Proposed document to be incorporated by reference – Approved animal indicators

This document was part of a consultation on proposed amendments to Part XV of the Health of Animals Regulations – Identification and Traceability. The consultation ran from March 18, 2023 to June 16, 2023. This consultation is now closed. This document will be updated with the final regulations published in Canada Gazette, Part II.

On this page


Identification and movement recording and reporting requirements for animals are covered under Part XV of the Health of Animals Regulations. The approval of animal indicators is guided by the Animal Indicator Approval and Revocation Framework available upon request at:

Recommendations for the approval of animal indicators are made by responsible administrators.


Approved indicator
An approved indicator that identifies an animal or its carcass (ear tag, leg band, slap tattoo etc.).
Approved secondary indicator
A supplementary means of identification of a cervid or its carcass.
Herd mark
A number or marking issued by a responsible administrator for the purpose of identifying groups of pigs, sheep or goats that originate from the same site.
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)
Radio frequency technology in tags that allows for the identification and tracking of animals.

Markings on approved animal indicators

Animal indicators approved under the national Livestock Identification and Traceability program must bear the trademark of the responsible administrator or country designation under ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 standard ("CA" for Canada) and an identification number unique to the animal or to a group of animals.

Trademark of the Canadian Cattle Identification Agency
Figure 1: Trade-mark of the Canadian Cattle Identification Agency (CCIA) showing 3/4 maple leaf and "CA" letters, administrator responsible for beef cattle, sheep, and cervids (with the exception of Quebec) and bison and goats nationally.
Trademark of PigTrace
Figure 2: Trade-mark of PigTRACE showing a maple leaf with a curled pig tail, an agency of the Canadian Pork Council, administrator responsible for pigs nationally.
Trade-mark of DairyTrace
Figure 3: Trade-mark of DairyTrace showing a cow's head with an ear tag and "CA" letters, administered by Lactanet Canada, administrator responsible for the dairy cattle nationally.
Trade mark of Attestra showing the Quebec fleur-de-lys
Figure 4: Trade mark of Attestra showing the Quebec fleur-de-lys, program administrator for beef cattle, sheep and cervids in Quebec.

Identification numbers

Identification number unique to an animal

Identification numbers unique to an animal must follow the ISO 11784 standard (see Figure 5).

Figure 5: ISO 11784 standard number format

Picture - Figure 5: ISO 11784 standard number format. Description follows.
Description of image – Figure 5

The image shows the number "124 000 123456789" to demonstrate the ISO 11784 standard made of 15 digits.

The first 3 digits represent the country code following the ISO 3166-1 numeric standard ("124" for Canada).

The following 3 digits "000" are managed by the CFIA, and indicate a range that may designate animal breed; this is currently not used.

The last 9 digits ("123456789") represent the identification number unique to an animal in a given country.

One of the requirements of the ISO 11784 standard is for the Competent Authority (the Canadian Food Inspection Agency – CFIA) "to ensure the uniqueness of the national identification code. If necessary, number series may be allocated to species and/or manufacturers, but this will not be standardized. Ideally, every country should maintain a central database in which all issued codes are stored, together with a reference to the database where the information concerning the associated animal can be retrieved".

To ensure the uniqueness, the CFIA has allocated ranges of identification numbers based on species.

ISO 11784 standard identification numbers per animal species

Range of ISO 11784 standard identification numbers per animal species
  • Bovine: 124,000,000,000,001 to 124,000,299,999,999
  • Bison: 124,000,300,000,000 to 124,000,304,999,999
  • Ovine:
    • 124,000,310,000,000 to 124,000,319,999,999
    • 124,000,500,000,000 to 124,000,549,999,999
  • Cervid: 124,000,330,000,000 to 124,000,334,999,999
  • Caprine: 124,000,340,000,000 to 124,000,344,999,999
  • Pig: 124,000,400,000,000 to 124,000,499,999,999
  • Equine: 124,000,550,000,000 to 124,000,559,999,999

Identification number unique to a group of animals (herd mark)

A herd mark is made up of 5 alpha-numeric characters and corresponds to an identification number unique to a group of animals that originate from the same site. Currently, herd marks may only be issued to identify groups of goats aged 12 months or less and pigs, as further described in the general information on indicators section. The table below provides information on the herd mark allocation for pigs.

Pig herd mark allocation table
Province Herd mark range
Newfoundland and Labrador 9xyx4
Nova Scotia 6xyx9
Prince Edward Island {0 to 4}xyx2
New Brunswick 7xyx4
Quebec {0 to 8}xyx0
Ontario xxyx5
{1 to 5}xyx9
Manitoba xxyx8
{5 to 7}xyx2
Saskatchewan {0 to 6}xyx4
Alberta xxyx6
British Columbia 9xyx0
Yukon, Nunavut, Northwest Territories 8xyx4

x: a letter or a digit; y: a digit, D or E

Foreign animal indicators deemed equivalent to Canadian approved indicators

Foreign animal indicators deemed equivalent by the CFIA to indicators approved under the Canadian livestock identification and traceability program are considered to be approved under the Health of Animals Regulations. As such, bison, bovine, caprine, cervids, ovine and pigs imported to Canada and bearing equivalent foreign animal indicators are not required to be identified with a Canadian approved indicator when imported.

