CFIA Fees Notice

Annual adjustment

Canadian Food Inspection Agency fees are updated annually on March 31 based on the Consumer Price Index.

Learn more about adjusting service fees for inflation.

On this page

Interpretation, general and overtime fees



1. The definitions in this section apply in this Notice.

"Agency" means the Canadian Food Inspection Agency established by section 3 of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency Act. (Agence)

"regular working hours" means the time during which services are normally provided by employees of the Agency at a particular service location. (heures normales de travail)


2. The fee payable for any service, right, product, privilege or use of a facility described in column 1 of an item of any table to this Notice is the amount set out in column 2 of that item.

3. The fees set out in the Seeds Fees Notice published on December 6, 1997, as amended on December 19, 1998, are replaced by the fees set out in Part 14 of this notice.

4. The fees set out in the Health of Animals Fees Notice published on December 12, 1998 are replaced by the fees set out in Part 11 of this notice.

Overtime fees

5. (1) Subject to subsection (3), in addition to any fee that is payable for a service set out in this Notice the user shall pay the following amounts:

  • (a) if the provision of the service is maintained, uninterruptedly, from or to a time preceding or following regular working hours, by a person in one of the occupational classifications set out in column 1 of an item of the table to this section, the hourly rate set out in column 2 of that item;
  • (b) if the provision of the service is maintained outside regular working hours, in circumstances to which paragraph (a) does not apply, by a person in one of the occupational classifications set out in column 1 of an item of the table to this section, the greater of
    • (i) the minimum fee set out in column 3 of that item, and
    • (ii) the amount determined by multiplying the number of hours worked by the hourly rate set out in column 3 of that item;
  • (c) if a person in one of the occupational classifications set out in column 1 of an item of the table to this section is requested by the user to stand by in respect of that service, the fee set out in column 4 of that item; and
  • (d) if a service is provided outside regular working hours, in circumstances to which paragraph (c) applies, and the person who is to provide the service reports for duty, the amount determined in accordance with paragraph (b) plus the fee determined in accordance with paragraph (c).
  • (2) If a service for which no fee is payable in respect of regular working hours is provided outside those hours, the charges prescribed under paragraphs (1)(a) to (d) shall be paid by the user.
  • (3) This Part does not apply to fees referred to in Table 2 of Part 12 to this Notice.
Table: Fees for Services Provided Outside Regular Working Hours
Item Column 1
Occupational Classification
Column 2
Contiguous (Same Day)
Hourly Rate ($)
Column 3
Call-back, Day of Rest & Designated Paid Holiday
Column 4
User-requested Standby
Fee per 8 hours ($)
2022-23 2023-24
+6.8% starting March 31, 2024
Minimum Fee ($) Hourly Rate ($)
2022-23 2023-24
+6.8% starting March 31, 2024
2022-23 2023-24
+6.8% starting March 31, 2024
2022-23 2023-24
+6.8% starting March 31, 2024
1 EG (amended: Canada Gazette Part I, February 24, 2001, Vol 135, no. 8, p. 611) $35.50 $37.91 $90.36 $96.50 $35.50 $37.91 $10.75 $11.48
2 PM $38.72 $41.35 $98.96 $105.69 $38.72 $41.35 $10.75 $11.48
3 VM $49.48 $52.84 $129.08 $137.86 $49.48 $52.84 $27.97 $29.87

Part 1 – Dairy Products Fees



1. (1) The definitions in this subsection apply in this Part.

  • "Act" means the Safe Food for Canadians Act. (Loi)
  • "Regulations" means the Safe Food for Canadians Regulations. (Réglement)

(2) Unless otherwise provided in this Part, other words and expressions have the same meaning as in the Act and the Regulations.


2. (1) The fee set out in item 1 of the table to this Part shall be paid at the time the application for the licence or renewal is submitted unless the person has a charge account with the Agency, in which case the fees are payable on receipt of an invoice from the Agency.

  • (2) The fees set out in subitem 2(1), and items 3 and 4 of that table shall be paid
    • (a) on the completion of the grading or inspection;
    • (b) on the issuance of the grade certificate or export documents; or
    • (c) if the person has a charge account with the Agency, on receipt of an invoice from the Agency.
  • (3) The fees set out in items 5 and 6 of that table shall be paid on receipt of an invoice from the Agency.

3. Despite section 2, the fees set out in items 3 to 5 of the table to this Part shall be paid before the service is provided, if the person who requests the service:

