Bovine Tuberculosis (bovine TB) Trace-In Activities

It is important to note that the occurrence of bovine TB in Canada today is rare and hence the majority of investigations ultimately serve to rule out the presence of disease. This activity remains important, however, to ensure prompt detection and eradication of the disease to prevent its establishment and spread.

What are trace-in herds and activities

  • Trace-in herds are herds with animals that were introduced to the infected herd over the past 5 years
  • The purpose of trace-in activities is to identify animals that may have been the source of the disease
  • Bovine TB is contagious and spread by contact with infected animals, usually by inhaling infected salvia droplets

It is important to note that bovine TB can also be transferred to livestock from wildlife or infected humans who are in direct an ongoing contact with the livestock

  • Bovine TB can lie dormant in infected animals for years without causing symptoms, therefore trace-in and trace-out activities are directed at animals that could have been in contact with infected animals over the past 5 years

Why conduct trace-in activities

Determine the source of infection

  • Although an exact determination of the source of infection is not always possible, the trace-in activities reduce the risk of undetected bovine TB within Canada's livestock population
  • Trace-in activities also can help determine if bovine TB program adjustments are required in areas such as import controls, encouraging improved biosecurity measures and managing the potential risks associated with infected wildlife

Protecting animals by limiting the spread and eradicating the disease

  • The CFIA has a mandate to prevent the introduction and spread of federally reportable diseases in Canadian livestock and poultry
  • Canada's bovine TB eradication program protects the health cattle and other livestock by reducing the risk of exposure to the disease
  • Testing is the only way to eliminate animals as the possible source of infection and reduce the risk of additional outbreaks
  • The disease is slow taking months or years to kill an infected animal, and can remain dormant for years in animals without causing any symptoms, so an animal can spread the disease to herd mates before it shows any symptoms

Maintain access to export markets

  • Canada exports about half the beef it produces, with the U.S. being Canada's largest customer

Canadian beef is sold in over 70 countries around the world.

  • Canada's bovine TB free status supports market access for Canadian animals and beef products for a sector worth more than $20 billion annually to the Canadian economy
  • Demonstrating an effective disease response plays an important role in maintaining market access

Satisfy Canadian World Organization for Animal Health obligations

  • Bovine TB is internationally recognized as a serious disease listed with the World Organization for Animal Health (WOAH) and is a federally reportable disease under the Health of Animals Act
  • As a WOAH member, Canada respects the WOAH codes, including the Terrestrial Animal Health Code which is used by veterinary authorities of importing and exporting countries to prevent the transfer of disease by the international trade of animals
  • Once the investigation is concluded, Canada prepares an outbreak investigation report to inform trading partners that appropriate disease control measures have been implemented and will note the source of the outbreak if it has been identified

Maintain Canada's reputation as a science based regulator

  • CFIA is respected around the world as a science-based regulator because our system applies rigorous standards to prevent the introduction and spread of animal disease