronemius and M. flexor digitorum superficialis) shall be removed by a cut through the natural seam
- Item no. 402E – Pork leg, outside, flat cut
- The item shall consist of the M. biceps femoris and M. gluteal superficialis. The flat cut is separated from the eye (M. semitendinousus) and inner shank (M. gastronemuis) by cutting through the natural seams.
- Item no. 402F – Pork leg, inside
- This boneless item shall consist of the M. semimembranosus and related muscles of the inside portion of the leg which are removed from the outside and tip portions of the leg along the natural seam. All bones, cartilage, exposed heavy (opaque) connective tissue, lean and fat overlying the aitch bone (oyster), and the M. gracilis membrane (opaque portion) shall be removed. The purchaser may specify insides from two hams to be packaged together by placing the seamed surfaces together to produce a uniformly thick roast.
- Item no. 402G – Pork leg, 3-way, boneless
- This item shall consist of inside (top), outside (bottom), and leg tip (knuckle) portions of the leg individually packaged and placed into the same container. The inside shall be as described in item no. 402F. The outside shall be as described in item no. 402D. The leg tip (knuckle) portion shall be as described in item no. 402H. All bones and cartilage shall be removed. The purchaser may specify the packaging of individual roasts consisting of two insides, two outsides, two leg tips (knuckle) be placed into the same container.
- Item no. 402H – Pork leg, tip,
This item shall consist of the leg tip portion of the leg (M. tensor fasciae latae and quadriceps group). This item may also be referred to as a "knuckle".
- Option: The purchaser may specify the removal of the M. tensor fasciae latae from the quadriceps group through the natural seam. This item may also be referred to as a "pocket roast"
- Item no. 402J – Pork leg, inside cap (IM)
- This item shall consist of the M. gracilis that is separated from the inside leg by cutting through the natural seams.
- Item no. 402K – Pork leg, outside, eye of round (IM)
- This item shall consist of the M. semitendinosus and shall be removed from the outside leg by cutting through the natural seams. This item may also be referred to as the "finger or thumb muscle".
- Item no. 403 – Pork shoulder
- The shoulder is separated from the side by a straight cut, approximately perpendicular to the length of the side, posterior to, but not more than 1.0 inch (25 mm) from the tip of the elbow and shall not expose the elbow. The outer tip of the M. subscapularis shall not extend past the dorsal edge of the base of the medial ridge of the blade bone. The foot shall be removed at or slightly above to the upper knee joint by a straight cut approximately perpendicular to the shank bones. The jowl shall be removed by a straight cut approximately parallel with the loin side which is anterior to, but not more than 1.0 inch (25 mm) from the innermost curvature of the ear dip. The neck bones, ribs, breast bones, and associated cartilage, and breast flap (through the major crease) shall be removed. The fat and skin shall be beveled to meet the lean on the dorsal edge. The exterior fat thickness at the dorsal skin edge, measured at the center of the cut, shall not exceed 1.5 inches (3.8 cm).
- Item no. 403A – Pork shoulder, long cut
- This item is as described in item no. 403, except that the shoulder shall be separated from the carcass by a straight cut approximately perpendicular to the length of the carcass between the fourth and sixth ribs.
- Item no. 403B – Pork shoulder, outside
- This item shall consist of the shank, humerus, and blade bone and associated outside muscles of the shoulder (item nos. 403 or 403A). It may be prepared from the carcass prior to separation of the loin and belly by cutting through the breast flap and M. pectorales superficialis and following the natural seam to a point immediately medial to the blade cartilage. The shank shall be removed at or above the knee joint. The thick end (arm end) shall include the shank and humerus bones and overlying lean (M. latissimus dorsi, M. triceps brachii group (cushion), and minor muscles associated with the humerus). The thin end (blade end) shall consist of the blade bone and muscles overlying the blade bone (M. supraspinatus, M. infraspinatus, M. latissimus dorsi and may contain the M. subscapularis and M. teres major). All sides shall be trimmed following the natural curvature of the major muscles and the scapula. The purchaser may specify all skin to be removed.
- Item no. 403D – Pork shoulder, riblet
This item consists of the rib and breast bone (sternum) that are removed during the fabrication of item no. 403, "Pork shoulder". The back bone (vertebrae and feather bones) shall be removed. This item shall have no less than 2 ribs.
- Option 1: The purchaser may specify that the shoulder riblets be removed during the fabrication of a long cut shoulder, item no. 403A. This item shall have no less than 4 ribs
- Option 2: The purchaser may specify that the breast bone (sternum) be removed
- Item no. 404 – Pork shoulder, skinned
- The shoulder is as described in item no. 403 except the skin and fat on the outside of the shoulder shall be trimmed. The skin shall be removed dorsal to a straight line parallel to the dorsal side which starts at a point that does not exceed 25% of the distance from the elbow joint to the dorsal side. The fat exposed by the removal of the skin shall be trimmed to not exceed ½-inch (13 mm) in depth at any point 1.5 inches (3.8 cm) or more from the edge of the skin collar. At least traces of the false lean shall be exposed.
- Item no. 405 – Pork shoulder, picnic
This item is prepared from item no. 403. The butt shall be removed by a straight cut, dorsal to the shoulder joint, at an approximate right angle with the belly side. The jowl shall be removed by a straight cut approximately parallel with the belly side which is not more than 1.0 inch (25 mm) anterior from the half-moon muscle (M. pectorales profundus), measured on the butt side. The fat and skin shall be beveled to meet the lean on the dorsal edge. The fat thickness, measured at the center of the butt side, shall not exceed 1.0 inch (2.5 cm).
- Option 1: All skin is removed
- Option 2: The shank shall be removed by a cut passing through a point at or above the elbow joint
- Item no. 405A – Pork shoulder, picnic, boneless
This item is prepared from item no. 405. All bones, cartilage, and skin shall be removed. The belly side of the picnic shall expose a cross-section of the cushion (M. triceps brachii group). The butt side shall expose a full cross-section of the M. supraspinatus with no more than a slight enlargement of tendons. The jowl shall be removed by a cut which is not more than 1.0 inch (25 mm) anterior from the half-moon muscle (M. pectorales profundus), measured on the butt side. The tendinous ends of the shank shall be removed to a point where a cross-sectional cut exposes at least 75% lean.
