Proposed consequential amendments: Canadian Standards of Identity: Volume 4 – Processed Fruit or Vegetable Products


On November 4, 2023, Health Canada and the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) pre-published in the Canada Gazette, Part I the Regulations Amending Certain Regulations Concerning Food Additives, Compositional Standards, Microbiological Criteria and Methods of Analysis. As part of this initiative, the following volume of the Canadian Standards of Identity is being consequentially amended to:

  • change references to a section of the Food and Drug Regulations (FDR) to refer to a section of the proposed Canadian Food Compositional Standards (i.e. referred to by the defined term Food Compositional Standards document (FCSD), where necessary).
  • change the term "coloring agent" to "food color" and "colorant" to "colorant alimentaire" in all instances to align with the terms used in the FDR and the proposed List of Permitted Food Colours.
  • update the definition for "thickener" so as to refer to the proposed List of Permitted Emulsifying, Gelling, Stabilizing or Thickening Agents.
  • align the standardized common names for a number of processed fruits and vegetables with those in the proposed FCSD and the proposed Lists of Permitted Food Additives. For example, the common name "(naming the vegetable)" was changed to "(naming the vegetable or vegetables)".
  • remove food additive rules in situations where the CFIA identified regulatory overlap with permissions reflected in the proposed Lists of Permitted Food Additives.

How to provide comments on this document

To learn more about this regulatory proposal, including how to provide feedback on this document, please go to Consultation on the proposed Regulations Amending Certain Regulations Concerning Food Additives and Compositional Standards, Microbiological Criteria and Methods of Analysis for Food.

Date published: November 4, 2023


1. The following definitions apply in this Volume.

"acid ingredient" has the same meaning as in section 10.0.1 of Volume 10 of the FCSD. (ingrédient acide)

"FCSD" means the Food Compositional Standards Document. (DNCA)

"food colour" means a food additive that is used to add or restore colour to a food. (colorant alimentaire)

"sweetening ingredient" means white sugar, brown sugar, yellow sugar, golden sugar, liquid sugar, invert sugar, honey, cane sugar, maple sugar, maple syrup, molasses, refined sugar syrup, refiner's syrup, golden syrup, corn syrup, glucose, dextrose, fructose or any combination of those substances in dry or liquid form. (ingrédient édulcorant)

"thickener" means

  • (a) a food additive that is authorized under the Food and Drugs Act to be used as a thickening agent and that is applied to the food in accordance with the List of Permitted Emulsifying, Gelling, Stabilizing or Thickening Agents; or
  • (b) an ingredient that is added to another food for the purpose of thickening. (épaississant)

Processed Fruit Products in Hermetically Sealed Packages

2. The standards set out in sections 3 to 10 apply to the processed fruit products referred to in those sections that are in a hermetically sealed package.

3. (1) (Naming the fruit) and mixed fruits are the foods that are prepared by heat processing one or more types of fresh fruit. They must be packaged in a liquid and may contain ascorbic acid, citric acid, sucralose and a flavouring preparation.

(2) The liquid referred to in subsection (1) may contain a sweetening ingredient and must contain one or more of the following:

  • (a) water;
  • (b) one or more fruit juices;
  • (c) one or more fruit juices made from concentrate.

(3) The standard set out in this section applies to all processed fruit products that are in a hermetically sealed package, including the processed fruit products set out in sections 4 to 9.

(4) Despite subsection (3), the standard set out in this section does not apply to the processed fruit product referred to in section 10.

4. Sliced Apples is the food that consists of segments of apples that are cut longitudinally and radially from the core. It may contain a firming agent.

5. (1) Maraschino Cherries, Crème de Menthe Cherries and Cocktail Cherries are the foods that consist of cherries of the sweet varietal group that are artificially coloured and flavoured during preparation. They may contain a preservative.

(2) Cocktail cherries must have their stems attached. Crème de menthe and maraschino cherries must not have their stems attached.

6. (1) Fruit Cocktail is the food that contains

  • (a) at least 30% and not more than 50% diced peaches by drained weight;
  • (b) at least 25% and not more than 45% diced pears by drained weight;
  • (c) at least 6% and not more than 16% pineapple segments by drained weight; and
  • (d) at least 2% and not more than 20% whole or halved cherries or whole grapes, or both, by drained weight.

(2) Cherries in fruit cocktail may contain food colours and added flavouring preparations.

7. (1) Fruits for Salad is the food that contains

  • (a) at least 24% and not more than 40% sliced or quartered peaches by drained weight;
  • (b) at least 21% and not more than 35% sliced or quartered pears by drained weight;
  • (c) at least 18% and not more than 30% halved or quartered apricots by drained weight;
  • (d) at least 8% and not more than 16% pineapple segments by drained weight; and
  • (e) at least 3% and not more than 8% whole cherries or whole grapes, or both, by drained weight.

