Assessing lameness for transport

Assessing lameness for transport - description follows
Assessing lameness for transport – Text version

Anyone transporting an animal in Canada must meet specific requirements to make sure the animal is fit for the intended journey.

Question 1: Is the animal ambulatory (able to stand and walk without assistance)?

  • If no, the animal is unfit and must not be transported, unless to receive veterinary care as recommended by a veterinarian
  • If yes, move on to question 2

Question 2: Does the animal have a fracture that impedes their mobility or that causes pain or suffering?

  • If no, move on to question 3
  • If yes, the animal is unfit and must not be transported, unless to receive veterinary care as recommended by a veterinarian

Question 3: Is the animal able to walk on all their legs?

  • If no, the animal is unfit and must not be transported, unless to receive veterinary care as recommended by a veterinarian
  • If yes, move on to question 4

Question 4: Does the animal walk with a smooth and steady motion, a straight back and normal head carriage while bearing their weight evenly on all limbs?

  • If no, move on to question 5
  • If yes, the animal isn't lame and may be transported

Question 5: Is the animal reluctant to walk or walks with halted movements due to pain or suffering (shown by an arched back, head bobs, reluctance to bear weight on a limb, etc.)?

  • If no, the animal is compromised and must be transported as such
  • If yes, the animal is unfit and must not be transported, unless to receive veterinary care as recommended by a veterinarian


An unfit animal can only be transported (with special provisions) directly to a place to receive veterinary care and under the recommendation of a veterinarian.

A compromised animal can only be transported (with special provisions) directly for slaughter or to a place to receive care for their condition. They cannot be transported to an assembly centre or auction market.


Special provisions if transporting an unfit or compromised animal:

  • isolate the animal
  • load or unload the animal alone without using interior ramps
  • take special measures to prevent unnecessary suffering
  • transport directly to the nearest suitable place to provide care or to humanely kill the animal