- Option 1: The skin shall remain
- Option 2: The shank meat shall be removed
- Item no. 405B – Pork shoulder, picnic, cushion, boneless
- This item shall consist of the M. triceps brachii group from item no. 405A and shall be practically free of fat. Tendons shall be trimmed flush with the lean.
- Item no. 405C – Pork shoulder, pectoral meat (IM)
- This item will consist of the M. pectorales profundus that is removed from the shoulder by cutting through the natural seams.
- Item no. 405D – Pork shoulder, shoulder tender
- This item will consist of the M. teres major that is removed from the medial side of the outside shoulder. It is located immediately ventral to the blade bone and is removed by cutting along the natural seams from the adjacent muscles.
- Item no. 406 – Pork shoulder, butt, bone-in
- This item is as described in item no. 403 except that the picnic is removed as described in item no. 405. Skin, neck bones and related cartilage shall be removed. At least traces of false lean (M. trapezius) shall be exposed. When specified, the neck shall be removed by a straight cut approximately parallel to the loin side, immediately anterior to the half-moon muscle (M. pectorales profundus). This item may also be referred to as the "Boston butt" or "blade".
- Item no. 406A – Pork shoulder, butt, boneless
- This item is prepared from item no. 406. All bones, cartilages, and skin shall be removed. The loin side of the butt shall expose the M. longissimus equal to or larger than the combined areas of the M. splenius and M. semispinalis capitis. The picnic side shall expose a cross-section of the M. supraspinatus with no more than a slight enlargement of tendons. The jowl shall be removed by a straight cut, approximately parallel with the loin side, which is not more than 1.0 inch (25 mm) anterior to the half-moon muscle (M. pectorales profundus), measured on the picnic side. At least traces of false lean (M. trapezius) shall be exposed. The lean and fat overlying the blade shall remain firmly attached. When specified, the neck shall be removed by a straight cut approximately parallel to the loin side, immediately anterior to the half-moon muscle (M. pectorales profundus). Purchaser may specify that the boneless butt be netted or tied. This item may also be referred to as "Boston butt, boneless" or "blade, boneless".
- Item no. 406B – Pork shoulder, butt, boneless, special
- This item is as described in item no. 406A except the false lean (M. trapezius) shall be removed and the remaining roast shall be trimmed practically free of surface fat.
- Item no. 407 – Pork shoulder, butt, collar trimmed, boneless
- The butt is as described in item no. 406A except the lean and fat immediately overlying the blade shall be removed.
- Item no. 407A – Pork shoulder, collar butt
This item is as described within item no. 407, except a 'collar' (consisting of skin and back fat above the most dorsal point of where the blade bone and over lying lean had been removed) extends from the anterior end to the loin end. The collar shall be no less than 1.0 inch (26 mm) and no more than 2.0 inches (5 cm) in width.
- Option: The purchaser may specify that the collar butt be made from item 403A – Pork shoulder, long cut
- Item no. 408 – Pork belly
- The belly is prepared from the side after removal of the leg, shoulder, loin, fat back, and spareribs. All bones and cartilages shall be removed. Practically all leaf fat shall be removed. The fat back shall be removed by a straight cut not more than 1.5 inches (3.8 cm) from the outermost dorsal curvature of scribe line. The anterior (shoulder) and posterior (leg) ends of the belly shall be reasonably straight and parallel. No side of the belly shall be more than 2.0 inches (5.0 cm) longer than its opposing side. The width of the flank muscle (M. rectus abdominis) shall be at least 25% of the width of the belly on the leg (sirloin) end. The fat on the ventral side of the belly and adjacent to the flank shall be trimmed to within ¾-inch (19 mm) from the lean. The area ventral to the scribe line shall be free of scores and "snowballs" (exposed areas of fat) which measure 3.0 in2 (19.4 cm2) or more. The belly shall be free of enlarged, soft, porous, dark, or seedy mammary tissue. The scribe line is not considered a score but shall be not more than ¼-inch (6 mm) in depth at any point.
- Item no. 408B – Pork belly, bone-in
This item contains the belly and spareribs left intact and is prepared as described in item no. 408. There shall be no less than 11 intact ribs, costal cartilages, and sternum.
- Option 1: The purchaser may request this item to have no less than 9 intact ribs
- Option 2: The skin is removed as described in item no. 409
- Item no. 409 – Pork belly, skinless
The skinless belly is as described in item no. 408 except the skin is removed leaving a smooth skinned surface which is practically free of hair roots and scores.
- Option: Purchaser may specify that the fat back be excluded by a straight cut no more than 0.5 inch (13 mm) dorsal to the outermost curvature of the scribe line. The fat and teat line on the ventral edge shall be eliminated by a straight cut immediately ventral to the lean edge
- Item no. 409A – Pork belly, single ribbed, skinless
This item is as described in item no. 408B except that the rib bones are removed individually leaving the intercostal muscle (rib fingers), costal cartilages, sternum, and M. transversus abdominis intact.
- Option: Purchaser may specify that skin may remain and that the costal cartilages and/or sternum be removed
- Item no. 410 – Pork loin
- The loin is that portion of the side remaining after removal of the shoulder, leg, belly, and fat back leaving a portion of the blade bone, its overlying lean and fat, not less than two (2) sacral, but no caudal vertebrae on the loin. The shoulder and leg shall be separated from the loin by straight cuts which are reasonably perpendicular to the split surface of the backbone. The outer tip of the M. subscapularis shall not extend past the center of the base of the medial ridge of the blade bone. The belly side shall be removed by a straight cut (a slight dorsal curvature is acceptable) which extends from a point which is ventral to but not more than 3.0 inches (7.5 cm) from the M. longissimus on the shoulder end, to a point on the leg end ventral to but not more than ½-inch (13 mm) from the tenderloin. Surface fat shall be trimmed to an average of ¼-inch (6 mm) in depth or less except in the hip bone area. The hip bone area is defined as the area contained within two (2) parallel lines, 2.0 inches (5.0 cm) on either side of the anterior end of the hip bone and associated cartilage. Fat in the hip bone area shall be trimmed to the same contour as the rest of the trimmed fat surface of the loin. At least 2.0 inches (5.0 cm) of the false lean (M. trapezius) shall be exposed. Lumbar and pelvic fat shall be trimmed to ½-inch (13 mm) or less in depth. The tenderloin shall remain intact. The diaphragm and hanging tender shall be removed. The spinal cord groove shall be evident on at least 75% of the vertebrae.