(2) Cherries in fruits for salad may contain food colours and added flavouring preparations.

8. (1) Fruit Salad is the food that consists of a mixture of two or more types of diced, halved, quartered or sliced fruit. No one type of fruit may exceed 60% of the food by drained weight.

(2) Cherries in fruit salad may contain food colours and added flavouring preparations and, despite subsection (1), may be whole.

9. Plums and Prune Plums are the foods that consist of fresh ripened plums that have been stemmed and washed and that are packaged whole, unpeeled and unpitted.

10. (1) Apple Sauce is the food that is prepared by heat processing clean, sound, mature apples that have been washed, peeled, cored, trimmed, chopped and pulped. It may contain

  • (a) water;
  • (b) salt;
  • (c) spices;
  • (d) malic acid;
  • (e) citric acid;
  • (f) a sweetening ingredient;
  • (g) ascorbic acid; and
  • (h) concentrated apple juice.

(2) If a sweetening ingredient is added, the food must contain at least 18% soluble solids, as determined by a refractometer on the filtrate of the food.

Processed Vegetable Products in Hermetically Sealed Packages

11. The standards set out in sections 12 to 46 apply to the processed vegetable products referred to in those sections that are in a hermetically sealed package.

12. (1) (Naming the vegetable or vegetables) and mixed vegetables are the foods that are prepared by heat processing one or more types of fresh vegetables in water. They may contain

  • (a) a sweetening ingredient;
  • (b) salt;
  • (c) a firming agent; and
  • (d) a pH adjusting agent.

(2) The standard set out in subsection (1) applies to all processed vegetable products that are in a hermetically sealed package, including the processed vegetable products set out in section 13 to 22.

(3) Despite subsection (2), the standard set out in subsection (1) does not apply to the processed vegetable products that are referred to in sections 23 to 46.

13. Mixed vegetables that are labelled with the word "macedoine" or "macédoine" must consist of three or more types of vegetables, none of which exceeds 60% of the food by drained weight.

14. (1) Vegetables in sauce must be prepared from one or more types of vegetables and a sauce. Each vegetable must meet any applicable standards set out in this Volume. The food may contain

  • (a) thickeners;
  • (b) vegetable oil; and
  • (c) seasoning and spices.

(2) In the case of vegetables in butter sauce, the common name may only indicate the presence of butter if the food contains at least 3% butter by weight.

(3) In the case of vegetables in cheese sauce, the common name may only indicate the presence of cheese if the food contains at least 3% cheese by weight.

15. Asparagus is the food that is prepared from clean, sound asparagus.

16. (1) Whole Corn or Cut Kernel Corn is the food that is prepared from clean, sound, succulent kernels of sweet corn that have been removed from the cob by cutting and that is packed in liquid, packed in brine or vacuum packed.

(2) If the food described in subsection (1) is labelled with the word or expression "with seasoning" or "seasoned" or "avec assaisonnement", it may contain a natural flavouring ingredient and any vegetable in an amount not more than 15% of the food by weight.

17. Cream Style Corn is the food that is prepared from clean, sound, succulent kernels of sweet corn. It must have a uniformly creamy consistency and may contain starch.

18. Onions is the food that is prepared from clean, sound, fresh onions. It may contain seasoning and spices.

19. Peas is the food that is prepared from clean, sound, succulent, shelled peas of smooth skinned or late maturing sweet wrinkled varieties. It may contain

  • (a) seasoning and spices; and
  • (b) one or more vegetable garnishes in an amount not more than 15% of the drained weight of the food.

20. (1) Peas and Carrots is the food that contains at least 52% and not more than 75% peas by drained weight and at least 25% and not more than 48% diced carrots by drained weight.

(2) Carrots and Peas is the food that contains at least 52% and not more than 75% diced carrots by drained weight and at least 25% and not more than 48% peas by drained weight.

21. Sweet Potatoes is the food that consists of sweet potatoes that are packaged in water or a syrup or that are vacuum packed without any liquid packaging medium.

22. Green Beans with Seasoning and Wax Beans with Seasoning are the foods that are prepared from green or wax beans. They must contain at least 85% green or wax beans by weight and may contain

  • (a) dill seeds;
  • (b) dill flavourings;
  • (c) vinegar;
  • (d) pieces of green and red peppers;
  • (e) tomatoes;
  • (f) onions;
  • (g) garlic; and
  • (h) a natural flavouring ingredient.

23. Hominy Corn is the food that is prepared by heat processing yellow or white dried mature corn and that is packaged in water. It may be processed with a bleaching agent and may contain

  • (a) a sweetening ingredient;
  • (b) salt;
  • (c) seasoning and spices;
  • (d) citric acid; and
  • (e) ascorbic acid.