List of foreign animal indicators considered approved under Part XV of the Health of Animals Regulations
  • Electronic ear tags (either half-duplex or full-duplex frequency) with an official identification number following the ISO 11784 standard, which includes the code of the country where the indicator was issued following the ISO 3166-1 numeric standard that are applied to bison and bovine imported from a foreign country
  • A pair of ear tags, both bearing the same official identification number following the ISO 11784 standard, which includes the code of the country where the indicator was issued following the ISO 3166-1 numeric standard that are applied to cervids imported from a foreign country
  • Non-electronic and electronic (either half-duplex or full-duplex frequency) ear tags with an official identification number following the ISO 11784 standard, which includes the code of the country where the indicator was issued following the ISO 3166-1 numeric standard that are applied to ovine imported from a foreign country
  • Non-electronic and electronic (either half-duplex or full-duplex frequency) ear tags or web tail tags with an official identification number following the ISO 11784 standard, which includes the code of the country where the indicator was issued following the ISO 3166-1 numeric standard that are applied to caprine imported from a foreign country
  • Non-electronic and electronic (either half-duplex or full-duplex frequency) ear tags with an official identification number following the ISO 11784, which include the code of the country where the indicator was issued following the ISO 3166-1 numeric standard that are applied to pigs and farmed wild boars imported from a foreign country
  • Slap tattoos and non-electronic ear tags with an official identification number allocated to a herd or location that is unique in Canada and the United States of America, and that are applied to pigs and farmed wild boars imported from the United States of America for immediate slaughter
  • Sub-cutaneous microchips with an official identification number following the ISO 11784 standard, with includes a manufacturer's code or the code of the country where the indicator was issued following the ISO 3166-1 numeric standard that are applied to pigs and farmed wild boars imported from a foreign country for research, entertainment or for a person's company

General information on indicators


The approved means of identifying bison (an animal, other than an embryo or a fertilized ovum, of the subspecies Bison bison bison, Bison bison athabascae or Bison bison bonasus, including a cross between a bison and a member of another species and their offspring) are detailed below.

Approved technology: HDX (half-duplex).

Approved manner to identify: ear tag with marking and identification number unique to the animal facing forward.

Scope of approval: the indicators for bison, listed in the table of approved indicators, are approved for all types of domestic movement of bison and bison carcasses within Canada and for export.

Historical information on the approval of tags and indicators for bison
Date of revision Description of revision
2020-07-06 Approval of tag BIS-01-03A

Notification that tag BIS-01-01 is no longer sold and gradually being phased out of the program

Approval of tag BIS-01-03

2014-03-31 Revocation of tag BIS-01-02
2010-07-01 Revocation of tags BIS-01-1R, BIS-01-2R, BIS-01-3R, BIS-01-4R, BIS-01-5R, BIS-01-6R, BIS-01-7R
Between December 2000 and November 2010 Approval of tags BIS-01-01, BIS-01-02


The approved means of identifying bovines (an animal, other than an embryo or a fertilized ovum, of the species Bos taurus or Bos indicus, including a cross between a bovine and a member of another species and their offspring) are detailed below.

Approved technology: HDX (half-duplex) and FDX (full-duplex).

Approved manner to identify: ear tag with marking and identification number unique to the animal facing forward.

Scope of approval: the indicators for bovine, listed in the table of approved indicators, are approved for all types of domestic movement of bovine and bovine carcasses within Canada and for export.

Historical information on the approval of tags and indicators for bovine
Date of revision Description of revision
2023-02-15 Approval of tag BOV-01-43A
2022-10-24 Revised technology for BOV-09-01 (was previously listed as FDX-B)
2022-05-20 Approval of tag BOV-09-01
2021-06-30 Approval of tags BOV-02-03 and BOV-06-01

Approval of tags BOV-01-41, BOV-01-42, BOV-01-43, BOV-01-44, BOV-01-45, BOV-01-46, BOV-01-47, BOV-01-48, BOV-01-49

Removal of tags BOV-01-38A and BOV-01-39A (which were never offered for sale)

2020-07-06 Approval of tags BOV-01-03A1, BOV-01-3B1, BOV-01-03C1, BOV-01-03D1, BOV-01-05A1, BOV-01-21C1, BOV-01-22C1, BOV-01-24C1, BOV-01-25A, BOV-01-28A, BOV-01-29A, BOV-01-30A, BOV-01-31A, BOV-01-33A, BOV-01-37A, BOV-01-38A, BOV-01-39A, BOV-01-40A, BIS-01-03A

Approval of tag BOV-08-06

Notification that tag BOV-03-01 is no longer sold and is gradually being phased out of the program

2018-11-27 Approval of tags BOV-08-02, BOV-08-03, BOV-08-04, BOV-08-05, BOV-01-05A

Approval of tags BOV-05-03, BOV-08-01A, BOV-08-01B

Revocation of tag BOV-01-20R

2017-04-03 Approval of tag BOV-01-03D
2016-08-24 Approval of tag BOV-01-03C
2015-11-19 Approval of tag BOV-01-03B

Approval of tags BOV-01-38, BOV-01-39 and BOV-01-40

Revocation of tags BOV-01-12R, BOV-01-13R, BOV-01-14R, and BOV-01-15R


Notification that tags BOV-01-02, BOV-01-07, BOV-01-08, BOV-01-10, BOV-01-11, BOV-01-20, BOV-01-21A, BOV-01-21D, BOV-01-21E, BOV-01-22A, BOV-01-23A, BOV-01-24A, BOV-01-26A, BOV-01-26B, and BOV-05-01 are no longer sold and gradually being phased out of the program

Approval of tags BOV-01-03A, BOV-01-07A, BOV-01-24A, BOV-01-27, BOV-01-28, BOV-01-29, BOV-01-30, BOV-01-32, BOV-01-33, BOV-01-34, BOV-01-35, BOV-01-36, BOV-01-37, BOV-05-02

2013-11-21 Revocation of tags BOV-01-10R and BOV-01-11R

CFIA code for tags BOV-01-21B, BOV-01-22B, BOV-01-23B, BOV-01-24B, BOV-01-25B, BOV-01-26B modified

Approval of tags BOV-01-21D and BOV-01-21E


Approval of tags BOV-01-26A and BOV-01-26B

Notification that tags BOV-01-12, BOV-01-13, BOV-01-14 and BOV-01-15 are no longer sold and gradually being phased out of the program


