Chapter 4 - Exports

4.1 Export veterinary certification


Objectives of certification

The objective of the CFIA's Animal Health Export Program is to ensure that only healthy animals and animal products and by-products that meet the import health requirements of an importing country are exported from Canada and, in the case of live animals, that they are transported in a humane manner.

Canadian animals, animal products and animal by-products are recognized around the world on the basis of the Canadian veterinary profession's reputation and integrity, and its performance in disease control and eradication. Accredited veterinarians are an integral component of the CFIA's National Animal Health Program and must ensure that the delivery of the Animal Health Export Program is consistent.

Legislative basis

Under section 69 of the Health of Animals Regulations:

(1) Subject to this part, no person shall export out of Canada livestock, poultry, animal embryos or animal semen unless:

  1. the person has obtained a certificate of a veterinary inspector or a certificate of an accredited veterinarian endorsed by a veterinary inspector issued before shipment that clearly identifies the livestock, poultry, animal embryos or animal semen and shows:
    • that a veterinary inspector or an accredited veterinarian has inspected the livestock, poultry, animal embryos or animal semen and found it to be free from any communicable diseases;
    • the date and place of inspection; and,
    • where tests have been performed, the nature of each test and that the livestock, poultry, animal embryos or animal semen proved negative to such tests; and,
  2. the importation requirements of the country to which the livestock, poultry, animal embryos or animal semen are exported have been complied with.

(1.1) Paragraph (1)(a) does not apply in respect of swine exported to the U.S. for immediate slaughter.

(2) No person shall export animal semen out of Canada unless the semen, from the time it was collected, was stored in an animal semen production centre or other place approved by the Minister.

(3) No person shall export livestock, poultry, animal embryos or animal semen unless the certificate referred to in subsection (1) bears the mark of the official export stamp referred to in subsection (4).

(4) The official export stamp required by this section shall contain the words "Government of Canada - CANADIAN FOOD INSPECTION AGENCY - Gouvernement du Canada - AGENCE CANADIENNE D'INSPECTION DES ALIMENTS" and it shall be applied on a certificate only by a veterinary inspector or a person authorized by one.

Legal basis

The Accredited Veterinarian Agreement is the legal instrument that authorizes licenced private veterinarians to perform duties such as the completion of international health certification under the authority of Health of Animals Regulations.

Obligations of the accredited veterinarian

Accredited veterinarians should ensure that they meet the highest possible ethical standards in the performance of procedures and in signing documents. Certifying accredited veterinarians must ensure that the information included in the certificates is accurate and only refers to matters that are within their knowledge at the time of signing, or that have been verified by a qualified third party, such as test results.

When a certificate is signed on the basis of supporting documentation, the certifying veterinarian should be in possession of that documentation before signing. The certifying accredited veterinarian should only sign certificates required once they have been completed correctly in full. It is inappropriate and considered a contravention of the Accredited Veterinarian Agreement for veterinarians to sign documents on the basis of information or events that have not yet occurred or to sign blank documents.

Accredited veterinarians must perform their duties with all due care and accuracy to maintain the credibility of Canada's inspection and certification mechanisms and to avoid inconvenience or expense to their clients as a result of having animals refused entry by the importing country.

When inspecting, testing or certifying animals for export, accredited veterinarians are required to:

  • Identify the animal(s) and verify that both the animal(s) and the herd(s) meet the export requirements specified on the certificate.

    Note:  Confidence by an accredited veterinarian in animal identification records that were produced by an exporter or another party is not sufficient by itself in meeting an animal export identification requirement.

