Export of Dogs and Cats to Barbados

All information and export certificates that relate to bringing dogs and cats to Barbados can be obtained from the Barbados Competent Authorities whose contact information is available on Veterinary Services, Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security website.

Within this link, under "Contacts Us", you will find the information of the competent authorities who can be contacted to get the information for bringing dogs and cats to Barbados.

At this time the Barbados Competent Authority recognizes Canada as free of leishmaniosis and screwworm meaning testing is not required before export. Also, testing for Hendra and/or nipah virus is not required. With regard to Heartworm testing within thirty (30) days of export, it is not applicable to dogs less than six (6) months of age or to cats.

Please note that the Barbados may change these import requirements without notification to the CFIA. As a result, it is strongly advised that the exporter should always confirm with the Barbados Competent Authority before travelling and review the export certificate against the import permit to ensure that all requirements are addressed.

If you have any questions about the information on this page, please contact the CFIA Animal Health Office in your area.