Poultry – Meat cuts manual

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On this page

Diagram of meat cuts
Skeletal diagram
Meat cut nomenclature and description

Variety meats
List of meat cut modifiers

Poultry – Diagram of meat cuts

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Description of Diagram of meat cuts. Description follows

Description for photo – Diagram of meat cuts – Poultry

This diagram shows the meat cuts from poultry. The front quarter consists of the wing, the back (thoracic portion), the wishbone, the breast and the neck.

  • The wing consists of the following cuts:
    • wing tip
    • winglet
    • wing drumette

The hind quarter consists of the leg and the back (pelvic portion).

  • The leg consists of the following cuts:
    • thigh
    • drumstick

Poultry – Skeletal diagram

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Description of skeletal diagram. Description follows

Description for photo – Diagram of meat cuts – Poultry skeletal diagram

This diagram shows the skeletal view of poultry.

Poultry consists of:

  • neck bones
  • back bones (thoracic vertebrae)
  • scapula
  • coracoid
  • wishbone (clavicle)
  • hypocledium
  • hypocledial ligament
  • breast bone (sternum)
  • knee joint (tibio-femoral articulation)
  • metatarsals
  • tarsal joint
  • tibia
  • seventh rib
  • femur
  • hip joint
  • pelvic bones
  • shoulder joint
  • humerus
  • elbow joint
  • radius
  • ulna

Meat cut nomenclature and description

1. Poultry: is meat derived from dressed carcasses of turkey, duck, goose, guinea fowl or birds of the species Gallus domesticus as defined by the Safe Food for Canadians Regulations.

Note: the name of the bird species from which the meat is derived is required to appear in the product description in lieu of the word poultry.

2. Dressed poultry carcass (whole poultry): means a poultry carcass from which the feathers, hair, head, the feet at the tarsal joints and uropygial gland have been removed and the carcass has been eviscerated.

2.1 Poultry half (half poultry): means one of the two (2) approximately equal portions of a dressed poultry carcass obtained by cutting through the backbones (thoracic vertebrae), pelvic bones (pelvis) and keel bone (sternum) along the median line.

Note: the poultry half shall exclude the neck.

Description of poultry half

2.1.1 Front quarter (breast quarter): means the front (anterior) portion of a poultry half obtained by cutting immediately behind (posterior to) and parallel to the rib cage (posterior to the seventh (7th) thoracic vertebra, seventh (7th) rib and sternum).

Description of front quarter

2.1.2 Hind quarter (leg quarter) (chicken leg, back attached): means the hind (posterior) portion of a poultry half which is separated from the front quarter as described in item 2.1.1.

Note: the term leg, back attached may also be used to identify this cut.

Description of hind quarter

2.2 Wing: means that portion of the whole poultry obtained by cutting through the shoulder joint (articulation between the wishbone, coracoid and humerus). It includes the wing drumette, the winglet and may include the wing tip.

Description of wing

2.2.1 Wing drumette: means that proximal portion of the wing which is separated from the whole poultry by cutting through the shoulder joint as described, and from the winglet by cutting through the elbow joint (articulation between the humerus and radius/ulna).

Note: the wing drumette shall not be referred to as drumstick.

Description of wing drumette

2.2.2 Winglet (V-wings): means that distal portion of the wing obtained by cutting through the elbow joint (articulation between the humerus and radius/ulna). Part of the wing tip may be removed.

Description of winglet

2.3 Leg: means that portion of the whole poultry obtained by cutting at the natural seam through the hip joint (articulation between the femur and the pelvis). It includes the thigh and drumstick jointed or disjointed and may include pelvic meat. It excludes pelvic bones, back skin, abdominal skin and excessive fat.

Description of leg

2.3.1 Thigh: means that proximal portion of the leg which is separated from the whole poultry by cutting at the natural seam through the hip joint as described, and from the drumstick by a straight cut through the knee joint (tibio-femoral articulation). It may include pelvic meat but shall exclude pelvic bones, back skin, abdominal skin and excessive fat.

