Import policies: pet food, treats and chews containing animal products and by-products

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) regulates pet food imports and related products to prevent animal diseases from being introduced into Canada.

The following products containing animal products and by-products are regulated under the Health of Animals Regulations if they are imported into Canada.

  • pet food (for example, dog food and cat food)
  • pet treats
  • pet chews

The oversight of pet food by the CFIA is limited to compliance with regulatory requirements for import and export of animal products and by-products.

Find out who else is involved with the regulation of pet food in Canada.

Personal imports

Travellers may bring into Canada a personal import of pet food (limit of 20 kg), if the import meets all of the following requirements:

  • the pet food or product must be of United States origin and be commercially packaged
  • the pet food or product must be in the possession of the traveller at the time of entry from the U.S.
  • the animal that will eat the imported product must accompany the traveller at the time of entry
  • the imported product is fed only to the animal that accompanied the traveller into Canada

Commercial imports

A review of the specific risks is required before the CFIA will issue an import permit. In some cases, the CFIA may require an inspection of the producing establishment in the foreign country to obtain more information before it makes a decision.

Specific import requirements, based on the applicable animal health policies, can be reviewed in the Automated Import Reference System (AIRS).

Notices to industry

Additional government and industry information