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Foreign countries establishments eligible to export meat products to Canada

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Search the list of foreign countries establishments eligible to export meat products to Canada. Fill out the form below and your search results will appear under the form. Information about the conditions of importation and countries from which commercial importation of meat products is permitted.

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Functional Activity Codes

1) Slaughter
  • a) Cattle
  • b) Calves
  • c) Sheep, lambs and goats
  • d) Swine
  • e) Horses
  • f) Poultry
  • g) Rabbits
  • h) Others
1) Ritual Slaughter
  • i) Halal
  • j) Kosher
2) Canning
  • f) Poultry Meat
  • x) Red Meat
  • g) Rabbit Meat
3) Boning and Cutting
  • f) Poultry Meat
  • x) Red Meat
  • g) Rabbit Meat
4) Edible Rendering
Edible Rendering
5) Casing Preparation
Casing Preparation
6) Other Processing
  • f) Poultry Meat
  • x) Red Meat
  • g) Rabbit Meat
7) Packaging and Labelling
Packaging and Labelling
8) Inedible Rendering
Inedible Rendering
10) Storage Only
  • A) Cold Storage
  • B) Dry Storage
12) Trichina Treatment Facilities
Trichina Treatment Facilities