24. Mushrooms, Whole Mushrooms, Button Mushrooms, Sliced Button Mushrooms and Sliced Mushrooms are the foods that are prepared by heat processing clean, sound, fresh, cultivated mushrooms in water. They may contain

  • (a) salt;
  • (b) ascorbic acid; and
  • (c) citric acid.

25. (1) Mushrooms, Stems and Pieces and Mushrooms, Pieces and Stems are the foods that are prepared by heat processing clean, sound, cut stems and broken cap portions of cultivated mushrooms in water. They may contain

  • (a) salt;
  • (b) ascorbic acid; and
  • (c) citric acid.

(2) Mushrooms, stems and pieces must contain at least 20% cap portions by drained weight.

(3) Mushrooms, pieces and stems must contain at least 50% cap portions by drained weight.

26. (1) Creamed Mushrooms is the food that is prepared by heat processing whole, sliced or chopped portions of cultivated mushrooms to which is added a cream sauce. The food must contain at least 35% whole, sliced or chopped portions of cultivated mushrooms by weight and at least 3% refined vegetable or animal fat by weight and may contain citric acid and ascorbic acid.

(2) The cream sauce may contain

  • (a) milk solids;
  • (b) butter;
  • (c) vegetable oil;
  • (d) salt;
  • (e) thickeners;
  • (f) seasoning and spices; and
  • (g) water.

(3) For the purposes of paragraph (2)(a), "milk solids" has the same meaning as in Volume 1, Dairy Products.

27. Pumpkin is the food that is prepared from clean, sound, ripe common field pumpkins of golden-fleshed varieties of the genus Cucurbita L. by stemming, cutting, steaming and reducing the pumpkins to a pulp through a fine mesh sieve. It must contain at least 51% pumpkin by weight and may contain

  • (a) a pH adjusting agent;
  • (b) an acid ingredient; and
  • (c) squash.

28. Squash is the food that is prepared from clean, sound, ripe common field squash of varieties of the genus Cucurbita L. by stemming, cutting, steaming and reducing the squash to a pulp through a fine mesh sieve. It must contain at least 51% squash by weight and may contain

  • (a) a pH adjusting agent;
  • (b) an acid ingredient; and
  • (c) pumpkin.

29. (1) Sauerkraut is the food that results from the fermentation, obtained naturally or through the addition of bacterial culture, of shredded cabbage that is heat processed and to which salt is added. It must contain at least 1% acid expressed as lactic acid and may contain natural flavouring ingredients.

(2) For the purposes of subsection (1), acidity must be determined by direct titration with standard tenth normal sodium hydroxide solution, using phenolphthalein to indicate the end point.

30. (1) Sauerkraut with Preservative is the food that results from the fermentation, obtained naturally or through the addition of bacterial culture, of shredded cabbage that is not heat processed and to which salt and benzoic, sorbic or sulphurous acid, or one of their salts, are added.

(2) Sauerkraut with preservative may contain

  • (a) water;
  • (b) salt;
  • (c) seasoning and spices;
  • (d) natural flavouring ingredients; and
  • (e) lactic acid.

31. (1) Tomatoes is the food that is prepared by heat processing clean, sound, ripe tomatoes of red or reddish varieties that are peeled and cored and that are packaged whole, almost whole, in large pieces or in wedges or are packaged sliced, diced or chopped. It may contain

  • (a) the liquid obtained from them during or after peeling or coring;
  • (b) the liquid obtained from other sound, ripe tomatoes;
  • (c) a sweetening ingredient, in dry form;
  • (d) salt;
  • (e) citric acid;
  • (f) spices;
  • (g) natural flavouring ingredients; and
  • (h) calcium chloride, calcium sulphate, calcium citrate or monocalcium phosphate, in an amount not more than
    • (i) 0.045% total calcium ion in the food, if the tomatoes are whole, almost whole or in large pieces; or
    • (ii) 0.080% total calcium ion in the food, if the tomatoes are in wedges or are sliced, diced or chopped.

(2) In this section,

  • (a) "whole" means a tomato that is peeled and cored, with the rounded contour of the stem end and the general contour of the tomato intact and no seed cavities opened;
  • (b) "almost whole" means a whole tomato, except that it may be partly split and may have opened seed cavities; and
  • (c) "large pieces" means tomato pieces that weigh at least 42.5 g.

32. Stewed Tomatoes is the food that meets the standard set out in section 31, except that the tomatoes must be trimmed and the food may contain

  • (a) despite paragraph 31(1)(h), any firming agent in an amount not more than 0.026% calculated as calcium; and
  • (b) onions, celery and red or green peppers.

