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Showing 1 to 10 of 187 results
- Certification bodies accredited by the CFIA can cancel a holder's certification if the holder has not complied with any provision of the Safe Food for Canadians Act and Regulations or the issued organic…
Program: Food
- Guidance for Canadian Food Inspection Agency inspection staff on preventive control and traceability inspection procedures for food (system-based inspection).
Program: Food
- General steps and conditions associated with making a nutrient content claim.
Program: Food
- A list of CFIA accredited certification bodies within Canada that certify organic products under Part 13 of the SFCR.
Program: Food
- This document provides information to consider to ensure the suitability of water for its intended use.
Program: Food
- Top questions with answers on the way to do business with the CFIA. This includes how to manage and track service requests online, including export certificates and permissions such as licenses, permits,…
Program: Animals, Plants, Food
- Health claims are also subject to the General Principles for Labelling and Advertising. Some health claims require a premarket approval before their use.
Program: Food
- A reference table of foods to which vitamins, mineral nutrients and amino acids may or must be added, listing the specific nutrient and the regulatory reference. Examples on how to validate if nutrient…
Program: Food
- A mandatory allergen and gluten declaration is required on a prepackaged food label when the allergen or gluten source is added to the food. A cross contamination statement can only be used when an…
Program: Food
- Nutrient content claims must comply with the General principles for labelling and advertising. Specific nutrient content claims are permitted provided the corresponding conditions are met.
Program: Food