    Where an accredited veterinarian has not personally determined the identification of animals inspected for export, the accredited veterinarian must establish and maintain evidence to demonstrate and defend under audit or independent examination how it is known that animals certified for export are the same animals that were inspected. The following conditions apply to animal identification in these circumstances:

    • A written protocol for inspections where individual identification is not completed must be provided to the local CFIA District Veterinarian and approved by that individual prior to use.
    • Exports certified this way are only endorsed within the District where the approval was made.
    • Identifying cattle in this manner may only be used for slaughter animals two years of age and under, as age determination requirements in mature cattle preclude this procedure being used.
    • Since this procedure is built on trust and credibility, it cannot be used where the exporter has been subject to recent CFIA administrative monetary penalties or CFIA prosecutions.
  • Inspect the animal(s) and certify them free from any communicable disease in accordance with the Health of Animals Regulations and any terms and conditions established by the importing country. The herd of origin must also be free from any communicable disease. Where testing is required, the type and results of the test(s) must be recorded on the export certificate along with the date and place of inspection. From time to time, countries modify their terms and conditions of import. Accredited veterinarians are notified of any such changes through the CFIA's email notification system, for which they must subscribe to the service at the link provided. It is the responsibility of the accredited veterinarians to avail themselves of the necessary information and ensure that the conditions are met.
  • Inform owners/exporters that, in some instances, import conditions above and beyond those required to enter the country may exist. For example, in the U.S. certain states have established conditions that are more stringent than those of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). Another example is the Mexican "hoja de requisitos" (i.e., a list of requirements to be met and statements to be included on the International Sanitary Certificate). It is the responsibility of exporters to determine whether additional requirements exist, and to ensure that all conditions of import of the importing country are met.
  • Only the most recent version of an export health certificate is valid for use. The version date will appear on the bottom left hand corner of most certificates. The list of valid export certificates is available on the CFIA Web site and should be consulted to verify the correct version. If a certificate is not found on the CFIA Web site, contact the local CFIA district office to obtain the most recent version.
  • Ensure that export health certificates are fully completed in English, accurate, and endorsed by a CFIA veterinary inspector. No erasure is allowed. If the certificate mentions to delete, strike out, remove or invalidate a non-applicable option, a line must be made on the non-applicable text without hiding its contents, and the paragraph must be initialed.
  • If accredited veterinarians cannot personally deliver the export health certificate, the completed certificate must be sealed in an envelope for endorsement by the CFIA veterinary inspector.
  • Use blue ink to sign export certificates. The name of the accredited veterinarian must appear in printed letters.
  • When exporting animals without individual identification (if permitted by the importing country), the exporter must be advised that he/she may not export more animals than the number indicated on the certificate.

All animals must be certified fit for transport and meet all requirements of the reporting country.

Animals afflicted with certain health and welfare related conditions may be refused entry by the importing country. Accredited veterinarians must look for clinical evidence of such conditions during the physical examination of the animals. Examples may include but are not limited to:

  • Dermatitis
  • Warts
  • Vaginal discharge
  • Mastitis
  • Omphalophlebitis
  • Blindness
  • Recent dehorning
  • Ringworm
  • Lice
  • Diarrhea
  • Lameness
  • Hernia
  • Muscle conditions
  • Possibility of parturition during transport

Export certification requires veterinary inspection. The signing veterinarian must have carried out the inspection. This task cannot be delegated to a technician or other veterinarian, whether accredited or not, unless otherwise specified in the manual. Some specimen collection may be performed by a fully trained and qualified technician. Application of official seals to transport conveyances may also be done by technicians designated as inspectors under the Canadian Food Inspection Agency Act (see 1.4 Special Provisions).

According to CFIA policy, only those conditions established by the importing country are certified. Tests other than those required to meet the import requirements do not constitute part of the official certification and are not to appear on the export health certificate; however, the results of such tests may be attached to the export documents.

Accredited veterinarians must be specifically authorized to inspect, test and certify a species of animal for export to the U.S. or Mexico. Inspections must always be conducted in accordance with the terms and conditions of their accreditation agreement. The animals must be eligible and fully meet all conditions established by the USDA or SAGARPA for their entry into the U.S. or Mexico.

It should be noted that the original export certificate bearing the wet signatures and the official CFIA endorsement stamp must be presented at the port of entry. The exception to this would be for commodities that have an established digital certification system that is accepted by the importing country.

A copy of the export certificate issued by the accredited veterinarian must be retained for a minimum of three years. The accredited veterinarian must be able to submit a copy to the district office upon request.

Export problems

If the accredited veterinarian is contacted by the importer or the competent authorities of the importing country regarding an issue related to the certification or testing of animals for export, the accredited veterinarian must immediately notify the local CFIA district office. The local CFIA district office will provide appropriate instructions to the accredited veterinarian regarding the possible resolution of the problem and the official channels that must be followed in these situations.

4.2 CFIA Fees


The following outlines the CFIA fees associated with testing and certification for export and admission to an animal semen production centre performed by accredited veterinarians. "Certification" means the signing by an inspector of a document authorizing an activity or attesting to the validity of information, no matter who prepared the document. A complete list of fees relating to the Animal Health Program can be found on the CFIA Website.

Note: Fees may be subject to Government Sales Tax (GST) and in some provinces a Provincial Sales Tax (PST) may also be applicable. Contact your district office for more information.

Testing and certification for export

1. Cattle to U.S.

1.1 Certification

  1. First animal on the certificate - $26.89
  2. Each additional animal on the certificate - $1.61 (Temporary cap fee: $80.67 per certificate)

2. Cattle to Mexico

2.1 Certification

  1. Each animal on the certificate - $2.15 (Minimum $26.89) (Temporary cap fee: $80.67 per certificate).

2.2 Testing

  1. Testing of animals by a CFIA laboratory - $4.68 (Min. $15.61).

3. Equine to U.S. and Mexico

3.1 Certification

  1. All purposes other than immediate slaughter:
    • First animal on the certificate - $16.14
    • Each additional animal on the certificate - $1.61 (Temporary cap fee: $80.67 per certificate)

4. Porcine to U.S.

4.1 Certification

  1. First animal on the certificate - $16.14
  2. Each of the next 50 animals on the certificate - $0.54
  3. Each animal in excess of 51 on the certificate - $0.15 (Temporary cap fee: $80.67 per certificate)

5. Porcine to Mexico

5.1 Certification

  1. First animal on the certificate - $26.89
  2. Each additional animal on the certificate - $1.04 (Temporary cap fee: $80.67 per certificate)

6. Ruminants (other than cattle, sheep and goats) to U.S. and Mexico

6.1 Certification

  1. First animal on the certificate - $26.89
  2. Each additional animal on the certificate - $2.62 (Temporary cap fee: $80.67 per certificate)

7. Ovine and caprine animals to U.S. and Mexico

7.1 Certification

  1. First animal on the certificate - $16.14
  2. Each additional animal on the certificate - $1.04 (Temporary cap fee: $80.67 per certificate)

8. Sheep and goats consigned to a sale in Canada for possible export to U.S. (same shipper, same sale), for individual certificates

8.1 Certification

  1. First certificate - $16.14
  2. Each additional certificate - $5.38

9. Poultry or hatching eggs to U.S.

9.1 Certification

  1. Ratites or their hatching eggs:
    • First animal or egg on the certificate - $26.89
    • Each additional animal or egg on the certificate - $1.61 (Temporary cap fee: $78.02 per certificate)
  2. Chickens, turkeys, game birds, ducks, geese or their hatching eggs:
    • Each certificate - $26.89
  3. Other poultry or their eggs:
    • Each certificate - $21.52

9.2 Testing

  1. Ratites or their hatching eggs:
    • Test performed in a CFIA laboratory, each animal - $10.75 (min. $26.89)

10. Animals not mentioned elsewhere (pets), animal products, by products

10.1 Certification

  1. Each certificate - $21.52

11. Correction of Certificate

  1. Assistance to ensure compliance with import requirements or to correct an export certificate (documentation only) - $32.27

Animals entering an animal semen production centre

On farm testing of animals by a CFIA laboratory for the purpose of admission to an animal semen production centre

  1. For each bovine - $32.27
  2. For each porcine - $21.52
  3. For any other animal - $26.89

Isolation testing of animals by a CFIA laboratory

  1. For each bovine - $75.30
  2. For each porcine - $26.89
  3. For each ovine or caprine - $32.27
  4. For any other animal - $75.30

Note: If an account with the CFIA exists, fees will generally be assessed to a client, whether a producer, an accredited veterinarian, or their clinic. If no account exists, the fees shall be paid when the service is requested.