33. For standards set out in sections 31 and 32, mould filaments, if present, must not appear in more than 25% of the microscopic fields.

34. Tomato Puree is the food that meets the standard set out in section 10.2.8 of Volume 10 of the FCSD and that contains at least 12% tomato solids.

35. Tomato Pulp is the food that meets the standard set out in section 10.2.7 of Volume 10 of the FCSD and that contains at least 12% tomato solids.

36. Tomato Paste is the food that meets the standard set out in section 10.2.5 of Volume 10 of the FCSD.

37. Concentrated Tomato Paste is the food that meets the standard set out in section 10.2.6 of Volume 10 of the FCSD.

38. Tomato Catsup, Catsup, Tomato Ketchup or Ketchup is the food that meets the standard set out in section 10.2.9 of Volume 10 of the FCSD, except that it may contain

  • (a) tomato paste;
  • (b) water; and
  • (c) a sweetening ingredient.

39. Tomato Chili Sauce is the food that is prepared by heat processing clean, sound, well-ripened, whole tomatoes that have been chopped or crushed, with peelings screened out in a manner that allows a substantial portion of the seeds to remain in the food. It must contain vinegar, salt, seasoning and a sweetening ingredient. It may contain any other natural vegetable flavouring ingredient in a quantity that does not materially alter the appearance of the food with respect to the predominance of the tomato ingredients.

40. For standards set out in sections 34 to 39, mould filaments, if present, must not appear in more than 50% of the microscopic fields.

41. Bean Sprouts is the food that is prepared by heat processing clean, sound sprouts of the mung bean. It may contain

  • (a) a sweetening ingredient;
  • (b) salt;
  • (c) citric acid; and
  • (d) ascorbic acid.

42. Vegetables for chop suey must be prepared by heat processing clean, sound sprouts of the mung bean together with other fresh vegetables. They may contain

  • (a) a sweetening ingredient;
  • (b) salt;
  • (c) citric acid; and
  • (d) ascorbic acid.

43. Beans with Pork or Beans and Pork is the food that is prepared by heat processing dried beans and pork in water. It may contain

  • (a) sauce;
  • (b) salt;
  • (c) seasoning and spices;
  • (d) a sweetening ingredient;
  • (e) sodium bicarbonate;
  • (f) disodium phosphate;
  • (g) calcium chloride;
  • (h) citric acid;
  • (i) calcium disodium ethylenediaminetetraacetate (calcium disodium EDTA) and disodium ethylenediaminetetraacetate (disodium EDTA); and
  • (j) ascorbic acid.

44. Beans or Vegetarian Beans is the food that is prepared by heat processing dried beans in water. It may contain

  • (a) sauce;
  • (b) seasoning and spices;
  • (c) a sweetening ingredient;
  • (d) calcium chloride;
  • (e) citric acid;
  • (f) calcium disodium ethylenediaminetetraacetate (calcium disodium EDTA) and disodium ethylenediaminetetraacetate (disodium EDTA); and
  • (g) ascorbic acid.

45. Ripe Peas, Dried Soaked Peas, Dry Peas and Cooked Dry Peas are the foods that are prepared by heat processing ripe or dried peas in water. They may contain

  • (a) sauce;
  • (b) seasoning and spices;
  • (c) a sweetening ingredient;
  • (d) citric acid;
  • (e) ascorbic acid; and
  • (f) calcium chloride.

46. Ripe Lima Beans, Dried Soaked Lima Beans, Dry Lima Beans and Cooked Dry Lima Beans are the foods that are prepared by heat processing ripe or dried lima beans in water. They may contain

  • (a) sauce;
  • (b) seasoning and spices;
  • (c) a sweetening ingredient;
  • (d) calcium chloride;
  • (e) citric acid;
  • (f) calcium disodium ethylenediaminetetraacetate (calcium disodium EDTA) and disodium ethylenediaminetetraacetate (disodium EDTA); and
  • (g) ascorbic acid.

Frozen Processed Fruit Products

47. (1) Frozen (Naming the fruit or fruits) and frozen mixed fruits are the foods that are prepared by freezing one or more types of fresh fruit. They may contain

  • (a) a sweetening ingredient;
  • (b) one or more fruit juices, including juice made from concentrate;
  • (c) a syrup consisting of a sweetening ingredient and one or more of the following:
    • (i) water;
    • (ii) one or more fruit juices; and
    • (iii) one or more fruit juices made from concentrate; and
  • (d) citric, malic, ascorbic and erythorbic acids; and
  • (e) flavouring preparations if the food is not subject to the grade requirements set out in the Compendium.

(2) The standard set out in this section applies to all frozen processed fruit products, including the frozen processed fruit products referred to in sections 48 to 51.