CFIA code for tag BOV-01-03A modified

CFIA code for tags BOV-01-21, BOV-01-22, BOV-01-23, BOV-01-24, BOV-01-25, BOV-01-26, BOV-01-27 BOV-01-28 modified

Approval of tags BOV-01-21C, BOV-01-22C, BOV-01-23C, BOV-01-24C and BOV-02-02


Approval of tag BOV-01-03A (now BOV-01-24)

Modification of pictures for BOV-01-20


Addition of BOV-04-02 as an approved tag

CFIA code for tag BOV-04-01 modified

Revised manufacturer's code for BOV-01-03

Revised manufacturer's code for BOV-01-05

Notification that tags BOV-01-16, BOV-01-17, BOV-01-18 and BOV-01-19 are no longer sold and gradually being phased out of the program

Approval of tags BOV-01-21, BOV-01-22, BOV-01-23, BOV-01-24, BOV-01-25, BOV-01-26, BOV-01-27 and BOV-01-28

2010-07-01 Revocation of tags BOV-00-0R, BOV-01-1R, BOV-01-2R, BOV-01-3R, BOV-01-4R, BOV-01-5R, BOV-01-6R, BOV-01-7R, BOV-01-8R, BOV-01-9R
Between December 2000 and November 2010 Approval of tags BOV-00-00 (bar-coded), BOV-01-01, BOV-01-02, BOV-01-03, BOV-01-04, BOV-01-05, BOV-01-06, BOV-01-07, BOV-01-07A, BOV-01-08, BOV-02-01, BOV-03-01, BOV-04-01, BOV-04-02, BOV-01-09, BOV-01-10, BOV-01-11, BOV-01-16, BOV-01-17, BOV-01-18, BOV-01-19, BOV-01-20

Caprine (goats)

The approved means of identifying caprine (an animal other than an embryo or a fertilized ovum, of the genus Capra) are detailed below.

Approved technology: FDX (full-duplex), HDX (half-duplex) and non-electronic.

Approved manner to identify:

  • ear tag with marking and identification number facing forward
  • leg band with marking and identification number, and
  • indicator applied to the tail web with marking and identification number

Scope of approval: The indicators for caprine, bearing an ISO 11784 number listed in the table of approved indicators, are approved for all types of domestic movement of caprine and caprine carcasses within Canada and for export. The indicators with a herd mark listed in the table of approved indicators designated for caprine are approved for caprine aged 12 months or less and moved directly from their farm of origin to an abattoir within Canada and for export for immediate slaughter.

Historical information on the approval of tags and indicators for caprine
Date of revision Description of revision
2022-05-20 Pre-approval of tags CAP-06-03A and CAP-06-03B


The approved means of identifying cervids (an animal other than an embryo or fertilized ovum, of the family Cervidae) are detailed below.

Approved technology: FDX (full-duplex) and non-electronic for approved indicators; non-electronic for approved secondary indicators.

Approved manner to identify: Ear tag with marking and identification number unique to the animal facing forward.

Scope of approval: The indicators and secondary indicators for cervids, listed in the table of approved indicators, are approved for all types of domestic movement of cervid and cervid carcasses within Canada and for export.

Ovine (sheep)

The approved means of identifying ovine (an animal, other than an embryo or a fertilized ovum, of the genus Ovis, including a cross between an ovine and a member of another species and their offspring) are detailed below.

Approved technology: FDX (full-duplex) and non-electronic

Approved manner to identify: ear tag with marking and identification number unique to the animal facing forward

Scope of approval: the indicators for ovine, listed in the table of approved indicators, are approved for all types of domestic movement of ovine and ovine carcasses within Canada and for export.

Historical information on the approval of tags and indicators for ovine
Date of revision Description of revision
2022-05-20 Approval of tag OVI-06-03
2017-11-20 Revocation of tag OVI-07-01R
2016-06-09 CFIA code for tag OVI-03-01 modified
2013-02-14 Approval of tag OVI-06-02
2012-08-30 CFIA code for tags OVI-02-01 and OVI-03-01 modified

Notification that tags OVI-01-01 and OVI-01-03 are no longer manufactured and gradually being phased out of the program

Approval of tags OVI-01-04 and OVI-01-04A

2011-08-19 Notification that tags OVI-01-02 and OVI-02-01 are no longer sold and gradually being phased out of the program
Between December 2003 and November 2010 Approval of tags OVI-01-01, OVI-07-01


The approved means of identifying pigs (an animal, other than an embryo or a fertilized ovum, of the genus Sus) are detailed below.

Approved technology: FDX (full-duplex), HDX (half-duplex), and non-electronic.

Approved manner to identify:

  • ear tag with marking and identification number facing backward
  • slap tattoo applied to the shoulder using ink
  • sub-cutaneous microchip implant
  • tattoo applied to the ear with ink, and
  • spray painted herd mark applied with a stencil on the back of the pig

Scope of approval: the ear tags for pigs, with an ISO 11784 identification number listed in the table of approved indicators, are approved for all types of domestic movement of pigs within Canada and for export.

Ear tags with a herd mark for pigs,  listed in the table of approved indicators, are approved indicators for the movement of pigs to an auction mart, an assembly yard or an abattoir within Canada, and for export for immediate slaughter.

Shoulder slap tattoos bearing a herd mark are approved indicators for the movement of pigs directly to abattoirs within Canada and for export for immediate slaughter.

Spray painted herd marks applied with a stencil on the back of the pig are approved for the movement of pigs directly from a farm to an abattoir within Canada.

Ear tattoos bearing a herd mark are approved indicators for the movement of unweaned piglets accompanied with their sow moved for educational purposes to a site, including fairgrounds and exhibition halls within Canada.