- Item no. 410A – Pork loin, sirloin end, bone-in
- This item is prepared from item no. 410 and as described in item no. 412 for the preparation of a bone-in, center-cut pork loin wherein the sirloin end, bone-in is removed by a straight cut anterior to the hip bone and related cartilage exposing the M. gluteus medius. Unless otherwise specified, a portion of the tenderloin may remain.
- Item no. 410B – Pork loin, rib end, bone-in
- This item is prepared from item no. 410 and as described in item no. 412 for the preparation of a bone-in, center-cut pork loin wherein the rib end, bone-in is removed by a straight cut from the pork loin so that the rib end shall have no less than 2 rib bones and no more than 6 rib bones.
- Item no. 410C – Pork fat back
This item shall be produced as described in item no. 410 and shall be an average of 0.5 inch (13 mm) thick.
- Option 1: Purchaser may request this item with the skin removed
- Option 2: Purchaser may request specific fat thickness
- Item no. 411 – Pork loin, bladeless, bone-in
The loin is as described in item no. 410 except the blade bone, associated cartilage, and associated overlying lean and fat shall be removed. On the shoulder end, the M. longissimus shall be equal to or larger than the combined areas of the M. splenius and M. semispinalis capitis. When specified by the purchaser, all false lean (M. trapezius and M. latissimus dorsi) shall be removed in their entirety.
The purchaser may specify the following options for all applicable pork loins in the 412, 413, and 414 series. Option nos. 1 to 4 are belly strap removal options (ventral to the M. longissimus; blade end × sirloin end), Option no. 5 is for trim, and Option nos. 6 to 11 are muscle and/or rib count designations. More than one of these options may be specified for a single item number.
- Option 1: 2.0 in. (5.0 cm) × 1.0 in. (25 mm
- Option 2: 1.0 in. (25 mm) × 1.0 in. (25 mm)
- Option 3: 0.0 in. (0.0 mm) × 0.0 in. (0.0 mm)
- Option 4: Other belly removal dimensions as specified by the purchaser
- Option 5: All false lean removed (M. trapezius and M. latissimus dorsi
- Option 6: M. Multifidus dorsi (tiger) shall be removed
- Option 7: Tenderloin, as described in item no. 415, shall be removed
- Option 8: Eight (8) rib end (rack), center-cut
- Option 9: Nine (9) rib end (rack), center-cut
- Option 10: Ten (10) rib end (rack), center-cut
- Option 11: Eleven (11) rib end (rack), center-cut
- Item no. 412 – Pork loin, 414 center-cut, 8 ribs, bone-in
- This item is prepared from item no. 410. The blade and the sirloin portions are removed by straight cuts made approximately perpendicular to the split surface of the backbone and the length of the loin. The sirloin is removed anterior to the hip bone and associated cartilage exposing the M. gluteus medius. The blade portion shall be removed to leave not more than eight (8) ribs present. Floating rib(s) which do not show a cross-section at the belly side are exempt. The belly shall be removed by a straight cut (a slight dorsal curvature is acceptable) from a point that is ventral to, but not more than 4.0 inches (10.0 cm) from the M. longissimus at the blade end to a point on the sirloin end which is ventral to, but not more than 3.0 inches (7.5 cm) from the M. longissimus. Surface fat shall be trimmed to an average of ¼-inch (6 mm) in depth. Lumbar fat shall be trimmed to not exceed ½-inch (13 mm) in depth. The tenderloin shall remain intact. The spinal cord groove shall be evident on at least 75% of the vertebrae.
- Item no. 412A – Pork loin, center-cut, 8 ribs, chine bone off, bone-in
- This item is as described in item no. 412. The tenderloin is removed. The protruding edge of the chine bone shall be removed such that the ventral edge of the spinal groove is not evident on the length of the loin. The M. longissimus shall not be scored.
- Item no. 412B – Pork loin, center-cut, 8 ribs, boneless
- This item is prepared from item no. 412. The tenderloin, all bones and cartilages shall be removed. On the blade end, the M. longissimus shall be at least twice as large as the M. spinalis dorsi. The sirloin is removed anterior to the hip bone cartilage and shall expose the M. gluteus medius. The belly shall be removed by a cut ventral to, but not more than 4.0 inches (10.0 cm) from the M. longissimus at the blade end to a point on the sirloin end ventral to, but not more than 3.0 inches (7.5 cm) from the M. longissimus. To facilitate packaging, this item may be "butterflied" perpendicular to the length of the loin.
- Item no. 412C – Pork loin, center-cut, 11 ribs, bone-in
- This item is prepared from item no. 410. The blade and the sirloin portions are removed by straight cuts made approximately perpendicular to the split surface of the backbone and the length of the loin. The sirloin is removed anterior to the hip bone and associated cartilage exposing the M. gluteus medius. The blade portion shall be removed to leave no more than 11 ribs present. Floating rib(s) which do not show a cross-section at the belly side are exempt. The belly shall be removed by a straight cut from a point that is ventral to, but not more than 3.0 inches (7.5 cm) from the M. longissimus at the blade end to a point on the sirloin end ventral to, but not more than 3.0 inches (7.5 cm) from the M. longissimus (a slight dorsal curvature is acceptable). The blade bone, related cartilage, and overlying lean and fat shall be removed. Lumbar fat shall be trimmed to not exceed ½-inch (13 mm) in depth. The tenderloin shall remain intact. The spinal groove shall be evident on at least 75% of the vertebrae.
- Item no. 412D – Pork loin, center-cut, 11 ribs, chine bone off, bone-in
- This item is as described item no. 412C. The tenderloin is removed. The protruding edge of the chine bone shall be removed such that the ventral edge of the spinal groove is not evident on the length of the loin. The M. longissimus shall not be scored.
- Item no. 412F – Pork loin, center-cut, rib end, boneless
- This item is as described in item no. 412B or 414, except that the sirloin end shall be removed posterior to the M. spinalis dorsi.