48. Frozen Sliced Apples is the food that consists of segments of apples that have been cut longitudinally and radially from the core. It may contain salt.

49. (1) Frozen Fruit Cocktail is the food that contains

  • (a) at least 30% and not more than 50% diced peaches by drained weight;
  • (b) at least 25% and not more than 45% diced pears by drained weight;
  • (c) at least 6% and not more than 16% pineapple segments by drained weight; and
  • (d) at least 2% and not more than 20% whole or halved cherries or whole grapes, or both, by drained weight.

(2) Cherries contained in frozen fruit cocktail may contain food colours and added flavouring preparations.

50. (1) Frozen Fruits for Salad is the food that contains

  • (a) at least 24% and not more than 40% sliced or quartered peaches by drained weight;
  • (b) at least 21% and not more than 35% sliced or quartered pears by drained weight;
  • (c) at least 18% and not more than 30% halved or quartered apricots by drained weight;
  • (d) at least 8% and not more than 16% pineapple segments by drained weight; and
  • (e) at least 3% and not more than 8% whole cherries or whole grapes, or both, by drained weight.

(2) Cherries contained in frozen fruits for salad may contain food colours and added flavouring preparations.

51. (1) Frozen Fruit Salad is the food that contains a mixture of two or more types of diced, halved, quartered or sliced fruit. No one type of fruit may exceed 60% of the food by drained weight.

(2) Cherries contained in frozen fruit salad may contain food colours and added flavouring preparations and, despite subsection (1), may be whole.

Frozen Processed Vegetable Products

52. (1) Frozen (Naming the vegetable or vegetables) and frozen mixed vegetables are the foods that are prepared by blanching and freezing one or more types of fresh vegetables. They may contain

  • (a) salt;
  • (b) citric acid; and
  • (c) natural flavouring ingredients.

(2) The standard set out in subsection (1) applies to all frozen processed vegetable products, including the frozen processed vegetable products referred to in sections 53 and 54.

(3) Despite subsection (2), the standard set out in subsection (1) does not apply to the frozen processed vegetable products referred to in sections 55 to 58.

53. (1) Frozen Peas and Carrots is the food that consists of at least 52% and not more than 75% peas by weight and at least 25% and not more than 48% diced, sliced or whole carrots by weight.

(2) Frozen Carrots and Peas is the food that consists of at least 52% and not more than 75% diced, sliced or whole carrots by weight and at least 25% and not more than 48% peas by weight.

54. Frozen Mushrooms is the food that meets the standard set out in section 10.1.3 of Volume 10 of the FCSD.

55. Frozen Onions is the food that is prepared by freezing clean, sound, fresh onions that have been sliced, chopped or diced. It may contain

  • (a) salt;
  • (b) seasoning and spices;
  • (c) ascorbic acid; and
  • (d) citric acid.

56. Frozen French Fried Potatoes is the food that is prepared by freezing mature, sound potatoes that have been cleaned, sorted, trimmed, cut into strips, blanched and processed in vegetable oil. It may contain

  • (a) sodium acid pyrophosphate;
  • (b) dextrose;
  • (c) ascorbic acid;
  • (d) food colours; and
  • (e) asparaginase.

57. Frozen Cooked Squash is the food that is prepared by freezing clean, sound, ripe common field squash of varieties of the genus Cucurbita L. that have been stemmed, cut, steamed and reduced to a pulp through a fine mesh sieve.

58. Frozen Uncooked Squash is the food that is prepared by freezing clean, sound, ripe common field squash of varieties of the genus Cucurbita L. that have been stemmed, cut and blanched.

59. (1) Bacterial count for the standards set out in sections 52 to 58 must not exceed

  • (a) 250,000 viable aerobic mesophiles per gram; and
  • (b) 100 aerobic thermophilic spores per gram if the frozen vegetable is intended for remanufacturing purposes.

(2) Bacterial count standards set out in subsection (1) shall be applied only at the plant level on domestic production and at the time of entry into Canada in the case of imported frozen vegetables.

Fruit Juices

60. (1) (Naming the fruit) Juice and mixed fruit juice are the unfermented liquids that are obtained from one or more types of sound, clean, ripe fresh fruit. They may contain

  • (a) a sweetening ingredient in dry form;
  • (b) potassium sorbate; and
  • (c) sorbic acid.

(2) The standard set out in subsection (1) applies to all fruit juices that are prepared without any concentration or dilution.

(3) Despite subsection (2), the standard set out in subsection (1) does not apply to apple juice and grape juice.

