Neomycin and Oxytetracycline hydrochloride (NEOTC) – Medicating Ingredient Brochure

Status: Veterinary prescription required for approved claims

Date of revision: May 2020

Table of approved species and claims
Approved livestock species Approved claim(s)
(abbreviated) Table Note 1
Withdrawal time Name of approved brand(s)
  1. Aid in the treatment of post-weaning diarrhea
7 days (meat)
  1. Neo-Terramycin 50/50

Table Notes

Table Note 1

In order to be compliant with the Feeds Regulations, the complete claim must appear on the medicated feed label.

Return to table note 1  referrer


Table of approved claims and brands
Approved claims Name of approved brand(s) Drug concentration in DIN product
Claim 1
  1. Neo-Terramycin 50/50
  1. Neomycin sulfate at 110g/kg
  2. Oxytetracycline dihydrate (equivalent to oxytetracycline hydrochloride) at 110g/kg

Claim 1

As an aid in the treatment of post-weaning diarrhea caused by enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli in pigs.

Level of medicating ingredient in a complete feed

At a level in the complete feed such that each animal will receive 22 mg of neomycin sulfate and 22 mg of oxytetracycline hydrocholoride per kg body weight per day.

Directions for use in a complete feed

This livestock feed contains a medically important antibiotic. To reduce the development of antimicrobial resistance and maintain effectiveness, use this drug prudently and for the shortest duration to achieve the desired clinical outcome. The choice of this drug as the most appropriate treatment should be confirmed by clinical experience and where possible by pathogen culture and drug susceptibility testing.

Feed this medicated feed continuously as the sole ration for 7 to 14 days.

Additional information (not required to appear on feed labels) For feed manufacturers

The following manufacturing instructions are provided as an example for feed manufacturers:

  • Thoroughly mix 4.54 kg of Neo-Terramycin 50/50 with other feed ingredients to make one tonne (1,000 kg) of complete swine feed (based on a daily feed intake of 2 kg of complete feed per day for a pig weighing 45 kg)
  • The inclusion rate of this medication will vary according to feed intake and body weight of the animals being fed


  1. Treated pigs must not be slaughtered for use in food for 7 days after the latest treatment with this medicated feed when fed the recommended level of 22 mg each of neomycin sulfate and of oxytetracycline hydrochloride per kg of body weight per day
  2. When handling the product, avoid inhalation, oral exposure and direct contact with skin or eyes (required on premix and supplement labels only)
  3. Keep out of reach of children (required on premix and supplement labels only)


  1. Any symptomatic off-feed pigs should be treated individually

Additional information to be added as notes to feed labels


  1. This product must be thoroughly mixed in complete feeds (required on premix and supplement labels only)
  2. Do not feed undiluted (required on premix and supplement labels only)
  3. Due to the multifactorial nature of post-weaning diarrhea, management factors including diet, environment, vaccination and hygiene should be considered along with antimicrobial therapy.

Accepted compatibilities