- Item no. 412G – Pork loin, center-cut, rib end (rack)
- This item, often referred to as a "center-cut", is as described in item no. 412A or 412D, except the lumbar half shall be removed posterior to the last rib. To make the item roast ready, the purchaser may specify removal of the feather bones. Also, the purchaser may request that the rib bones be frenched by the exclusion of the intercostal muscle between and over the ribs leaving not more than 1.5 inches (3.8 cm) of the rib bones exposed. The remaining intercostal muscle between and over ribs shall not exceed 2.5 inches (6.3 cm) from the outer edge of the M. longissimus. A roast-ready, frenched, center-cut is often used to produce pork loin crown roast. This item may also be referred to as a "center-cut rack".
- Item no. 412H – Pork loin, center-cut, lumbar half
- This item is as described in item no. 412A or 412D, except the rib half shall be removed posterior to the last rib. The remaining portion shall contain no less than four transverse processes ("paddle" or "finger" bones).
- Item no. 413 – Pork loin, whole, boneless
This item is prepared from item no. 410. All skin, bones, cartilages, the tenderloin, and lean and fat overlying the blade bone shall be removed. The leg end of the loin shall be exposed by a straight cut which shows no evidence of the quadriceps group or the M. longissimus. The sirloin may be removed immediately anterior to the hip bone pocket. In such cases, both the M. longissimus and M. gluteus medius shall be exposed on the leg end. On the shoulder end, the M. longissimus shall be equal to or larger than the combined areas of the M. splenius and M. semispinalis capitis. The belly shall be removed by a cut from a point ventral to but not more than 2.0 inches (5.0 cm) from the M. longissimus at the shoulder end to a point on the leg end, no more than 1.0 inch (25 mm), ventral to the M. longissimus and/or M. gluteus medius (a slight dorsal curvature is acceptable). Surface fat shall not exceed ¼-inch (6 mm) in depth, except in the hip pocket which has no measurable fat requirement but shall be trimmed to the same contour as the rest of the trimmed fat surface. The hip bone area is defined as the area contained within two (2) parallel lines, 1.0 inch (25 mm) on either side of the hip pocket area. To facilitate packaging, this item may be "butterflied" perpendicular to the length of the loin. This item may also be referred to as the "loin, long cut".
- Option: The sirloin is removed by a straight cut immediately anterior to the hip cartilage. When prepared this way, and PSO 3 (belly strap off), the item may also be referred to as "loin, short-cut back, main muscle" or "loin, Canadian back"
- Item no. 413A – Pork loin, roast, boneless
- The loin is prepared as described in item no. 413 except that the boneless loin shall be cut into two (2) pieces of approximately equal length. The pieces shall be positioned with the boned surfaces together, such that the blade and sirloin ends are not on the same end. The pieces shall be trimmed so that one piece of the boneless loin will not extend more than 1.0 inch (25 mm) in total length past its opposing piece. The boneless loin shall be netted or tied.
- Item no. 413B – Pork loin, special, boneless
- This item is prepared as described in item no. 413A except that the entire M. infraspinatus, M. supraspinatus, M. latissimus dorsi, and M. trapezius shall be removed. The belly shall be removed immediately ventral to the M. longissimus and M. gluteus medius. The M. iliocostalis and the M. obliquus internus abdominis shall be removed. Binding agents shall be used to bind the boned surface of each half of the loin together. Binding agents and their application shall be in accordance with FSIS regulations and the product name shall be changed accordingly.
- Item no. 413C – Pork loin, loin eye
- This item will consist of the M. longissimus and M. multifidus dorsi. This item may also be referred to as "loin, short cut, main muscle".
- Item no. 413D – Pork sirloin, boneless
- This item is prepared as described in item no. 413. The sirloin is the portion of the full loin that remains after the center cut loin is removed by a straight cut anterior to the hip bone and related cartilage.
- Item no. 414 – Pork loin, center-cut, 11 ribs, boneless
- This item is prepared from item no. 412C. The tenderloin, all bones and cartilages shall be removed. On the blade end, the M. longissimus shall be approximately equal to or larger than the M. spinalis dorsi and the M. rhomboideus shall not be present. The sirloin is removed anterior to the hip bone cartilage exposing the M. gluteus medius. The belly shall be removed by a cut from a point ventral to, but not more than 3.0 inches (7.5 cm) from the M. longissimus at the blade end to a point on the sirloin end and ventral to, but not more than 3.0 inches (7.5 cm) from the M. longissimus. To facilitate packaging, this item may be "butterflied" perpendicular to the length of the loin. This item can also be referred to as a "loin, short cut".
- Item no. 415 – Pork tenderloin
This item is prepared from item no. 410. The tenderloin shall be removed intact. The side muscle (M. psoas minor) shall be removed. The anterior portion (tail end) shall be trimmed so that the tail is not split more than 1.0 inch (25 mm). The tenderloin shall be practically free of fat.
- Option 1: The side muscle (M. psoas minor) shall remain attached
- Option 2: The thick (posterior) end is removed anterior to the M. illiacus. The side muscle is removed so that only the M. psoas major remains
- Item no. 415B – Pork tenderloin, butt tender
- The butt tenderloin is derived from item no. 410A. It is removed from the pelvic bone and shall consist of the M. psoas major, M. psoas minor and M. iliacus.
- Item no. 416 – Pork spareribs
- Spareribs shall contain at least 11 ribs and associated costal cartilages and may include portions of the sternum and diaphragm. The membranous portion of the diaphragm must be removed close to the lean. Any portion of the diaphragm not firmly attached shall be removed close to the inside surface of the ribs. The lean shall not extend more than 2.0 inches (5.0 cm) past the curvature of the last rib and costal cartilage. Heart fat on the inside surface of the ribs shall not exceed ¼-inch (6 mm) average depth. Leaf fat shall be trimmed practically free from the diaphragm and M. transverse abdominis. This item may also be referred to as "side ribs". Purchaser may specify number of ribs.