61. (1) Apple Juice is the food that consists of unfermented liquid that is obtained from the first pressing of sound, clean, mature, fresh apples or apple parts and that is prepared without any concentration or dilution. It may contain

  • (a) natural apple esters;
  • (b) anti-oxidants;
  • (c) vitamin C in an amount that will provide at least 35 mg of biologically active ascorbic acid per 100 mL of apple juice during the 12-month period following the day of packaging; and
  • (d) carbon dioxide, if the juice is labelled with the words
    • (i) "Sparkling" and "pétillant", "mousseux" or "gazéifié"; or
    • (ii) "Carbonated" and "carbonaté", "mousseux" or "gazéifié".

(2) Despite subsection (1), concentrated apple juice or apple juice from concentrate may be added to apple juice if the concentrated apple juice or apple juice from concentrate

  • (a) contributes not more than 5% of the apple juice solids and not more than 25% of the titrable acidity found in the finished product; and
  • (b) is added for the purpose of allowing the apple juice to meet the minimum grade requirements that are set out in the Compendium.

(3) The styles of apple juice are

  • (a) "clear" or "clarified", which refers to apple juice that has been completely clarified and that ranges in colour from a light to medium amber shade;
  • (b) "unclarified", "cloudy" or "opalescent", which refers to apple juice that has not been clarified or has been only partially clarified but that is free from any suspended visible particles of apple pulp; and
  • (c) "crushed", which refers to apple juice that has not been clarified and that contains suspended visible particles of apple pulp.

62. Concentrated Apple Juice or Apple Juice Concentrate is the food that is prepared from apple juice that is concentrated to at least 68% soluble solids.

63. Frozen Concentrated Apple Juice is the food that is prepared by freezing apple juice that is concentrated to at least one-half its original volume.

64. Apple Juice from Concentrate is the food that is obtained by adding water to concentrated apple juice. It may contain

  • (a) apple juice;
  • (b) natural apple esters;
  • (c) vitamin C;
  • (d) carbon dioxide, if the juice is labelled with the words
    • (i) "Sparkling" and "pétillant", "mousseux" or "gazéifié"; or
    • (ii) "Carbonated" and "carbonaté", "mousseux" or "gazéifié"; and
  • (e) sodium benzoate, in an amount not more than 1 000 p.p.m., if the apple juice from concentrate is packaged cold in non-hermetically sealed packages.

65. (1) Grape Juice is the food that consists of unfermented liquid that is obtained from sound, clean, ripe grapes. It must be prepared without any concentration or dilution and must contain

  • (a) if it is obtained from white grapes, at least 14% soluble grape solids by weight as determined by a refractometer at 20°C, uncorrected for acidity; and
  • (b) in any other case, at least 15% soluble grape solids by weight as determined by the method referred to in paragraph (a).

(2) Grape juice may contain

  • (a) a residue of up to 10 mg of sulphur dioxide per kilogram, if the juice contains juice obtained from vinifera type grapes;
  • (b) a residue of up to 70 mg of sulphur dioxide per kilogram, if the juice is obtained from white grapes;
  • (c) carbon dioxide, if the juice is labelled with the words
    • (i) "Sparkling" and "pétillant", "mousseux" or "gazéifié"; or
    • (ii) "Carbonated" and "carbonaté", "mousseux" or "gazéifié";
  • (d) vitamin C; and
  • (e) potassium sorbate and sorbic acid.

(3) For the purposes of this section and sections 66 and 67,

  • (a) "labrusca type grapes" means grapes of the species Vitis labrusca and includes the Concord variety and the Niagara variety; and
  • (b) "vinifera type grapes" means grapes of the species Vitis vinifera and includes the French Hybrid varieties.

66. (1) Concentrated Grape Juice or Grape Juice Concentrate is the food that is prepared from grape juice that is concentrated to contain at least 30% soluble grape solids by weight as determined by a refractometer at 20°C, uncorrected for acidity.

(2) Concentrated grape juice or grape juice concentrate may

  • (a) be prepared by blending grape juice or concentrated grape juice obtained from vinifera type grapes with grape juice or concentrated grape juice obtained from labrusca type grapes; and
  • (b) contain
    • (i) a residue of up to 10 mg of sulphur dioxide per kilogram, if the concentrated juice contains juice obtained from vinifera type grapes;
    • (ii) a residue of up to 20 mg of sulphur dioxide per kilogram, if the concentrated juice is obtained from white grapes;
    • (iii) natural volatile grape juice components of the same type of grapes as the type from which the concentrated juice was obtained, if the components have been removed during the process of concentration;
    • (iv) vitamin C; and
    • (v) potassium sorbate and sorbic acid.

67. (1) Grape Juice from Concentrate is the food that is prepared by adding water to concentrated grape juice or by adding concentrated grape juice to grape juice. It must contain

  • (a) if it is obtained from white grapes, at least 15% soluble grape solids by weight as determined by a refractometer at 20°C, uncorrected for acidity; and
  • (b) in any other case, at least 16% soluble grape solids by weight as determined by the method referred to in paragraph (a).

(2) Grape juice from concentrate may contain

  • (a) a residue of up to 10 mg of sulphur dioxide per kilogram, if the juice is obtained from vinifera type grapes;
  • (b) a residue of up to 70 mg of sulphur dioxide per kilogram, if the juice is obtained from white grapes;
  • (c) carbon dioxide, if the juice is labelled with the words
    • (i) "Sparkling" and "pétillant", "mousseux" or "gazéifié"; or
    • (ii) "Carbonated" and "carbonaté", "mousseux" or "gazéifié";
  • (d) vitamin C;
  • (e) sodium benzoate, in an amount not more than 1 000 p.p.m., if the juice from concentrate is packed cold in non-hermetically sealed packages; and
  • (f) potassium sorbate and sorbic acid.

68. (1) Frozen Concentrated Orange Juice is the food that is prepared by freezing concentrated orange juice that is prepared from

  • (a) unfermented orange juice that is obtained from clean, sound, mature oranges, that is concentrated to at least one-half of its original volume and that contains soluble solids
    • (i) at least 85% of which are obtained from oranges of the species Citrus sinensis;
    • (ii) not more than 10% of which are obtained from oranges of the species Citrus reticulata or from hybrids of any species of orange; and
    • (iii) not more than 5% of which are obtained from oranges of the species Citrus aurantium;
  • (b) unfermented orange juice that is obtained from clean, sound, mature oranges, from which the pulp may be removed and to which the water extract of that pulp may be added prior to concentration; or
  • (c) a mixture of the concentrated juices referred to in paragraphs (a) and (b).

(2) Frozen concentrated orange juice may contain

  • (a) water; and
  • (b) orange pulp obtained from the juice referred to in paragraph (1)(a) and orange essences and oils from clean, sound, mature oranges.

(3) Frozen concentrated orange juice must not contain mould filaments in more than 10% of the microscopic fields.

69. (1) Sweetened Frozen Concentrated Orange Juice is the food that consists of frozen concentrated orange juice that contains a sweetening ingredient.

(2) Before the addition of any sweetening ingredient, the frozen concentrated orange juice must meet the requirements for frozen concentrated orange juice, grade Canada C, that are set out in the Compendium.

Vegetable Juices

70. (1) (Naming the vegetable) Juice and mixed vegetable juice are the pasteurized liquids that are obtained from one or more types of sound, clean, fresh vegetables. They may contain

  • (a) salt;
  • (b) a sweetening ingredient in dry form; and
  • (c) a preservative.

(2) The standard set out in subsection (1) applies to all vegetable juices that are prepared without any concentration or dilution.

(3) Despite subsection (2), the standard set out in subsection (1) does not apply to tomato juice.

71. Tomato juice is the food that meets the standard set out in section 10.3.1 of Volume 10 of the FCSD, except that it may contain a sweetening ingredient.

72. Concentrated Tomato Juice or Tomato Juice Concentrate is the food that consists of tomato juice that is concentrated to contain at least 21% but less than 25% salt-free tomato solids. It may contain

  • (a) salt; and
  • (b) a sweetening ingredient in dry form.

73. For standards set out in sections 71 and 72, mould filaments must not appear in more than 25% of the microscopic fields.


74. (Naming the fruit or fruits) Jam is the food that meets the standard set out in section 10.4.1 of Volume 10 of the FCSD, except that it

  • (a) must not be obtained by processing fruit pulp that is preserved in sulphur dioxide; and
  • (b) may contain a sweetening ingredient and concentrated juice.

75. (Naming the fruit or fruits) Jam with Pectin is the food that meets the standard set out in section 10.4.2 of Volume 10 of the FCSD except that it may contain a sweetening ingredient.

76. Apple and (naming the fruit or fruits) Jam and Rhubarb and (naming the fruit or fruits) Jam are the foods that meet the standard set out in section 10.4.3 of Volume 10 of the FCSD except that it may contain a sweetening ingredient.


77. (Naming the fruit or fruits) Jelly is the food that meets the standard set out in section 10.4.9 of Volume 10 of the FCSD, except that it

  • (a) must not be obtained by processing fruit juice or concentrated fruit juice that contains sulphurous acid; and
  • (b) may contain a preservative, a sweetening ingredient and concentrated juice.

78. (Naming the fruit or fruits) Jelly with Pectin is the food that meets the standard set out in section 10.4.10 of Volume 10 of the FCSD except that it may contain a sweetening ingredient.