Sub-cutaneous microchip implants with an ISO 11784 identification number are approved indicators for all types of domestic movement, within Canada, of pigs kept primarily for research purposes, entertainment purposes or for a person's company as well as for export.

Historical information on the approval of tags and indicators for pigs
Date of revision Description of revision
2019-05-01 Approval of ear tattoos bearing a herd mark for the movement of unweaned piglets accompanied with their sow moved for educational purposes to a site, including fairgrounds and exhibition halls; and spray painted herd mark applied with a stencil on the back of the pig as an approved manner to identify pigs moved directly from a farm to an abattoir.

Approval of ear tags bearing a herd mark for pigs transported to an auction mart or an assembly yard instead of transported to a site used exclusively for the purpose of collecting animals before they are transported to an abattoir.

Approval of ear tags POR-01-06A, POR-01-06B, POR-01-07A, POR-01-07B

2016-06-13 Clarification under the section "Scope of approval"
2015-11-19 Approval of sub-cutaneous microchip implant for pigs kept primarily for research purposes, for entertainment purposes or for a person's company.
2015-07-01 Approval of ear tags bearing a herd mark (for example, POR-01-01B, POR-01-02B, POR-01-03B) for pigs transported to an abattoir either directly from a "farm" or through a "site used exclusively for the purpose of collecting animals before they are transported to an abattoir"
2014-09-24 Clarifications made on the voluntary usage of a management number on tags approved for pigs.
2014-07-01 Approval of tags POR-01-01A, POR-01-01B, POR-01-02A, POR-01-02B, POR-01-03A, POR-01-03B, POR-01-04 and POR-01-05