- Item no. 416A – Pork spareribs, St. Louis style
- The spareribs shall be as described in item no. 416 except the sternum and the ventral portion of the costal cartilages shall be removed along with the flank portion. The breast shall be removed at a point which is dorsal to the curvature of the costal cartilages. When specified, the diaphragm shall be removed, and the spareribs shall be separated into two approximate equal portions by a lengthwise cut. This item may also be referred to as "side ribs, center-cut".
- Item no. 416B – Pork spareribs, brisket bones
- This item consists of the sternum, costal cartilages and attached lean which have been removed from item no. 416A. This item may also be referred to as "rib tips".
- Item no. 416C – Pork spareribs, breast bone (sternum) off
- This item is as described in item no. 416 except that the sternum is removed. This item may also be referred to as "side ribs, breast bone (sternum) off".
- Item no. 416D – Pork breast bone (sternum)
- This item shall consist of the breast bone (sternum) and associated lean and fat.
- Item no. 417 – Pork hocks
- Hocks may come from either the front feet or the hind feet and shall be separated from the front feet at or above the upper knee joint of the knee or separated from the hind feet at or above the hock joint. Hocks shall be at least 2.0 inches (5.0 cm) in length.
- Item no. 417A – Pork shoulder hock
- Shoulder hocks shall be separated from the front feet at or above the upper knee joint of the knee. Shoulder hocks shall be at least 2.0 inches (5.0 cm) in length.
- Item no. 417B – Pork leg hock
- Leg hocks shall be separated from the hind feet at or above the hock joint. Leg hocks shall be at least 2.0 inches (5.0 cm) in length.
- Item no. 418 – Pork trimmings
- Trimmings shall be prepared from any portion of the carcass (item no. 400) which yields product which will meet the end item requirements. Trimmings shall be free of bones, cartilages, skin, seedy mammary tissue, exposed heavy tendons and lymph glands (including the prefemoral, popliteal, prescapular, and other exposed lymph glands). The tendinous ends of shanks shall be removed to a point where a cross-sectional cut exposes at least 75% lean. Ground product is not permitted. Unless otherwise specified, trimmings derived from automatic deboning machines and/or advance lean retrieval systems shall be excluded. The purchaser may further specify fat limitation in terms of fat content percentage.
- Item no. 419 – Pork jowl
The jowl is removed from the shoulder as described in item no. 403. Jowls shall be reasonably rectangular in shape and trimmed of loose tissue, bloody discoloration and other significant objectionable materials. Unless otherwise specified, the jowls shall have all skin removed, and will be slashed.
Option: The jowl shall be trimmed to be practically free of surface fat over the M. pectoralis superficialis
- Item no. 420 – Pork front feet
- The feet shall be removed at or above the upper knee joint of the front legs. The feet shall be trimmed practically free of hair and hair roots.
- Item no. 420A – Pork hind feet
The feet shall be removed at or above the hock joint of the hind legs. The feet shall be trimmed practically free of hair and hair roots.
- Option: Purchaser may request that items no. 420 and 420A be split lengthwise (2 pieces) or quartered (4 pieces)
- Item no. 421 – Pork neck bones
- The neck bones shall contain at least two (2) cervical vertebrae and at least one (1), but not more than four (4) thoracic vertebrae, adjoining ribs and intercostal lean.
- Item no. 422 – Pork loin, back ribs
- The back ribs shall consist of at least eight (8) ribs and related intercostal muscle from a loin. The back rib sections shall be intact, and the bodies of the thoracic vertebrae shall be removed except that small portions of the vertebrae may remain between the rib ends. When specified, the "skin" (peritoneum) shall be removed from the inside surface of the ribs and intercostal muscle. This item may also be referred to as "baby back ribs". Purchaser may specify number of ribs.
- Item no. 424 – Pork loin, riblet
This item is derived from the transverse processes and associated lean from the lumbar vertebrae of any IMPS bone in pork loin after removal of the tenderloin and the loineye. Riblets shall contain no less than 4 transverse processes (sometimes referred to as "paddle" or "finger" bones); be held intact by associated lean; and include no more than two rib bones. This item shall be trimmed practically free of surface fat.
Purchaser may specify number of bones.
- Item no. 435 – Diced pork
- Diced pork shall be prepared from any portion of the carcass (item no. 400) which yields product that meets the end item requirements. Unless otherwise specified, inner shank (heel portion of the leg), shank meat and jowls shall be excluded. Dices shall be free of bones, cartilages, skin, heavy connective tissue, seedy mammary tissue, and lymph glands. When inner shank is allowed by the purchaser, the M. flexor digitorum superficialis ("mouse" muscle) shall be removed from the M. gastrocnemius through the natural seams. To facilitate dicing, meat may be frozen and/or tempered, one time only. The meat shall be either hand diced or mechanically diced (grinding is not permitted). Unless otherwise specified, at least 75%, by weight, of the resulting dices shall be of a size equivalent to not less than a ¾-inch (19 mm) cube or not more than a 1.5 inches (3.8 cm) cube, and no individual surface shall be more than 2.5 inches (6.3 cm) in length. The surface and/or seam fat shall not exceed ¼-inch (6 mm) thickness at any point. The purchaser may further specify fat limitation in terms of fat content percentage (refer to Section 3.3 Fat limitations).
- Item no. 435A – Pork for stewing
- This item is as described in item no. 435 except (unless otherwise specified) at least 85%, by weight, of the resulting dices shall be of a size equivalent to not less than a ¾-inch (19 mm) cube or not more than a 1.5 inches (3.8 cm) cube and no individual surface shall be more than 2.5 inches (6.3 cm) in length. The fat thickness of the surface and/or seam fat shall not exceed ¼-inch (6 mm) at any point. The purchaser may further specify fat limitation in terms of fat content percentage (refer to Section 3.3 Fat limitations).
- Item no. 435B – Pork for kabobs
- This item is as described in item no. 435 except (unless otherwise specified) at least 90%, by weight, of the resulting dices shall be of a size equivalent to not less than a 1.0 inch (25 mm) cube or not more than a 1.5 inches (3.8 cm) cube, and no individual surface shall be more than 3.0 inches (7.5 cm) in length. The fat thickness of the surface and/or seam fat shall not exceed ⅛-inch (3 mm) at any point.
