RG-3 Regulatory Guidance:
Pet Food Not Approved for Use in Livestock Feed

The Feeds Regulations, 2024 were published on July 3, 2024, and have replaced the Feeds Regulations, 1983. We are working to update this page and the remaining website to reflect the Feeds Regulations, 2024. As new updates and guidance continue to be released, please refer to the Feed regulatory modernization page for more information.

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) has received several inquiries regarding the use of pet food, including salvaged and distressed pet food, as an ingredient or component of livestock feeds. The Feed Program has been asked for an opinion on the acceptability of this practice and has taken the following information into account in formulating a decision.

Because livestock animals are grown as food for humans, and pets are not, the pet food industry is able to make use of ingredients which may be unsuitable for use in livestock feeds. Thus, it is not acceptable to subsequently introduce these ingredients into livestock feeds as waste pet food material. Examples of these ingredients include those that:

  1. are not approved for use in livestock feeds as listed in Schedule IV or V of the Feeds Regulations;
  2. have been deemed unfit for consumption by livestock (e.g., they do not meet feed standards);
  3. may be added for therapeutic purposes or have drug-like claims, and cannot be considered feed ingredients; and
  4. are produced from rendering and therefore may contain animal proteins which are prohibited for feeding to ruminants, and lack the appropriate label warning statements.

Based on the above factors, the Animal Feed Division has taken the following position on this issue. Pet food, including salvaged and distressed pet food, is not an approved ingredient for use in livestock feed, and as such its inclusion is not considered safe and is not permitted at this time. Applications for approval/registration of pet food products for use in livestock feed will not be accepted.

Questions regarding this policy should be forwarded to:

Animal Feed Division
Canadian Food Inspection Agency
59 Camelot Drive
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0Y9
E-mail: cfia.afp-paa.acia@inspection.gc.ca
Fascimile: 613-773-7565