Table of approved animal indicators

Find an approved indicator

Species Technology and type Colour/Shape - Front Colour/Shape - Back Manufacturer Program Administrator Date of approval CFIA code and images/info
Bovine (Recommended for Limousin breed) RFID (FDX) ear tag Yellow/Round Pink/Round Allflex Canadian Cattle Identification Agency 2023-06-30 BOV-01-03A2
Bovine (Recommended for Gelbvieh breed) RFID (FDX) ear tag Yellow/Round Orange/Round Allflex Canadian Cattle Identification Agency 2023-06-30 BOV-01-03B2
Bovine (Recommended for Hereford breed) RFID (FDX) ear tag Yellow/Round Red/Round Allflex Canadian Cattle Identification Agency 2023-06-30 BOV-01-03C2
Bovine (Recommended for Simmental breed) RFID (FDX2) ear tag Yellow/Round Blue/Round Allflex Canadian Cattle Identification Agency 2023-06-30 BOV-01-03D2
Bovine (Recommended for Angus breed) RFID (FDX+) ear tag Yellow/Round Green/Round Allflex Canadian Cattle Identification Agency 2023-06-30 BOV-01-05A2
Bovine RFID (FDX+) ear tag Yellow/Round Yellow/Round Allflex Canadian Cattle Identification Agency 2023-06-30 BOV-01-25A1
Bovine RFID (FDX) ear tag Yellow/Round Yellow/Round Allflex Canadian Cattle Identification Agency Between December 2000 and November 2010 BOV-01-01
Bovine RFID (HDX) ear tag Yellow/Round Yellow/Round Allflex Canadian Cattle Identification Agency Between December 2000 and November 2010 BOV-01-02
Bovine RFID (FDX) ear tag Yellow/Round Yellow/Round Allflex Canadian Cattle Identification Agency Between December 2000 and November 2010 BOV-01-03
Bovine (Recommended for Limousin breed) RFID (FDX) ear tag Yellow/Round Pink/Round Allflex Canadian Cattle Identification Agency 2015/02/09 BOV-01-03A
Bovine (Recommended for Limousin breed) RFID (FDX) ear tag Yellow/Round Pink/Round Allflex Canadian Cattle Identification Agency 2020/07/06 BOV-01-03A1
Bovine (Recommended for Gelbvieh breed) RFID (FDX) ear tag Yellow/Round Orange/Round Allflex Canadian Cattle Identification Agency 2015/11/19 BOV-01-03B
Bovine (Recommended for Gelbvieh breed) RFID (FDX) ear tag Yellow/Round Orange/Round Allflex Canadian Cattle Identification Agency 2020/07/06 BOV-01-03B1
Bovine (Recommended for Hereford breed) RFID (FDX) ear tag Yellow/Round Red/Round Allflex Canadian Cattle Identification Agency 2016/08/24 BOV-01-03C
Bovine (Recommended for Hereford breed) RFID (FDX) ear tag Yellow/Round Red/Round Allflex Canadian Cattle Identification Agency 2020/07/06 BOV-01-03C1
Bovine (Recommended for Simmental breed) RFID (FDX2) ear tag Yellow/Round Blue/Round Allflex Canadian Cattle Identification Agency 2017/04/03 BOV-01-03D
Bovine (Recommended for Simmental breed) RFID (FDX2) ear tag Yellow/Round Blue/Round Allflex Canadian Cattle Identification Agency 2020/07/06 BOV-01-03D1
Bovine (Recommended for Angus breed) RFID (FDX) ear tag Yellow/Round Green/Round Allflex Canadian Cattle Identification Agency Between December 2000 and November 2010 BOV-01-04
Bovine (Recommended for Angus breed) RFID (FDX+) ear tag Yellow/Round Green/Round Allflex Canadian Cattle Identification Agency Between December 2000 and November 2010 BOV-01-05
Bovine (Recommended for Angus breed) RFID (FDX+) ear tag Yellow/Round Green/Round Allflex Canadian Cattle Identification Agency 2018/11/27 BOV-01-05A
Bovine (Recommended for Angus breed) RFID (FDX+) ear tag Yellow/Round Green/Round Allflex Canadian Cattle Identification Agency 2020/07/06 BOV-01-05A1
Bovine (Recommended for Charolais breed) RFID (FDX) ear tag Yellow/Round White/Round Allflex Canadian Cattle Identification Agency Between December 2000 and November 2010 BOV-01-06
Bovine RFID (HDX) ear tag White/Round White/Triangle Allflex Canadian Cattle Identification Agency Between December 2000 and November 2010 BOV-01-07
Bovine RFID (HDX) ear tag White/Round White/Triangle Allflex Canadian Cattle Identification Agency Between December 2000 and November 2010 BOV-01-07A
Bovine RFID (HDX) ear tag Yellow/Round Yellow/Triangle Allflex Canadian Cattle Identification Agency Between December 2000 and November 2010 BOV-01-08
Bovine RFID (FDX+) ear tag Yellow/Round Yellow/Round Allflex Canadian Cattle Identification Agency 2011/08/05 BOV-01-25
Bovine RFID (FDX+) ear tag Yellow/Round Yellow/Round Allflex Canadian Cattle Identification Agency 2020/07/06 BOV-01-25A
Bovine RFID (FDX) ear tag Yellow/Triangular Panel Yellow/Triangular Panel Allflex Canadian Cattle Identification Agency 2015/02/09 BOV-01-27
Bovine RFID (HDX) ear tag Yellow/Round Yellow/Round Allflex Canadian Cattle Identification Agency 2015/02/09 BOV-01-37
Bovine RFID (HDX) ear tag Yellow/Round Yellow/Round Allflex Canadian Cattle Identification Agency 2020/07/06 BOV-01-37A
Bovine RFID ear tag Yellow/Round Yellow/Round Destron Fearing Canadian Cattle Identification Agency Between December 2000 and November 2010 BOV-02-01
Bovine RFID (FDX+) ear tag Yellow/Round Yellow/Round Destron Fearing Canadian Cattle Identification Agency 2011/09/22 BOV-02-02
Bovine RFID (FDX+) ear tag Yellow/Round Yellow/Round Destron Fearing Canadian Cattle Identification Agency 2021/06/30 BOV-02-03
Bovine RFID ear tag Yellow/Round Yellow/Round Reyflex Canadian Cattle Identification Agency Between December 2000 and November 2010 BOV-03-01
Bovine RFID (FDX) ear tag Yellow/Round Yellow/Round Y-Tex Canadian Cattle Identification Agency Between December 2000 and November 2010 BOV-04-01
Bovine RFID (FDX) ear tag Yellow/Teardrop Yellow/Round Y-Tex Canadian Cattle Identification Agency Between December 2000 and November 2010 BOV-04-02
Bovine RFID (FDX) ear tag Yellow/Round Yellow/Round Zee Tag Canadian Cattle Identification Agency 2005/06/27 BOV-05-01
Bovine RFID (FDX) ear tag Yellow/Round Yellow/Round Zee Tag Canadian Cattle Identification Agency 2015/02/09 BOV-05-02
