Notice of intent: Amendment to the Safe Food for Canadians Regulations


This notice is to inform stakeholders of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency's (CFIA) intent to amend the Safe Food for Canadians Regulations (SFCR) to address the unique interprovincial context of the city of Lloydminster. This amendment would make Saskatchewan (SK) and Alberta (AB) businesses not subject to the specific provisions of the SFCR relating to interprovincial trade as long as the trade outside the province is limited to the city of Lloydminster. This would allow such food businesses to prepare food for trade into all of the city of Lloydminster, including the part of the city that is not within their province, without having to hold an Safe Food for Canadians licence and be subject to related requirements. SK and AB food businesses preparing food for export or interprovincial trade outside the city of Lloydminster would continue to be subject to all SFCR requirements including licensing.

Drivers to amend the Safe Food for Canadians Regulations

The city of Lloydminster is unique in that it is situated in both SK and AB. SK and AB food businesses that prepare food to be sold to the part of Lloydminster in the other province are subject to the interprovincial trade provisions of the SFCR. The goal of the regulatory amendment is for safe foods in the city of Lloydminster to move similarly as in cities that are not split by provincial boundaries. This amendment would not apply to SK and AB food businesses that prepare food for export or interprovincial trade beyond the city limits of Lloydminster.

The Food and Drugs Act and Food and Drug Regulations continue to apply to all foods sold in Canada. Foods sold in SK and AB are also subject to their respective applicable provincial legislation.

Related information

Contact us

If you wish to provide any comments or have questions related to this notice, please submit them to:

Natasha Richard
National Manager
Food Safety Requirements and Guidance
Canadian Food Inspection Agency
1400 Merivale Road
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0Y9