Consultation on registration requirements for gut modifier products: Closed consultation

Current status: Closed

This consultation ran from July 26, 2022 to September 19, 2022.

About the consultation

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) led a 45-day public consultation to seek comments on the proposed guidance document: Registration requirements for gut modifier products

Gut modifiers as livestock feed are products that, once fed to an animal, have a mode of action in their gastrointestinal (GI) tract. They achieve this by acting on the feed itself while in the gut or by modifying the GI environment to provide a benefit to the animal as may be linked to a nutritional effect.

The gut modifier category can encompass a variety of feed ingredients, including new feed ingredients and new purposes for existing approved ingredients. These ingredient types may include, but are not limited to, viable microbial strains, prebiotics, enzymes, organic acids, and essential oils.

Who was the focus of this consultation

Animal feed stakeholders, including:

  • suppliers of feed ingredients
  • commercial feed manufacturers
  • feed importers, distributors and retailers
  • industry associations
  • other government departments
  • international trading partners
  • veterinarians

All comments were welcome from industry, governments, the public, or other organizations or individuals.

Key questions for discussion

The CFIA sought feedback on the proposed guidance on registration requirements for gut modifier products to ensure that:

  • the overall guidance document was clear
  • there were no elements which required further clarification
  • criteria which may reflect on the safety or efficacy of products wasn't missed

What we heard

Final report

Related information

Contact us

Animal Feed Program (AFP)
Canadian Food Inspection Agency
59 Camelot Drive
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0Y9