Japan - Export requirements for fish and seafood

Eligible/Ineligible product


  • All fish and seafood products

Pre-export approvals by competent authority of importing country


  1. For live lobster and lobster products containing tomalley:

    Exporter must appear on the List of Exporters of Live Lobster and Lobster Tomalley Products to Japan.

  2. For live and raw oysters:

    The product must originate from an establishment and harvest area/lease published on the List of Canadian Certified Shellfish Dealers and Leases Approved to Export their Products to Japan.

  3. For all fish and seafood products exported to Japan that are further used in products destined to the European Union (EU):

    Establishments must appear on the appropriate establishment list administered by Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety (DG-SANTE). See European Union for more information.

    Canadian exporters are encouraged to communicate with the Japanese importer to confirm the accurate intended use of the fish and seafood products.

Product specifications

Maximum levels for chemical contaminants

  • Total mercury – 0.4 ppm (does not apply to tuna or sturgeon, fish oils, gelatin or other fish by-products)
  • Methyl mercury – 0.3 ppm (does not apply to tuna or sturgeon, fish oils, gelatin or other fish by-products)
  • PCB – 0.5 ppm (does not apply to fish oils, gelatin or other fish by-products)

Production controls and inspection requirements

Documentation requirements


  1. For live lobster and lobster products containing tomalley:

    Certificate of Origin and Hygiene (CFIA/ACIA 5003)

    • Before requesting a certificate, the exporter must provide the CFIA with a description of their controls that follow the Guidance Document – Export of Live Lobsters and Lobster Products Containing Tomalley.
    • The exporter must include the results of tests performed on the lobsters being shipped to Japan with each certificate request to show that the levels of Paralytic Shellfish Poison (PSP) toxin in the hepatopancreas met Japan's standard of 80 µg/100 g.
    • The Certificate of Origin and Hygiene (CFIA/ACIA 5003) should include the following statement:
      • "The consignor listed below is controlling their shipments of lobsters in accordance with the Guidance Document – Export of Live Lobsters and Lobster Products Containing Tomalley"

    Note: The exporter's physical address must appear on both the Certificate of Origin and Hygiene and the List of Exporters of Live Lobster and Lobster Tomalley Products to Japan.

    Note: The above statement must be in both English and French for shipments destined to Japan.

  2. For live and raw oysters:

    Certificate of Origin and Hygiene (CFIA/ACIA 5003)

    • The following statements/information must be included on the certificate:
      • "The product meets the requirements of the Safe Food for Canadians Act, and the Safe Food for Canadians Regulations, as amended from time to time and the Canadian Shellfish Sanitation Program. The product is fit for human consumption. The laws and regulations of Canada have been deemed to be equivalent to the Food Sanitation Act and relevant regulations of Japan."
      • "The product originates from oyster harvesting areas where the total coliform geometric mean MPN of the water samples does not exceed 70 per 100 ml and the product sample does not exceed a MPN of 230 per 100 grams as determined by regular coliform testing."
      • "The Paralytic Shellfish Poison (PSP) content is less than 80 µg/100 g".
      • Geographic and Harvest Area
      • Harvest Date (DD/MM/YYYY)
      • Growing Area/Lease No.
      • Processing facility (name, address, registration number)
      • Quantity and weight (under Lot Size field)
    • For information on the procedure to verify PSP content, please contact your local CFIA Office.

    Note: The exporter's physical address must appear on both the Certificate of Origin and Hygiene and the List of Canadian Certified Shellfish Dealers and Leases Approved to Export their Products to Japan

    Note: The above statements must be in both English and French

  3. For all other products:

    No certificate required but product must still comply with Japanese Food Safety standards

Other information

Further information on import requirements may be obtained from Japan's Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare.