Export policies: pet food, treats and chews containing animal products and by-products

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) provides verification and certification services for pet foods that are made in Canada and intended for export.

The oversight of pet food by the CFIA is limited to compliance with regulatory requirements for import and export of animal products and by-products.

Pet foods exported from Canada may need to have an official zoosanitary health certificate, which is issued by the CFIA. The completed certificate confirms that the sanitary requirements of the importing country have been met.

The CFIA negotiates import conditions with the importing country's veterinary officials. It also does inspections of Canadian export manufacturing establishments. It does this to verify that the products, manufacturing facilities, and practices meet the importing country's market access requirements.

Find out who else is involved with the regulation of pet food in Canada.



Additional government and industry information


For further information, please contact your local CFIA office.