Proposed changes to the Canadian Grade Compendium: Volume 2 – Fresh Fruit or Vegetables: Closed consultation

Current status: Closed

This consultation ran from October 29, 2021 to December 31, 2023

At the request of the fresh fruit and vegetable (FFV) industry, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) consulted on proposals to modernize and harmonize existing grade requirements relating to the quality of FFV and to introduce new grade standards for certain commodities.

This consultation was conducted in phases, each phase open for 60 days, to solicit comments from stakeholders regarding proposed changes to the grades and requirements for FFV.

Existing grades and requirements are outlined in the Canadian Grade Compendium: Volume 2 – Fresh Fruit or Vegetables incorporated by reference into the Safe Food for Canadians Regulations (SFCR), administered and enforced by the CFIA. The proposed changes reflected the following market needs:

  • changes in consumer demand and demographics
  • developments in technology and innovation, including but not limited to plant and variety breeding
  • improved and innovative production practices, storage and packing technologies
  • harmonization of standards with international trading partners, and
  • new grade standards where there are none existing and for which industry consensus has been achieved

In response to these market needs, the proposed changes included new size requirements, clarifications to terminology for defects and tolerances, and the introduction of new standards for certain commodities.

A phased approach

This consultation took place in phases based on the following considerations:

  • phased work by the Fruit and Vegetable Dispute Resolution Corporation (DRC) to develop industry consensus on proposed changes to grades and requirements prior to submitting these to the CFIA
  • CFIA's need to conduct an in-depth analysis of the proposed changes, develop consultation materials, and respond to questions, comments and raised issues, and
  • stakeholder readiness to implement changes to grades and requirements

Each phase focused on a group of commodities and was open for a two-month consultation period.

Who was the focus of this consultation

The CFIA engaged with:

  • producers and packers
  • individuals, businesses and organizations involved in the domestic and international supply of FFV
  • consumers and interested public parties
  • other government departments/agencies, including provincial/territorial and municipal
  • trading partners

Key themes for discussion

  • current market and consumer needs
  • harmonizing Canadian requirements with those of our trading partners
  • potential effects on your business decisions and activities, such as human and financial resources and label changes

Sign-up for email notifications

To receive a notice about the launch of the consultation on a new approach to FFV grade modernization, sign-up for email notifications and select Fresh Fruit and Vegetables. A message will be sent to you with updates on the next phase of this consultation.

What we heard

What we heard report – Phase 1 consultation on Canada's proposed changes to grades and requirements for greenhouse cucumbers, greenhouse tomatoes and greenhouse mini cucumbers

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