Mexico - Export requirements for Gelatin

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1. Eligible/ineligible product


Hydrolyzed protein of porcine origin, intended for human consumption. It is the responsibility of the exporter to be familiar with Servicio Nacional de Sanidad, Inocuidad y Calidad Agroalimentaria's (SENASICA) conditions as per Hoja de Requisitos Zoosanitarios (HRZ) 024-13-421-CAN-CAN.

Not eligible

Information not available.

2. Pre-export approval by competent authority of the importing country


Mexico does not have a list of approved establishments.

The manufacturing, exporting and storage facilities of food supplements must be under the official oversight of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) and be licensed under the Safe Food for Canadian Regulations (SFCR).

3. Production controls and inspection requirements

Preventive control inspections (PCI) are to be delivered at a frequency based on CFIA's food program direction. During a PCI, the inspector will verify that the establishment is aware of the standards and requirements of the importing country and has a specific export procedure which demonstrates that the product conforms with the conditions stipulated in HRZ 024-13-421-CAN-CAN.

The processing method must be documented and monitored. A production diagram must be provided, including Critical Control Points (CCPs). The CFIA inspector must ensure that what occurs on location corresponds to the production diagram.

Animal products for human consumption must come from animals that have passed an ante and post-mortem examinations by a veterinarian in slaughterhouses which are under full-time inspection.

Manufacturer's declaration

  • All export requests must be accompanied by a copy of the HRZ and a Manufacturer's declaration that has been completed on a company letterhead and signed by an authorized person of the food manufacturing establishment/facility. The following information must be included:
    • HRZ number
    • product name on label
    • establishment ID number/establishment registration number
    • lot number
    • names and origin (Canadian and/or imported) of ingredients of animal origin
    • animal species (porcine)
    • if applicable, description of the heat and/or chemical treatments used
    • storage location
    • any other relevant information

Note: Inspectors will verify that the manufacturer's declaration is completed appropriately and reserve the right to request any other information that they think is necessary for the final certification of the product.

Based on HRZ 024-13-421-CAN-CAN, this negotiated certificate contains attestations for relevant animal diseases that include Classical Swine Fever (CSF) and Foot and Mouth disease (FMD). The manufacturer must implement specific procedures which demonstrates that the final product meets amongst other requirements the following:

  • Attestation for Statement 1 of the certificate
    • Provide supporting documentation indicating that the products were manufactured in Canada.
  • Attestation for Statement 4 of the certificate
    • Provide supporting documentation stating that the ingredient of animal origin originates from a country free of FMD or that the hydrolyzed protein was subjected to one of the heat/ chemical treatment processes as defined on the HRZ/certificate.
  • Attestation for Statement 5 of the certificate
    • Provide supporting documentation stating that the ingredient of animal origin originates from a country free of CSF or that the hydrolyzed protein was subjected to one of the heat treatment processes as defined on the HRZ/certificate.


The manufacturer must develop and implement control programs to demonstrate that products produced for the Mexican market meet applicable requirements and to assure complete segregation when both eligible and ineligible products are present on the premises.

Imported ingredients

The use of ingredients of animal origin imported from certain countries may limit the ability to export to Mexico. The manufacturer must demonstrate through official documentation issued by the foreign competent authority that the imported ingredients of animal origin meet the requirements as stipulated in HRZ 024-13-421-CAN-CAN. Any supporting document must be in one of the two official languages of Canada.

4. Labelling, packing and marking requirements

It is the exporter's responsibility to meet all the requirements for labelling, packaging and marking requirements as per the importing country.

5. Documentation requirements

Canada has a negotiated certificate with Mexico. Request for any additional statements must be confirmed by CFIA's Food Import Export Division (FIED).

Please note that the applicant is responsible for the details of dispatched consignment (page 1 of the certificate). The certification part (page 2 of the certificate) must be completed by an official veterinarian, however, supporting information will have to be provided by the applicant in the form of a manufacturer's declaration (see 3 above).


  • Veterinary Health certificate export of gelatin (Porcine) for human consumption to Mexico. MEX-HC-GEL (POR)


  • statements of the certificate that are not applicable must be crossed out.
  • the colour of the stamp and signature must be different to that of the other particulars in the certificate.
  • the shipping date must always be on or after the date of issuance of the certificate.
  • where applicable, the seal/container numbers should always be indicated.
  • export certificates cannot be issued for products that have left Canada.

6. Other information

Exported products transiting through a country may require transit documentation. It is the responsibility of the exporter to ensure that the shipment is accompanied by all necessary certificates.

Samples (personal or commercial) may be subject to the same requirements as a regular shipment.

SENASICA has provided a list of authorized points of entry, refer to HRZ 024-13-421-CAN-CAN for details.

It is strongly recommended that the exporter verify these and any additional requirements with their importer.

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