Community for Emerging and Zoonotic Diseases

About CEZD

The Community for Emerging and Zoonotic Diseases (CEZD) is a virtual network that includes representatives from federal, provincial and municipal governments, academia and the private sector who have an expertise in public, animal and environmental health. Members come from a variety of professions and industries across Canada and some from the United States, such as scientists, veterinarians, producers, public health professionals and public servants, among others.

Benefit to Canadians

The Community for Emerging and Zoonotic Diseases (CEZD) benefits Canadians by helping governments, industry and others across Canada identify and plan for potential disease threats that can harm people, animal health, the environment and the economy. They gather up-to-date information on emerging and zoonotic diseases and share those early detections and warnings to build knowledge and preparedness, the first lines of defense in helping save lives and prevent the spread of disease.

Early warning disease detection

As a virtual network, technology is essential. CEZD uses an automated information mining tool, called KIWI, which is short for Knowledge Integration using Web Based Intelligence. KIWI collects and filters information from open and online sources related to emerging and zoonotic diseases. For example, a natural disaster or climate change may change the geographic range of a disease-carrying insect or animal, increasing the risk of disease elsewhere.
KIWI was developed by the Canadian Network for Public Health Intelligence (CNPHI) within the National Microbiology Laboratory of the Public Health Agency of Canada.

Intelligence generation

KIWI searches and filters information of interest, which is then rated daily by experts across the country for its relevance to Canada. The CEZD core team, based within the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA), generates weekly intelligence reports from the most relevant information gathered throughout the week.

The core team and community experts also produce event-specific intelligence reports as needed.


CEZD uses a secure online platform for ongoing collaboration and communication, thanks to the Canadian Network for Public Health Intelligence. CEZD regularly meets to discuss report findings and other important issues. Experts also discuss and give presentations on diseases of concern, such as avian influenza and African swine fever, and other disease-related issues.

Our community mission

Multidisciplinary perspectives to generate anticipatory intelligence to provide early warning for emerging and zoonotic diseases.

Open information sharing

Disease intelligence reports and risk products are publicly available on the CEZD website.

Contact CEZD

Get more information on CEZD, emerging diseases and membership.

You can also contact us with any questions about CEZD: