Processed egg
Exports of processed egg to a foreign country must be packed, marked and certified in accordance with the provisions of Canadian regulations, unless that foreign country discloses to Canada that different requirements exist and must be met for purposes of export. It is the shipper's responsibility to determine the import requirements, if any, of the foreign country. If the shipper wishes to export processed egg that does not meet the requirements of Canadian regulations in respect of standards, packing or marking, they must:
- demonstrate that the processed egg has been prepared in a registered processed egg station, and,
- provide the inspector with a signed statement:
- confirming that the container and markings comply with the requirements of the importing country, and
- setting out the quality specifications of the contract under which the processed egg is being exported.
The shipper must also ensure that:
- the lot number or code of the shipment is marked on the label or container of the processed egg;
- the label affixed to the container does not misrepresent the quality, quantity, composition, characteristics, safety or nutritional value of the processed egg;
- if processed egg is being exported to the United States (U.S.), the product has been prepared under continuous supervision of an inspector; and,
- a certificate of inspection that indicates the requirements are met, signed by an inspector, has been issued in respect of the processed egg, together with a statement of certification.
Sampling of egg product for export
All lots must be sampled for Salmonella, aerobic colony count (ACC), coliforms, solids (where applicable), moisture (where applicable), and odour. A station employee may be designated by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) to take the samples. These tests must be performed, either by a CFIA lab or by a lab accredited by the Standards Council of Canada (SCC). The Certificate of Inspection for Processed Egg CFIA/ACIA 2684 is to indicate all the previously stated lab results except for Listeria.
For exports of pasteurized egg products packed in totes or tankers, the Salmonella test results must be available and be identified as negative on the Certificate of Inspection for Processed Egg (CFIA/ACIA 2684) that accompanies the load.
All processed egg products must be sampled for salmonella.
Shipments of processed egg products
Export tankers
In order to prevent contamination of egg product, tankers that are to be used to transport processed egg must have been previously used to transport food products only. These tankers must be thoroughly washed, rinsed and sanitized. If the tanker has been cleaned in a place other than the processed egg station, the wash certificate must be made available to the inspector. Tankers should be inspected prior to loading product, to ensure that the cleaning process has been effective and that the tankers are visually clean. Prior to loading product, the inspector should also verify that the tanker can be sealed in a manner that prevents any tampering of the product during transport. This check should include seal ports in the tanker lid, as well as the valves at the back of the unit.
Although many tankers are now insulated, the product temperature of liquid egg may rise during transport. The processor should be aware of the maximum product temperature upon arrival at the customer.
Processed egg exports shipped from third parties
Shipments of processed egg exported from the company that did not manufacturer the product may occur. The chain of custody requires supporting documentation throughout the process. The inspector of the manufacturing establishment can provide supporting documentation to the certifying inspector to enable certification of the final product.
Supporting documentation includes:
- The production date(s) and time(s) are recorded on the Inspection report of Shell Eggs/Processed Egg (CFIA/ACIA 5109) subtitled "Inter/Intra Provincial Movement".
- The product description, date of production, container type, lot code and licensed establishment information are recorded on an Inspection Report of Shell Eggs/Processed Egg (CFIA/ACIA 5109) subtitled "Export Requirement Attestation".
Product that has not been subjected to heat treatment and final packaging will be sent to the third party station with documentation (a). Product that has gone through heat treatment and final packaging will be sent to the third party station with documentation (b). The product is subsequently presented for export certification at a either a 3rd party licenced processed egg station or a non-licenced 3rd party premises (i.e. storage) provided it has the required documents.
Shell egg
The exportation of shell eggs that do not meet the requirements of Canadian regulations in respect of grade, packing or marking is permitted, provided certain conditions are met. This situation is normally due to specific labelling requirements of a foreign country. The inspector must indicate, on the certificate, that the shipment does not meet the requirements of Canadian regulations. In order for an inspector to certify that a shipment of eggs meets the requirements of a foreign country, the company exporting the eggs must provide the CFIA inspector with a written copy of the foreign country's requirements.
The applicant must contact the relevant CFIA office by phone, e-mail or in writing at least 48 hours in advance, to request an inspection. The applicant must provide details including the date, location, volume, grade, and size designation of the eggs to be inspected. An Application for Inspection (Egg or Processed Egg) (CFIA/ACIA 5435) must be completed by the applicant and presented to the inspector prior to the inspection.
If a foreign country requires official notification, this must also be completed.
Shell eggs – breaking stock
Inspection and certification must take place at the licenced egg station. The inspector completes the Certificate of Inspection/Grading (Eggs and Poultry) (CFIA/ACIA 1022). The following information is to be included on the certificate:
Packing date. Transfer the date from the Pallet Tag to the Certificate of Inspection/Grading.
Note: The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) requires that the eggs be 45°F upon receipt, if received after 36 hours after the date of lay. The packing date from the pallet tag indicates whether the 36 hours has elapsed or not. If the timeframe has elapsed, the FSIS inspector will be required to monitor the temperature of the load to verify compliance, as per CFR 590.950(b).
- Identification/shipping mark for each container/pallet
- Net weight of the shipment
- Species of the eggs
- Product description (eggs / egg products – shell eggs – for breaking)
- Name of exporter / consignor (this may also be the applicant)
- Transport vehicles are to be sealed with CFIA seals and the seal numbers are to be recorded on the Export Certificate.
Preparation of product
- Eggs should be cooled prior to being shrink-wrapped to reduce the risk of mould development.
- Pallets should only be shrink-wrapped immediately prior to shipping or wrapped in a manner which allows ventilation of the product (e.g. plastic netting).
- Eggs should not be stored on the loading dock prior to shipping.
Transportation vehicles
- Transport vehicles used for transporting eggs must be capable of maintaining the eggs in a refrigerated state. For graded eggs moving to the U.S. the required refrigeration temperature is 7.2°C (45°F).
- Transport vehicles must be closed to the outside environment and capable of providing adequate protection from contamination.
- Vehicles used for transporting eggs must not have been used to transport any product or substance which might adversely affect the eggs (e.g. chemicals, livestock, etc.).
- Transport vehicles are to be sealed with CFIA seals and the seal numbers are to be recorded on the Export Certificate.