4.3 Supervision of registered horses for export to the European Union


Current European Union (EU) import regulations require registered horses to have been under official veterinary supervision for 30 days before export. A registered horse is defined as a kept animal of the species Equus caballus registered with an international association or organisation, either directly or through its national federation or branches, which manages horses for competition, racing or breeding.

Canadian accredited veterinarians (AV), who are authorized under the Health of Animals Act and the Health of Animals Regulations to conduct activities on behalf of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA), meet the EU definition of an official veterinarian and can provide the necessary oversight for registered horses.

Official veterinary supervision in this context does not mean an official veterinarian is present on the establishment at all times when the registered horse is located there, however the official veterinarian must have the appropriate knowledge of the establishment to be able to attest that the following elements have been met.

  1. Equine animals exported to the EU must have a minimum residency in the establishment of origin of 30 days and a minimum period without contact with animals of a lower health status of 15 days. An animal considered to be of lower health status would be one such that would not meet the conditions laid out in this module (for example, has been on a premises where a disease communicable to equines was present during the previous 30 days).

    The EU provides a derogation for registered horses for competition, races and cultural events. Based on this derogation, it is acceptable for registered horses to attend these events during the 30-day period before export to the EU as long as it has been under official veterinary supervision, including at the venue where the competition or race has occurred, and those establishments have had no cases of communicable disease during that time.

    • The possibility of direct contact with other animals was limited to the period of competition and the related training, warm-up and/or pre-race presentation
      That is, the horses are stabled individually, without nose to nose contact and do not share feeding, grooming or other equipment with other horses.
    • The accredited veterinarian responsible for supervision at the other establishment(s) may not be the same accredited veterinarian responsible for supervision at premises of residency
      In these cases, each AV must keep record of their supervision (that is, examinations, treatments, vaccinations, etc.) during the time the horse was present on each premises.
    • It is the owner's responsibility to ensure that such supervision can occur at the competition establishment should they leave the premises of residency
  2. The accredited veterinarian must be familiar with the health status of the establishment(s), as well as the biosecurity program, where the registered horse has resided during the 30 days before dispatch to the EU.

    The registered horse should be examined routinely for signs of communicable disease or any other animal health concerns. The frequency of these examinations is at the discretion of the supervising AV as necessary to confirm the health status of the registered horse.

    • For example, if there are active cases / outbreaks of a disease communicable to equine species in the region, this might warrant more frequent (for example, weekly) examinations.

    There have been no movement restrictions in place for diseases affecting equine species.

    With regards to equine infectious anemia (EIA):

    • EIA has not been reported during the 12-month period prior to the date of dispatch of the animal to the Union


    • EIA has been reported in the establishment during the 12-month period prior to the date of dispatch of the animal to the EU and following the last outbreak the establishment has remained under movement restrictions either

      • until the remaining equine animals in the establishment have been subjected to an agar gel immuno-diffusion test (AGID or Coggins test) or enzyme- linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for equine infectious anemia carried out, with negative results, on samples taken on 2 occasions with a minimum interval of 90 days following the date on which the infected animals have been killed and destroyed, or slaughtered, and the establishment was cleaned and disinfected


      • for at least 30 days after the date on which the last animal of listed species on the establishment was either killed and destroyed or slaughtered, and the establishment was cleaned and disinfected

    Infection with rabies virus in kept terrestrial animals has not been reported during the last 30-day period prior to the date of dispatch of the animal to the Union.

    Anthrax in ungulates has not been reported during the 15-day period prior to the date of dispatch of the animal to the Union.

    The equine animal was not vaccinated against African horse sickness in the country, territory or zone thereof of dispatch and there is no information suggesting previous vaccination.

    The equine animal has not been vaccinated against Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis during the 60-day period prior to the date of its departure.

    The AV must ensure that the registered horse is not housed with animals of a lower health status.

    The AV must keep records of their examinations of and any treatments administered (including vaccinations) to the registered horse during the period of supervision.

All other elements required for the export of registered horses to the EU will be completed by CFIA veterinarians (for example any required testing, examination within 48 hours or on the last working day prior to the date of dispatch, etc.). As part of this process, the endorsing CFIA veterinarian may request confirmation or documentation from the AV(s) to demonstrate the registered horse meets all required certificate elements.