- Item no. 496 – Ground pork
Unless otherwise specified, ground pork may be prepared from any portion of the carcass (item no. 400). The meat shall be free of bones, cartilages, skin, seedy mammary tissue, heavy exposed tendons, exposed heavy (opaque) connective tissue, prefemoral, popliteal, prescapular lymph glands specifically and other exposed lymph glands shall be removed. The tendinous ends of shanks shall be removed so that a cross-sectional cut exposes at least 75% lean. Meat from automatic deboning machines is acceptable provided it is ground on the same day as deboning.
Ground pork may be derived from boneless meat which has been previously frozen and stockpiled. The purchaser may specify the maximum amount of previously frozen boneless meat that can be mixed with fresh chilled meat prior to final grinding.
When specified by the purchaser, "lean finely textured pork" may be combined with boneless pork meeting the above material requirements provided it does not exceed 20% by weight of the combined finished product. "Lean finely textured pork" shall be produced and labelled in accordance with FSIS regulations.
Grinding equipment shall have sharp knives and plates. Unless otherwise specified, the boneless meat shall be ground at least once through a plate having holes not larger than 1.0 inch (25 mm) in diameter. Alternatively, boneless pork may be chopped or machine cut by any method provided the texture and appearance of the product after final grinding is typical of ground pork prepared by grinding only. Unless otherwise specified, final grinding shall be through a plate having holes 3/16-inch (5 mm) in diameter. Pork may be thoroughly blended at least once prior to final grinding. However, the ground pork shall not be mixed after final grinding. Initial reduction in size, blending, final grinding and packaging shall be a continuous sequence.
The purchaser may specify the use of a bone collector/extruder system on the final grind (3/16-inch (5 mm) or smaller plate) to remove objectionable materials (bone, cartilage, connective tissue, etc.). Objectionable material removed during final grinding may not be reintroduced into the finished product. For certification purposes, the purchaser may waive examination for trimming defects provided
- the use of a bone collector/extruder system is specified and
- the producer assures that the other objectionable materials listed in the material requirements are removed.
When coarse ground pork is specified, boneless meat shall be ground once through a plate having holes no larger than 1.0 inch (25 mm) and no smaller than ⅝-inch (16 mm) in diameter. Alternatively, the boneless meat may be ground twice, with the smallest plate having holes no larger than 1.0 inch (25 mm) and no smaller than ¾-inch (19 mm) in diameter. Coarse ground meat may be blended after grinding or between grinds to assure uniformity of fat content. The term "coarse ground" shall appear on the product label.
Unless otherwise specified, fat content shall not exceed 22%. Purchaser, however, may specify any fat content provided it does not exceed 30%.
- Item no. 496A – Ground pork and soy protein product
This item as described in item no. 496 except that soy protein product (SPP) shall be added. Source (i.e., soy), typeFootnote 1 (flour, concentrate, or isolate), and texture (granular or flaked) of SPP shall be specified by the purchaser. The SPP may be used dry, partially hydrated, or fully hydrated. If not specified, the dry SPP shall be fully hydrated to yield a minimum of 18% protein. To determine the maximum amount of water to be mixed with the dry SPP to yield 18% protein in the mixture, the following equation shall be used:
- Equation: [(Percent protein of SPP on "as-is" basis / 18) – 1] = x, where x = maximum pounds of water to be added to each pound of dry SPP
- Type: Flour
- Protein (%) as-is basis: 50.0
- Type: Concentrate
- Protein (%) as-is basis: 65.0
- Type: Isolate
- Protein (%) as-is basis: 85.0
The SPP shall be hydrated for the length of time listed on the product label. If this information is not available, the product shall be hydrated until all water is absorbed. The purchaser shall specify any level of substitution of hydrated SPP in the combined finished product up to 30%. If not specified, the maximum percent of hydrated protein product in the combined finished product shall not exceed 20%. The hydrated SPP shall be used in the same working day in which it was hydrated. The hydrated SPP shall be blended with the raw meat (in the specified ratio) following the initial reduction in size.
SPP hydrated and frozen by the SPP manufacturer may be used provided that:
- the protein content of the hydrated product (as specifically stated on the manufacturer's label) is not less than 18%;
- the product may be tempered, but not thawed, prior to use; and
- no additional water may be added.
- Item no. 496B – Pork patty mix
- This item is as described in item no. 496A except that SPP does not need to comply with FNS Regulations.
- Item no. 496C – Pork patty mix, NTE 10% fat
- This item is as described in item no. 496, except that the fat content shall not exceed 10%. Additional ingredients may be added to enhance product acceptability. Such ingredients shall not exceed 10% of the combined finished product. The purchaser may specify the ingredients that will be allowed.
8.3 Portion-cut descriptions
- Item no. 1400 – Pork steak cubed
- Cubed steaks shall be prepared from any portion of the carcass which yields product that meets the end item requirements. However, shank and inner shank meat shall be excluded. Unless otherwise specified, the steaks shall be cubed (while in the fresh chilled state) twice at approximate right angles. Knitting of two or more pieces and folding the meat when cubing is permissible. After cubing, surface and seam fat shall not exceed 15% of the total area on either side of the steak. Individual steaks shall remain intact when suspended ½-inch (13 mm) from the outer edge. The steaks shall be free of heavy connective tissue, bones, cartilages, and lymph glands.
- Item no. 1401 – Pork steaks cubed, special
- This item is as described in item no. 1400 except the steaks shall be prepared from any combination of lean from the leg, sirloin, loin, and shoulder sections (excluding shank and inner shank meat) of the carcass. Knitting of two or more pieces and folding the meat when cubing is not permissible.
- Item no. 1401D – Pork osso buco, hind shank
- This item shall be prepared from item no. 401D. The hind shank portions shall be cut to a thickness as specified by the purchaser and approximately perpendicular to the bone length. The resulting cross section surfaces (both sides) shall display at least 75% exposed lean.