Bovine (Recommended for Hereford breed) RFID (FDX) ear tag Yellow/Round Red/Round Zee Tag Canadian Cattle Identification Agency 2017/11/20 BOV-05-03
Bovine RFID (HDX) ear tag 1-piece metal loop 1-piece metal loop Shearwell Canadian Cattle Identification Agency 2021/06/30 BOV-06-01
Bovine RFID (FDX-B) ear tag Yellow/Round Yellow/Round Datamars Canadian Cattle Identification Agency 2017/11/20 BOV-08-01A
Bovine RFID (HDX) ear tag Yellow/Round Yellow/Round Datamars Canadian Cattle Identification Agency 2017/11/20 BOV-08-01B
Bovine (Recommended for Limousin breed) RFID (FDX) ear tag Yellow/Round Pink/Round Datamars Canadian Cattle Identification Agency 2018/11/27 BOV-08-02
Bovine (Recommended for Simmental breed) RFID (FDX) ear tag Yellow/Round Blue/Round Datamars Canadian Cattle Identification Agency 2018/11/27 BOV-08-03
Bovine (Recommended for Angus breed) RFID (FDX) ear tag Yellow/Round Green/Round Datamars Canadian Cattle Identification Agency 2018/11/27 BOV-08-04
Bovine (Recommended for Shorthorn breed) RFID (FDX) ear tag Yellow/Round Purple/Round Datamars Canadian Cattle Identification Agency 2018/11/27 BOV-08-05
Bovine (Recommended for Gelbvieh breed) RFID (FDX-B) ear tag Yellow/Round Orange/Round Datamars Canadian Cattle Identification Agency 2019/11/29 BOV-08-06
Bovine RFID (HDX) ear tag Yellow/Round Yellow/Round Leader Canadian Cattle Identification Agency 2022/05/20 BOV-09-01
Bovine RFID ear tag White/Round White/Triangle Allflex Lactanet Canada Between December 2000 and November 2010 BOV-01-09
Bovine RFID ear tag White/Round White/Triangle Allflex Lactanet Canada Between December 2000 and November 2010 BOV-01-10
Bovine RFID ear tag White/Round White/Triangle Allflex Lactanet Canada Between December 2000 and November 2010 BOV-01-11
Bovine RFID (HDX) ear tag White/Round White/Triagular panel Allflex Lactanet Canada 2013/04/22 BOV-01-21D
Bovine RFID (HDX) ear tag White/Round White/Triagular panel Allflex Lactanet Canada 2013/04/22 BOV-01-21E
Bovine RFID (HDX) ear tag White/Triangular panel White/Triagular panel Allflex Lactanet Canada 2012/03/20 BOV-01-26A
Bovine RFID (HDX) ear tag White/Triangular panel White/Triagular panel Allflex Lactanet Canada 2012/03/20 BOV-01-26B
Bovine RFID (HDX) ear tag White/Round White/Triagular panel Allflex Lactanet Canada 2015/02/09 BOV-01-32
Bovine RFID (HDX) ear tag White/Round White/Triagular panel Allflex Lactanet Canada 2015/02/09 BOV-01-33
Bovine RFID (HDX) ear tag White/Round White/Triagular panel Allflex Lactanet Canada 2020/07/06 BOV-01-33A
Bovine RFID (HDX) ear tag White/Round White/Triagular panel Allflex Lactanet Canada 2015/02/09 BOV-01-34
Bovine RFID (HDX) ear tag White/Triangular panel White/Triangular panel Allflex Lactanet Canada 2015/02/09 BOV-01-35
Bovine RFID (HDX) ear tag White/Triangular panel White/Triangular panel Allflex Lactanet Canada 2015/02/09 BOV-01-36
Bovine RFID (HDX) ear tag White/Triangular panel White/Triangle Allflex Lactanet Canada 2015/10/15 BOV-01-40
Bovine RFID (HDX) ear tag White/Triangular panel White/Triangular panel Allflex Lactanet Canada 2020/07/06 BOV-01-40A
Bovine RFID (HDX) ear tag White/Round White/Triangle Allflex Lactanet Canada 2020/10/05 BOV-01-41
Bovine RFID (HDX) ear tag White/Triangular panel White/Triangle Allflex Lactanet Canada 2020/10/05 BOV-01-42
Bovine RFID (HDX) ear tag White/Round White/Triangle Allflex Lactanet Canada 2020/10/05 BOV-01-43
Bovine RFID (HDX) ear tag White/Round Blue/Triangle Allflex Lactanet Canada 2023/02/15 BOV-01-43A
Bovine RFID (HDX) ear tag White/Round White/Triangle Allflex Attestra Between December 2000 and November 2010 BOV-01-16
Bovine RFID (HDX) ear tag White/Round White/Triangle Allflex Attestra Between December 2000 and November 2010 BOV-01-17
Bovine RFID (HDX) ear tag White/Round White/Triangle Allflex Attestra Between December 2000 and November 2010 BOV-01-18
Bovine (Recommended for Angus breed) RFID (HDX) ear tag White/Round White/Triangle Allflex Attestra Between December 2000 and November 2010 BOV-01-19
Bovine RFID (HDX) ear tag White/Round White/Triangle Allflex Attestra 2011/03/13 BOV-01-21A
Bovine RFID (FDX) ear tag White/Round White/Triangle Allflex Attestra 2011/03/13 BOV-01-21B
Bovine RFID (FDX+) ear tag White/Round White/Triangle Allflex Attestra 2011/09/22 BOV-01-21C
Bovine RFID (FDX+) ear tag White/Round White/Triangle Allflex Attestra 2020/07/06 BOV-01-21C1
Bovine RFID (HDX) ear tag White/Round White/Triangle Allflex Attestra 2011/03/13 BOV-01-22A
Bovine RFID (FDX) ear tag White/Round White/Triangle Allflex Attestra 2011/03/13 BOV-01-22B
Bovine RFID (FDX+) ear tag White/Round White/Triangle Allflex Attestra 2011/09/22 BOV-01-22C
Bovine RFID (FDX+) ear tag White/Round White/Triangle Allflex Attestra 2020/07/06 BOV-01-22C1
Bovine RFID (HDX) ear tag White/Round White/Triangle Allflex Attestra 2011/03/13 BOV-01-23A
Bovine RFID (FDX) ear tag White/Round White/Triangle Allflex Attestra 2011/03/13 BOV-01-23B
Bovine RFID (FDX+) ear tag White/Round White/Triangle Allflex Attestra 2011/09/22 BOV-01-23C
Bovine RFID (FDX+) ear tag White/Round White/Triangle Allflex Attestra 2020/07/06 BOV-01-23C1
Bovine (Recommended for Angus breed) RFID (HDX) ear tag White/Round White/Triangle Allflex Attestra 2011/03/13 BOV-01-24A
Bovine (Recommended for Angus breed) RFID (FDX) ear tag White/Round White/Triangle Allflex Attestra 2011/03/13 BOV-01-24B
Bovine (Recommended for Angus breed) RFID (FDX+) ear tag White/Round White/Triangle Allflex Attestra 2011/09/22 BOV-01-24C
Bovine (Recommended for Angus breed) RFID (FDX+) ear tag White/Round White/Triangle Allflex Attestra 2020/07/06 BOV-01-24C1
Bovine RFID (HDX) ear tag White/Round Whte/Triangle Allflex Attestra 2015/02/09 BOV-01-28