79. The standards set out in sections 77 and 78 do not apply to cranberry jelly or jellied cranberries.


80. (Naming the citrus fruit or fruits) Marmalade is the food that meets the standard set out in section 10.4.4 of Volume 10 of the FCSD, except that it may contain a preservative, a sweetening ingredient and concentrated juice.

81. (Naming the citrus fruit or fruits) Marmalade with Pectin is the food that meets the standard set out in section 10.4.5 of Volume 10 of the FCSD except that it may contain a sweetening ingredient.

82. (Naming the fruit or fruits) Preserve or (Naming the fruit or fruits) Conserve is the food that meets the standard set out in section 10.4.8 of Volume 10 of the FCSD, except that it may be processed with water and contains a sweetening ingredient.


83. Cranberry Jelly or Jellied Cranberries is the food that is prepared by boiling the juice and pulp of cranberries with water and a sweetening ingredient until it acquires a gelatinous consistency. It must contain at least 40% soluble solids, as determined by a refractometer, and may contain

  • (a) food colours; and
  • (b) a preservative.

84. Cranberries or Cranberry Sauce is the food that is prepared by heat processing cranberries with water and a sweetening ingredient. It must contain at least 40% soluble solids, as determined by a refractometer, and may contain

  • (a) food colours; and
  • (b) a preservative.

Glace Fruit and Cut Mixed Fruit

85. Glace Fruit or Cut Mixed Fruit is the food that is prepared by impregnating and glazing whole or cut mixed fruits with a sweetening ingredient. It must contain at least 68% soluble solids, as determined by a refractometer, and may contain

  • (a) artificial flavouring;
  • (b) a preservative; and
  • (c) an acid ingredient.

86. Fruit Peel or Cut Mixed Peel is the food that is prepared by impregnating and glazing the outer rinds of clean, sound fruits with a sweetening ingredient. It must contain at least 68% soluble solids, as determined by a refractometer, and may contain

  • (a) artificial flavouring;
  • (b) a preservative; and
  • (c) an acid ingredient.


87. Mincemeat, Mince Meat, Mince or Fruit Mince is the food that meets the standard set out in section 10.5.3 of Volume 10 of the FCSD.

Pie Filler

88. Pie Filler or Pie Filling is the food that is prepared by processing clean, sound, ripe fruits with a sweetening ingredient. It must contain at least 30% soluble solids – or, in the case of apple or pumpkin pie filler or pie filling, at least 20% soluble solids – as determined by a refractometer. It may contain

  • (a) a thickener;
  • (b) an acid ingredient;
  • (c) spices;
  • (d) artificial flavouring;
  • (e) food colours;
  • (f) ascorbic acid;
  • (g) sodium citrate; and
  • (h) salt.

89. Pie fruits is the food that is prepared from clean, sound, ripe fruits that have been heat processed so as to allow the fruits to pack more closely. It may contain a sweetening ingredient.


90. Olives is the food that meets the standard set out in section 10.5.1 of Volume 10 of the FCSD, except that the food may contain

  • (a) vegetable oil;
  • (b) water; and
  • (c) flavouring preparations.

Pickles, Relishes and Chutneys

91. Pickles and Relishes are the foods that meet the standard set out in section 10.5.2 of Volume 10 of the FCSD, except that they

  • (a) may be prepared without vinegar; and
  • (b) may contain
    • (i) flavouring preparations;
    • (ii) bacterial culture;
    • (iii) water;
    • (iv) stabilizing agents;
    • (v) pH adjusting agents; and
    • (vi) sucralose.

92. Chutney is the food that is prepared from clean, sound, fresh fruits or vegetables, with salt. It may contain

  • (a) vinegar;
  • (b) spices;
  • (c) seasonings;
  • (d) a sweetening ingredient;
  • (e) sucralose;
  • (f) food colours;
  • (g) a preservative;
  • (h) a firming agent;
  • (i) polyoxyethylene (20) sorbitan monooleate, in an amount not more than 0.05%;
  • (j) lactic acid;
  • (k) vegetable oils;
  • (l) flavouring preparations;
  • (m) bacterial culture;
  • (n) water;
  • (o) thickeners;
  • (p) stabilizing agents;
  • (q) pH adjusting agents; and
  • (r) dried fruits.


93. Apricot Nectar, Peach Nectar and Pear Nectar are the foods that meet the standard set out in section 10.3.16 of Volume 10 of the FCSD except that they may contain a sweetening ingredient. They must not contain mould filaments in more than 25% of the microscopic fields.

94. Prune Nectar is the food that is prepared by adding water to a concentrated water extract of dried prunes and that contains at least 18.5% soluble solids by weight as determined by a refractometer at 20°C, uncorrected for acidity. It may contain

  • (a) citric acid;
  • (b) lemon juice;
  • (c) vitamin C; and
  • (d) prune juice, concentrated prune juice or both.