- Item no. 1402 – Pork cutlets
- Cutlets shall be prepared from any combination of lean from the leg, loin, sirloin, or shoulder sections (excluding shank and inner shank meat) of the carcass which yields product that meets the end item requirements. The cutlets shall be free of heavy (opaque) connective tissue, bones, cartilages, and lymph glands. When specified, the raw materials shall be mechanically tenderized by using the multiple probe method (pinning) not more than one time. Pressing, knitting, or folding two pieces of meat together is not permissible. Surface and seam fat shall not exceed an average of ⅛-inch (3 mm) in thickness and the thickness at any one point shall not exceed ¼-inch (6 mm). Surface fat, measuring 0.1 inch (2 mm) or more in thickness, shall not exceed 50% of the circumference of the cutlet. Individual cutlets shall remain intact when suspended ½-inch (13 mm) from the outer edge. Alternatively, the purchaser may specify surface and seam fat limitations in terms of maximum surface area percentage. Both surface and seam fat of the total cut surface on either side of the cutlet shall not exceed the percentage specified by the purchaser.
- Item no. 1402G – Pork leg cutlets
- This item is as described in item no. 1402 except that boneless pork shall be derived from any item meeting the end item requirements for item no. 402G.
- Item no. 1406 – Pork butt steaks
- The steaks are prepared from item no. 406. The slicing of steaks shall start on the loin side of the butt. This item is also referred to as "Boston butt steaks" or "blade steaks".
- Item no. 1407 – Pork shoulder butt steaks, boneless
- The steaks are prepared from item no. 407. The slicing of steaks shall start on the loin side of the butt. This item is also referred to a "Boston butt steaks, boneless" or "blade steaks, boneless".
- Item no. 1408 – Pork shoulder, short ribs
This item is made from item no. 403A – Pork shoulder long cut. Prior to removal of the neck bones and ribs from a shoulder that contains 4 to 6 ribs, the short ribs are removed by making a scribe cut through the ribs immediately ventral to the ventral curvature of the neck bones (cervical vertebrae) and detaching the ribs, sternum and the M. serratus ventralis intact by cutting through the natural seams. The M. serratus ventralis shall be continuous for at least two ribs on the dorsal side.
- Option: The sternum shall be removed by cutting through the costal cartilages
- Item no. 1408B – Pork short ribs
This item is made from item no. 408B – Pork belly, bone-in. This item shall be derived from the anterior portion of the belly and shall consist of the intact rib bones, and the M. latissimus dorsi and M. serratus ventralis. The M. serratus ventralis shall be continuous for at least two ribs on both the dorsal and ventral sides. The skin, lean and fat dorsal to the rib bones, sternum and ventral portions of the costal cartilages shall be removed. Unless otherwise specified, this item shall be portioned to contain no more than 3 ribs.
- Option: The purchaser may specify removal of the M. latissimus dorsi and seam fat
- Item no. 1410 – Pork loin chops
The chops are prepared from all suitable lean from item no. 410 and will include blade, rib, T-bone, porter house, and sirloin chops. Misshapen chops associated with the hip bone pocket shall be excluded. Unless otherwise specified, the tail length (distance from the M. longissimus dorsi) shall not exceed 1.0 inch (2.5 cm). Other tail length options: are 3 inches (7.5 cm) (recommended for frenched chops, see PSO – 5), 2 inches (5.0 cm) and no tail (trimmed to meet specified fat trim).
Pockets – When specified by the purchaser for applicable pork loin chops in the 1410 and 1413 series, the pocket shall be made by a cut into the M. longissimus leaving no less than ¼-inch (6 mm) and not more than ½-inch (13 mm) of intact lean from the edge to the innermost point of the pocket. The cut shall not puncture either surface containing the cross-section of the M. longissimus.
The purchaser may specify chops that are derived from specific portions of the pork loin by using the purchaser specified options (PSO) for pork loin chops listed below:
- option 1: Center-cut chops – Chops shall be derived from any pork loin item after the removal of the blade and sirloin portions of the loin and will include both ribeye and T-bone chops as described within PSO's 3 and 4 below
- option 2: Porter house chops – These chops are derived from the portion of the pork loin that is anterior to the hip bone/cartilage and shall have the M. psoas major exposed on both sides of the chop. When measured parallel to the back bone, the width of the M. psoas major shall be at least 0.5 inch on both sides of the chop
- option 3: T-bone chops – These chops are the same as the "Porter house chops" except that the any portion of the tenderloin (M. psoas minor and/or M. psoas major) shall be exposed on at least one side of the chop
- option 4: Ribeye chops – These chops are derived from item number 412G or the rib portion of any bone-in 8, 9, 10, or 11 rib center-cut pork loin. Each chop shall consist of at least one rib
- option 5: Ribeye chops, frenched – The purchaser may specify that the rib chops be frenched by removing the the intercostal meat and lean and fat over and around the rib bones ventral to the M. longissimus dorsi. Unless otherwise specified, the chops shall be made from ribeye chops with a tail length of 3.0 inches (7.5 cm). The exposed portion of the ribs shall not exceed one half the distance between the end of the rib bone and the M. longissimus dorsi
- option 6: NY chops – These chops are derived the lumbar region of any center-cut pork loin. The tenderloin and protruding edge of the chine bone shall be removed
- option 7: Blade chops – These chops are derived from the blade end of the pork loin and shall include the blade bone/cartilage
- option 8: Sirloin chops – These chops are derived from the sirloin and shall include the suitable lean associated with the hip (pelvic) bone
- option 9: End chops – These chops are derived from the blade and/or the sirloin portions of any bone in pork loin
- Item no. 1413 – Pork loin chops, boneless
The boneless loin chops are prepared from all suitable lean from item no. 413 and will include blade, center-cut, and sirloin chops. Misshapen chops associated with the hip bone pocket shall be excluded. Unless otherwise specified, the tail length (distance from the M. longissimus dorsi) shall not exceed 1.0 inch (2.5 cm). Other tail length options: are 3 inches (7.5 cm) (recommended for frenched chops, see PSO – 5), 2 inches (5.0 cm) and no tail (trimmed to meet specified fat trim).