Bovine RFID (HDX) ear tag White/Round Whte/Triangle Allflex Attestra 2020/07/06 BOV-01-28A
Bovine RFID (HDX) ear tag White/Round Whte/Triangle Allflex Attestra 2015/02/09 BOV-01-29
Bovine RFID (HDX) ear tag White/Round Whte/Triangle Allflex Attestra 2020/07/06 BOV-01-29A
Bovine RFID (HDX) ear tag White/Round Whte/Triangle Allflex Attestra 2015/02/09 BOV-01-30
Bovine RFID (HDX) ear tag White/Round Whte/Triangle Allflex Attestra 2020/07/06 BOV-01-30A
Bovine (Recommended for Angus breed) RFID (HDX) ear tag White/Round Whte/Triangle Allflex Attestra 2015/02/09 BOV-01-31
Bovine (Recommended for Angus breed) RFID (HDX) ear tag White/Round Whte/Triangle Allflex Attestra 2020/07/06 BOV-01-31A
Bovine (Recommended for Limousin breed) RFID (HDX) ear tag White/Round Pink/Triangle Allflex Attestra 2015/10/15 BOV-01-38
Bovine (Recommended for Limousin breed) RFID (FDX) ear tag White/Round Pink/Triangle Allflex Attestra 2015/10/15 BOV-01-39
Bovine RFID (HDX) ear tag White/Round White/Triangle Allflex Attestra 2020/10/05 BOV-01-44
Bovine RFID (HDX) ear tag White/Round White/Triangle Allflex Attestra 2020/10/05 BOV-01-45
Bovine RFID (HDX) ear tag White/Round White/Triangle Allflex Attestra 2020/10/05 BOV-01-46
Bovine RFID (HDX) ear tag White/Round White/Triangle Allflex Attestra 2020/10/05 BOV-01-47
Bovine RFID (HDX) ear tag White/Round White/Triangle Allflex Attestra 2020/10/05 BOV-01-48
Bovine RFID (HDX) ear tag White/Round White/Triangle Allflex Attestra 2020/10/05 BOV-01-49
Bison RFID (HDX) ear tag White/Round White/Round Allflex Canadian Cattle Identification Agency Between December 2000 and November 2010 BIS-01-01
Bison RFID (HDX) ear tag White/Round White/Round Allflex Canadian Cattle Identification Agency 2015-02-09 BIS-01-03
Bison RFID (HDX) ear tag White/Round White/Round Allflex Canadian Cattle Identification Agency 2020-07-06 BIS-01-03A
RFID (FDX) ear tag Yellow/Round Yellow/Round Allflex Canadian Cattle Identification Agency Between December 2000 and November 2010 OVI-01-01
Non-electronic ear tag Pink/Triangle panel Pink/Triangle panel Allflex Canadian Cattle Identification Agency Between December 2000 and November 2010 OVI-01-02
RFID (FDX) ear tag Yellow/Round Yellow/Round Allflex Canadian Cattle Identification Agency 2011/12/02 OVI-01-04
RFID (FDX) One-piece ear tag Yellow/One-piece Yellow/One-piece Shearwell Canadian Cattle Identification Agency 2008/12/22 OVI-06-01
RFID (FDX-B) One-piece ear tag Yellow/One-piece Yellow/One-piece Shearwell Canadian Cattle Identification Agency 2013/02/14 OVI-06-02
RFID (HDX-B) One-piece ear tag Yellow/One-piece Yellow/One-piece Shearwell Canadian Cattle Identification Agency 2022/05/20 OVI-06-03
RFID (FDX) ear tag Yellow/Round Yellow/Round Allflex Attestra Between December 2000 and November 2010 OVI-01-03
RFID (FDX) ear tag Yellow/Round Yellow/Round Allflex Attestra 2011/12/02 OVI-01-04A
Pig Non-electronic ear tag Various/Round Various/Triangle Allflex Canadian Pork Council 2014/07/01 POR-01-01A
Pig Non-electronic ear tag Various/Round Various/Triangle Allflex Canadian Pork Council 2014/07/01 POR_01-01B
Pig Non-electronic ear tag Various/Round Various/Rectangle Allflex Canadian Pork Council 2014/07/01 POR-01-02A
Pig Non-electronic ear tag Various/Round Various/Rectangle Allflex Canadian Pork Council 2014/07/01 POR-01-02B
Pig Non-electronic ear tag Yellow/Triangle Yellow/Triangle Allflex Canadian Pork Council 2014/07/01 POR-01-03A
Pig Non-electronic ear tag Yellow/Triangle Yellow/Triangle Allflex Canadian Pork Council 2014/07/01 POR-01-03B
Pig RFID (FDX) ear tag Yellow/Round Yellow/Triangle Allflex Canadian Pork Council 2014/07/01 POR-01-04
Pig RFID (FDX) ear tag Yellow/Round Yellow/Rectangle Allflex Canadian Pork Council 2014/07/01 POR-01-05
Pig RFID (FDX) ear tag White/Round Yellow/Triangle Allflex Canadian Pork Council 2014/07/01 POR-01-06A
Pig RFID (HDX) ear tag White/Round Yellow/Triangle Allflex Canadian Pork Council 2014/07/01 POR-01-06B
Pig RFID (HDX) ear tag White/Round Yellow/Rectangle Allflex Canadian Pork Council 2017/11/20 POR-01-07A
Pig RFID (HDX) ear tag White/Round Yellow/Rectangle Allflex Canadian Pork Council 2017/11/20 POR-01-07B
RFID (FDX) ear tag Orange/Round Orange/Triangle Allflex Canadian Cattle Identification Agency Date at which proposed regulations would come into force CAP-01-01
RFID (FDX-B) One-piece ear tag Orange/One-piece Orange/One-piece Shearwell Canadian Cattle Identification Agency Date at which proposed regulations would come into force CAP-06-01A
Non-electronic ear tag Orange/One-piece Orange/One-piece Shearwell Canadian Cattle Identification Agency Date at which proposed regulations would come into force CAP-06-02A
RFID (HDX-B) One-piece ear tag Orange/One-piece Orange/One-piece Shearwell Canadian Cattle Identification Agency Date at which proposed regulations would come into force CAP-06-03A
RFID (FDX-B) One-piece tail web tag Orange/One-piece Orange/One-piece Shearwell Canadian Cattle Identification Agency Date at which proposed regulations would come into force CAP-06-01B
Non-electronic tail web tag Orange/One-piece Orange/One-piece Shearwell Canadian Cattle Identification Agency Date at which proposed regulations would come into force CAP-06-02B
RFID (HDX-B) One-piece tail web tag Orange/One-piece Orange/One-piece Shearwell Canadian Cattle Identification Agency Date at which proposed regulations would come into force CAP-06-03B
RFID (HDX) leg band Orange/One-piece Orange/One-piece Datamars Canadian Cattle Identification Agency Date at which proposed regulations would come into force CAP-08-01
Non-electronic leg band Orange/One-piece Orange/One-piece Datamars Canadian Cattle Identification Agency Date at which proposed regulations would come into force CAP-08-02