Description of thigh

2.3.2 Drumstick means that distal portion of the leg which is separated from the thigh by a straight cut through the knee joint as described in item 2.3.1.

Description of drumstick

2.4 Breast (full breast): means that portion of the whole poultry which is separated from the wing by cutting through the shoulder joint, from the neck by cutting approximately through the 12th neck bone (cervical vertebra), from the back by cutting through the ribs at the junction of the vertebral ribs and back and from the hind quarter by cutting immediately behind (posterior to) the rib cage (7th rib and sternum). The breast includes the "Y" shaped ends of the ribs and excludes the neck skin.

2.4.1 Half breast: means one of the two (2) approximately equal portions of a breast obtained by cutting through the breast bone (sternum) along the median line.

Description of half breast

Note: the breast may be portioned in two (2) approximately equal parts (half breast) as described or in three (3) parts by first removing the wishbone portion then by cutting the breast bone (sternum) along the median line. For exact weight-making purposes, these parts may be substituted for lighter or heavier pieces and the package may contain two (2) or more of such parts without affecting the appropriateness of the product description as breast.

2.4.2 Wishbone: means that front (anterior) portion of the breast obtained by a cut passing through the hypocledial ligament located between the tip of the wishbone (hypocledium) and the front point of the breast bone (carinal apex of the sternum), then between the wishbone (clavicle) and coracoid up to a point where the wishbone (clavicle) joins the shoulder. The neck skin shall be excluded.

Description of Wishbone

2.4.3 Trimmed breast: means that portion of the breast obtained by a cut passing along the junction of the vertebral and sternal ribs. The sternal ribs may be removed and the neck skin shall be excluded. Half trimmed breast: means one of the two (2) approximately equal portions of a trimmed breast obtained by cutting through the breast bone (sternum) along the median line.

Description of Half Trimmed Breast

Note: the trimmed breast may be portioned in two (2) approximately equal parts (half trimmed breast) as described, or in three (3) parts by first removing the wishbone portion as described, then by cutting the breast bone (sternum) along the median line. For exact weight making purposes these parts may be substituted for lighter or heavier pieces and the package may contain two (2) or more of such parts without affecting the appropriateness of the product description as trimmed breast.

2.4.4 Breast fillet: means that round, elongated fusiform muscle, (supracoracoid muscle or deep pectoral) found on each side of the keel bone (sternum).

Description of Breast Fillet

2.5 Whole back: means that portion of the whole poultry which is separated from the breast as described in item 2.4. It includes the neck, thoracic vertebrae, pelvic bones and tail. It may include parts of the vertebral ribs.

Description of whole back

2.5.1 Back: means that portion of the whole back which is separated from the neck by cutting in the vicinity of the shoulder joint (approximately through the 12th cervical vertebra). It includes the thoracic vertebrae, pelvic bones and tail, the skin and adhering meat. The vertebral ribs and/or scapula may be removed.

Description of back Stripped back: means the back from which the meat adhering to the pelvic bones has been removed.

Description of Stripped back

2.5.2 Neck: means that front (anterior) portion of the whole back or carcass obtained by cutting near the shoulder joint (approximately through the 12th cervical vertebra). It may include the skin.

Description of neck

3. Poultry giblets: means the liver, the heart or the gizzard or any combination thereof of the same species, obtained from a dressed poultry carcass.

Variety meats

  • Gizzard / Gésier
  • Heart / Cœur
  • Liver / Foie

List of meat cut modifiers

  • Basted / Arrosé
  • Boneless / Désossé(e)
  • Breaded / Pané
  • Deep basted / Arrosé en profondeur
  • Portion / Partie du
  • Prebasted / Pré-arrosé
  • Rolled / Roulé
  • Self basting / Auto-arrosé
  • Semi-boneless / Semi-désossé(e)
  • Skinless / Sans peau
  • Stuffed / Farci
  • Stuffed with / Farci de
  • Tied / Ficelé
  • Trimmed / Paré

Note: While not required, these modifiers may be used to describe poultry cuts provided they are informative and not misleading.