The purchaser may specify chops that are derived from specific portions of the boneless pork loin by using the purchaser specified options (PSO) for pork loin chops, boneless listed below:
- option 1: Center-cut chops, boneless – Chops shall be derived from the center portion (blade and sirloin removed) of item no. 413. The center cut chops include both the ribeye chops and New York chops, as described in PSO's 2 and 3 below
- option 2: Ribeye chops, boneless – The boneless ribeye chops shall be derived from the rib portion of the item no. 414 and shall consist of the M. longissimus dorsi and M. spinalis dorsi. The longissimus shall appear equal or larger than the M. spinalis dorsi
- option 3: New York chops, boneless – The boneless New York chops shall be derived from the lumbar region of the item no. 412E. The M. spinalis dorsi shall not be present
- option 4: Blade chops, boneless – This item shall be derived from the boneless blade portion of item no. 413
- option 5: Sirloin chops, boneless – This item shall be derived from the boneless sirloin. The boneless chops shall include the M. gluteus medius
- option 6: Loin end chops, boneless – This item shall include all suitable lean from the boneless blade and sirloin portions of item no. 413
- Item no. 1414 – Pork loin chops, center-cut, one muscle, boneless
This item may be prepared from item nos. 412B or 414 except that the sirloin shall be removed approximately 1.5 inches (3.8 cm) anterior to the hip cartilage so that the M. longissimus appears as one muscle. All muscles other than the M. longissimus and the M. multifidus dorsi shall be excluded. This item shall be practically free of fat and sliced at the thickness and/or portion weight specified by the purchaser. This item may also be referred to as the "America's cut" when sliced to a thickness of not less than 1-¼ inches (3.2 cm) or not more than 1-½ inches (3.8 cm).
- Option: The chops shall consist of the M. longissimus dorsi only
- Item no. 1423 – Pork loin, country-style ribs
This item shall be prepared from the blade end of a pork loin and shall include not less than three (3) or more than six (6) ribs. The chine bones shall be removed by a cut which exposes lean meat between the feather bones and ribs. Country-style ribs shall be divided into approximately equal portions by cutting through the flesh from the rib end (ventral) side to the feather bone side without severing the M. trapezius, leaving both portions attached. This cut leaves the blade bone and overlying lean and fat in one portion and the ribs and feather bones in the other.
- Option 1: The purchaser may specify the blade bone, related cartilage, and overlying lean and fat shall be removed. The chine bone shall be removed as described above. The country style ribs shall be separated into approximately equal portions by cutting through the flesh where the chine bones were removed. This cut leaves the ribs in one portion and the feather bones in the other. Both portions shall be packed into the same container
- Option 2: Pork loin, country-style ribs, boneless – This item shall be prepared from the boneless blade end of the pork loin. The lean and fat overlying the blade may remain is firmly attached. This item shall be divided into approximately equal portions by cutting through the flesh from the rib end (ventral side) to the dorsal side (where the feather bones were) without severing the M. trapezius, leaving both portions attached. This cut usually splits the M. longissimus dorsi so that a portion will remains on both sides of the portion
- Item no. 1423A – Pork shoulder, country-style ribs
The purchaser may specify that this item be derived from item no. 406 – Pork shoulder, butt, bone-in. The shoulder, country-style ribs shall be divided into approximately equal portions by cutting through the flesh from the rib end (ventral) side to the side where the feather bones were without severing the M. trapezius, leaving both portions attached. This cut leaves the blade bone and overlying lean and fat in one portion and a boneless portion in the other.
- Option: Pork shoulder, country-style ribs, boneless – This item is prepared from item no. 406A – Pork shoulder, butt, boneless. This item shall be divided into approximately equal portions by cutting through the flesh from the rib end (ventral) side to the side where the feather bones were without severing the M. trapezius, leaving both portions attached. The lean and fat overlying the blade may remain is firmly attached
- Item no. 1438 – Pork steaks, flaked and formed, frozen
- This item shall be prepared from boneless pork that complies with the material requirements of item no. 496 and shall be flaked (grinding is not permitted) and formed. The flaking and forming process shall be in compliance with FSIS Regulations. Product shall comply with fat content requirements of item no. 496. The purchaser shall specify shape and weight of steaks. When specified, the flaked and formed steaks may be cubed (the term "cubed" may be included in the product label). When specified the steaks shall be breaded and labelled appropriately. The breading and its application shall be in accordance with FSIS Regulations.
- Item no. 1438A – Pork sandwich steaks, flaked, chopped, formed and wafer sliced, frozen
- The steaks shall be prepared from boneless pork that complies with the material requirements of item no. 496. The flaking, chopping, forming, and slicing process shall be in compliance with FSIS Regulations and shall produce steaks which are moderately fine textured. Product shall comply with fat content requirements of item no. 496. Each steak shall consist of two or more thin slices weighing approximately 1.0 ounce (28 g) each. No more than a minor amount of green/brown/gray rings shall be present. Steaks shall be packaged with paper separators between each steak. Unless otherwise specified, slices shall be approximately 4-¾ × 7-½ inches (11.9 × 18.8 cm). The purchaser shall specify weight and/or number of slices per pound.
- Item no. 1438B – Pork steaks, sliced and formed, frozen
- The steak shall be prepared from boneless pork that complies with item no. 418. The slicing and forming process shall be in accordance with FSIS Regulations. Ingredients may be added for the purpose of tenderizing and binding and shall appear on product label. The purchaser shall specify weight, shape, and/or thickness of steaks.
- Item no. 1495 – Coarse chopped pork
This item shall be prepared from any portion of the carcass (item no. 400) which yields product meeting the end item requirements. However, shank meat and jowls shall be excluded. All skin, bones, cartilages, heavy connective tissue, and prefemoral, popliteal, prescapular lymph glands and any other exposed lymph glands and all surface and seam fat in excess of ⅛-inch (3 mm) shall be removed. The boneless meat shall be ground once through a plate with holes measuring ¾-inch (19 mm). Alternatively, the boneless meat may be chopped or machine cut by any method which yields equivalent results. However, if specified by the purchaser, the meat shall be hand diced to the size desired.
The purchaser may specify the following options for any item in the 1496 series.
- Option 1: Perforations (to facilitate heat transfer during cooking
- Option 2: Shape (oval, round, square, etc.)
- Option 3: Style (plate fill method)
- Item no. 1496 – Ground pork patties
- This item shall be prepared from item no. 496.
- Item no. 1496A – Ground pork and soy protein product patties
- The patties shall be prepared from item no. 496A.
- Item no. 1496B – Pork patties
- This item is prepared from item no. 496B.