Cervid RFID (FDX+) ear tag; Secondary non-electronic ear tag Yellow/Round and Yellow/Panel Yellow/Round and Yellow/Panel Allflex Canadian Cattle Identification Agency Date at which proposed regulations would come into force CER-01-01B
Cervid RFID (FDX+) ear tag; Secondary non-electronic ear tag Yellow/Round and Yellow/Panel Yellow/Round and Yellow/Panel Allflex Canadian Cattle Identification Agency Date at which proposed regulations would come into force CER-01-01B1
Cervid RFID (FDX+) ear tag; Secondary non-electronic ear tag Yellow/Round and Yellow/Panel Yellow/Round and Yellow/Panel Allflex Canadian Cattle Identification Agency Date at which proposed regulations would come into force CER-01-02B
Cervid RFID (FDX+) ear tag; Secondary non-electronic ear tag Yellow/Round and Yellow/Panel Yellow/Round and Yellow/Panel Allflex Canadian Cattle Identification Agency Date at which proposed regulations would come into force CER-01-02B1
Cervid RFID (FDX+) ear tag; Secondary non-electronic ear tag Yellow/Round and Yellow/Triangle Yellow/Round and Yellow/Triangle Allflex Canadian Cattle Identification Agency Date at which proposed regulations would come into force CER-01-03B
Cervid Non-electronic ear tags Yellow/Panel and Yellow/Panel Yellow/Panel and Yellow/Panel Allflex Canadian Cattle Identification Agency Date at which proposed regulations would come into force CER-01-11
Cervid Non-electronic ear tags Yellow/Panel and Yellow/Panel Yellow/Panel and Yellow/Panel Allflex Canadian Cattle Identification Agency Date at which proposed regulations would come into force CER-01-12
Cervid Non-electronic ear tags Yellow/Triangle and Yellow/Triangle Yellow/Triangle and Yellow/Triangle Allflex Canadian Cattle Identification Agency Date at which proposed regulations would come into force CER-01-13
Cervid RFID (FDX+) ear tag; Secondary non-electronic ear tag Yellow/Round and Yellow/Trianglular panel Yellow/Round and Yellow/Trianglular panel Allflex Attestra Date at which proposed regulations would come into force CER-01-01
Cervid RFID (FDX+) ear tag; Secondary non-electronic ear tag Yellow/Round and Yellow/Trianglular panel Yellow/Round and Yellow/Trianglular panel Allflex Attestra Date at which proposed regulations would come into force CER-01-01A
Cervid RFID (FDX+) ear tag; Secondary non-electronic ear tag Yellow/Round and Yellow/Trianglular panel Yellow/Round and Yellow/Trianglular panel Allflex Attestra Date at which proposed regulations would come into force CER-01-02
Cervid RFID (FDX+) ear tag; Secondary non-electronic ear tag Yellow/Round and Yellow/Trianglular panel Yellow/Round and Yellow/Trianglular panel Allflex Attestra Date at which proposed regulations would come into force CER-01-02A
Cervid RFID (FDX+) ear tag; Secondary non-electronic ear tag Yellow/Round and Yellow/Triangle Yellow/Round and Yellow/Triangle Allflex Attestra Date at which proposed regulations would come into force CER-01-03
Cervid RFID (FDX+) ear tag; Secondary non-electronic ear tag Yellow/Round and Yellow/Triangle Yellow/Round and Yellow/Triangle Allflex Attestra Date at which proposed regulations would come into force CER-01-03A
Cervid Non-electronic metal ear tag Silver/One-piece Silver/One-piece Ketchum Government of British Columbia (non-ISO provincial identification numbering scheme) Date at which proposed regulations would come into force CER-07-01
Cervid Non-electronic metal ear tag Silver/One-piece Silver/One-piece Ketchum Government of Alberta (non-ISO provincial identification numbering scheme) Date at which proposed regulations would come into force CER-07-02
Cervid Non-electronic metal ear tag Various/One-piece Various/One-piece Ketchum Government of Saskatchewan (non-ISO provincial identification numbering scheme) Date at which proposed regulations would come into force CER-07-03
Cervid Non-electronic ear tag Various/Triangular Panel Various/Round Allflex Government of Alberta (non-ISO provincial identification numbering scheme) Date at which proposed regulations would come into force CER-01-04
Cervid Non-electronic ear tag Various/Triangular Panel Various/Round Allflex Government of Alberta (non-ISO provincial identification numbering scheme) Date at which proposed regulations would come into force CER-01-05
Cervid Non-electronic ear tag Various/Triangular Panel Various/Round Allflex Government of Saskatchewan (non-ISO provincial identification numbering scheme) Date at which proposed regulations would come into force CER-01-06
Cervid Non-electronic ear tag Various/Triangular Panel Various/Round Allflex Government of Saskatchewan (non-ISO provincial identification numbering scheme) Date at which proposed regulations would come into force CER-01-07
Cervid Non-electronic ear tag Various/Triangular Panel Various/Round Allflex Government of Saskatchewan (non-ISO provincial identification numbering scheme) Date at which proposed regulations would come into force CER-01-08
Cervid Non-electronic ear tag Various/Triangular Panel Various/Round Allflex Government of Saskatchewan (non-ISO provincial identification numbering scheme) Date at which proposed regulations would come into force CER-01-09
Cervid Non-electronic ear tag Various/Rectangle Various/Rectangle Allflex Government of Saskatchewan (non-ISO provincial identification numbering scheme) Date at which proposed regulations would come into force CER-01-14
Cervid Non-electronic ear tag White/Triangular Panel and White/Triangular Panel White/Round and White/Round Allflex Government of Manitoba (non-ISO provincial identification numbering scheme) Date at which proposed regulations would come into force CER-01-10