Malaysia – Export requirements for meat and poultry products

1. Eligible/ineligible product

1.1 Eligible

  • 1.1.1 Poultry
  • 1.1.2 Pork and pork products
  • 1.1.3 Pork offal

1.2 Ineligible

  • 1.2.1 Beef

2. Pre-export approvals by competent authority of importing country

2.1 Establishments

  • 2.1.1 Establishment must be approved by the Malaysian Department of Veterinary Services (DVS).
  • 2.1.2 For establishments approved to export pork and pork meat products, refer to Annex 1 – List of Establishments Approved to Export to Malaysia.
    • The operator must apply for approval by completing Annex D: Application for Export of Non-Halal and Pork Products to Malaysia.

      Note: inadequate or incomplete submissions of Annex D may result in delays or disqualification of the application. All information submitted must be in English. The approval process may involve an audit of the establishment.

  • 2.1.3 For establishments approved to export poultry products, refer to Annex B – Establishments approved for export of chicken products to Malaysia

3. Production controls and inspection requirements

  • 3.1 For meat products derived from Halal or Muslim slaughter (M.S.) food animals, the slaughter must be performed by a slaughterer authorized by an Islamic Society recognized by the Malaysian authorities
  • 3.2 For meat products derived from Halal or M.S. food animals, the certificate shown in Annex A – Certificate for Meat Slaughtered by Muslims must be used
    • It can be signed only after part 1 has been completed by a recognized Islamic Society
  • 3.3 In cases where meats are processed in separate establishments, the establishment number of both the abattoir and the processing establishment must be stated on the Halal certificate.

4. Labelling, marking and packaging requirements

  • 4.1 The shipping containers must bear the word Halal or the letters M.S. (Muslim slaughter).
  • 4.2 The export stamp must appear on shipping containers.

5. Documentation requirements

5.1 Certificate

  • 5.1.1 Certificate of Inspection Covering Meat Products (CFIA/ACIA 1454)
    • The following statement must be added in the Additional Certification section of the CFIA/ACIA1454:
      "The meat and meat products described above were produced in accordance with the Canadian National Chemical Residue Monitoring Program (NCRMP)."
  • 5.1.2 Annex A – Certificate for Meat Slaughtered by Muslims
  • 5.1.3 Annex E: Certificate for Export of Pork and Pork Products Including Offal to Malaysia

6. Other information

The exporter and importer are responsible for obtaining an import permit from the Malaysian authorities. Available information indicates that Malaysia might ask for Certificate of Analysis (COA) for Canadian Ractopamine-free Pork Certification Program for shipment clearance, exporters are encouraged to work closely with Malaysian importers.