Administrative Monetary Penalties (AMPs): 2020 – October to December

AMPs are issued under the authority of Agriculture and Agri-Food Administrative Monetary Penalties Act (AAAMPA). The purpose of the act is to establish, as an alternative to the existing penal system and as a supplement to existing enforcement measures, a fair and efficient administrative monetary penalty system for the enforcement of the agri-food acts.

AMPs issued across Canada

Area Total AMPs issued Number of notice of violation with warning issued Number of notice of violation with penalty issued Total penalty amount
West 15 10 5 $47,800
Ontario 3 2 1 $6,000
Quebec 8 4 4 $28,600
Atlantic 5 5 $50,000
Total 31 16 15 $132,400

The following tables represent AMPs issued by agri-food acts enforced by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) that are subject to the AAAMPA. The CFIA may issue AMPs as an enforcement measure for non-compliance of the Health of Animals Act, the Plant Protection Act, the Safe Food for Canadians Act and their associated regulations. Details on the types of violations that may be proceeded in accordance with the AAAMPA, can be found in Schedule I of the Agriculture and Agri-Food Administrative Monetary Penalties Regulations:

AMPs issued for violations of the Safe Food for Canadians Act or regulations

Area Total AMPs issued Number of notice of violation with warning issued Number of notice of violation with penalty issued Total penalty amount
Ontario 2 2
Quebec 2 1 1 $10,000
Total 4 3 1 $10,000

AMPs issued for violations of the Health of Animals Act or regulations

Area Total AMPs issued Number of notice of violation with warning issued Number of notice of violation with penalty issued Total penalty amount
West 10 9 1 $7,800
Ontario 1 1 $6,000
Quebec 6 3 3 $18,600
Total 17 12 5 $32,400

AMPs issued for violations of the Plant Protection Act or regulations

Area Total AMPs issued Number of notice of violation with warning issued Number of notice of violation with penalty issued Total penalty amount
West 5 1 4 $40,000
Atlantic 5 5 $50,000
Total 10 1 9 $90,000