  • (a) has previously failed to pay a fee set out in this Notice, or
  • (b) does not have a fixed place of residence in Canada.
Table: Dairy Products Fees
Item Column 1
Service, Right, Product, Privilege or Use
Column 2
+6.8% starting March 31, 2024
Licence 1 For the issuance of a licence under section 20 of the Act or the renewal of a licence under section 22 of the Act per licence, valid for 2 years $268.93 $287.22
Inspection of establishments identified in a licence
(1) For the inspection under section 24 of the Act of an establishment in which a licence holder conducts the activities identified in a licence:      
(a) in the case of an establishment that receives not more than 100 000 hectolitres of milk per year for processing or produces not more than 1 000 000 units [kilograms (net weight) or litres, or both] of dairy products per year per year per establishment if the establishment is inspected in the year $962.77 $1,028.24
(b) in the case of an establishment that receives more than 100 000 hectolitres but not more than 500 000 hectolitres of milk per year for processing or produces more than 1 000 000 but not more than 5 000 000 units [kilograms (net weight) or litres, or both] of dairy products per year per year per establishment if the establishment is inspected in the year $1,807.23 $1,930.12
(c) in the case of an establishment that receives more than 500 000 hectolitres but not more than 1 000 000 hectolitres of milk per year for processing or produces more than 5 000 000 but not more than 10 000 000 units [kilograms (net weight) or litres, or both] of dairy products per year per year per establishment if the establishment is inspected in the year $2,597.88 $2,774.54
(d) in the case of an establishment that receives more than 1 000 000 hectolitres of milk per year for processing or produces more than 10 000 000 units [kilograms (net weight) or litres, or both] of dairy products per year per year per establishment if the establishment is inspected in the year $3,388.54 $3,618.96
(2) For the inspection of an establishment identified in a licence where the establishment operates for less than 24 months 1/12 of the applicable annual fee set out in subitem (1) multiplied by the number of complete months included in the period    
(3) An establishment that is subject to two fees under subitem 2(1) of the table of this part shall pay only the greater of the two fees      
(1) For services provided in respect of a dairy product for which a grade or standard is referred to in the Regulations, for the purpose of issuing a certificate or other document referred to in section 48 of the Act      
(a) for the grading of each vat or churn of dairy product   $37.50 $40.05
(b) for the issuance of each grade certificate, including a certificate for a dairy product that has been analysed by an accredited laboratory   $37.50 $40.05
(c) for the inspection of a dairy product before export   $100.00 $106.80
(d) for the issuance of each export certificate or other document referred to in section 48 of the Act, other than a grade certificate   $20.00 $21.36
(2) For services provided in respect of any other dairy product for the purpose of issuing a certificate or any other document referred to in section 48 of the Act      
(a) for the inspection of a dairy product before export   $100.00 $106.80
(b) for the issuance of each export certificate or other document referred to in section 48 of the Act   $20.00 $21.36
Purposes other than Export
Subject to item 5, for services provided in respect of a dairy product, other than for the purpose of export      
(a) for the inspection under section 24 of the Act of a dairy product per quarter hour, with the time being rounded off to the nearest quarter hour $26.89 $28.72
subject to a minimum fee of $107.57 $114.88
(b) for the grading in accordance with a grade or standard under the Regulations of each vat or churn of dairy product   $37.50 $40.05
(c) for the issuance of each grade certificate in accordance with a grade or standard under the Regulations, including a certificate issued for a dairy product that has been analysed by an accredited laboratory   $37.50 $40.05
Import Information
For the verification of import information referred to in subsection 13(1) of the Regulations, and inspection under section 24 of the Act:      
(a) in the case of a shipment of not more than 500 kilograms net weight   $44.00 $46.99
(b) in the case of a shipment of more than 500 kilograms but not more than 2,000 kilograms net weight for the first 500 kilograms plus $47.34 $50.56
per additional kilogram $0.0129 $0.0138
(c) in the case of a shipment of more than 2,000 kilograms but not more than 6,000 kilograms net weight for the first 2,000 kilograms plus $66.69 $71.22
per additional kilogram $0.0091 $0.0097
(d) in the case of a shipment of more than 6,000 kilograms but not more than 10,000 kilograms net weight for the first 6,000 kilograms plus $102.83 $109.82
per additional kilogram $0.0039 $0.0042
(e) in the case of a shipment of more than 10,000 kilograms net weight for the first 10,000 kilograms plus $118.33 $126.38
per additional kilogram $0.0012 $0.0013
Compliance Assistance
For services provided by an inspector for the purpose of helping a person to meet the requirements of the Act or the Regulations per quarter hour, the time being rounded to the nearest quarter hour $28.85 $30.81
subject to minimum fee of $115.43 $123.28

Part 2 – Egg Fees



1. (1) The definitions in this subsection apply in this Part.

  • "Act" means the Safe Food for Canadians Act. (Loi)
  • "Regulations" means the Safe Food for Canadians Regulations. (Réglement)
  • (2) Unless otherwise provided in this Part, other words and expressions have the same meaning as in the Act and the Regulations.

Establishments where eggs are graded by a licence holder

2. (1) The annual fee payable for the inspection of an establishment, identified in a licence, where eggs are graded by a licence holder that has an average weekly grading volume set out in column 1 of an item of table 2 to this Part, is the amount set out in column 2 of that item.

  • (2) If the Agency is notified of a change in the operations of an establishment that affects the fee payable under subsection (1), or if the Agency has other information that affects the annual fee payable under subsection (1), that fee is adjusted in accordance with table 2 of this Part and the adjusted fee is effective as of the day on which the change took effect.


3. (1) The fee set out in item 1 of table 1 to this Part shall be paid at the time the application for the licence or renewal of the licence is submitted, except if the applicant has a charge account with the Agency, in which case the fee is payable on receipt of an invoice from the Agency.

  • (2) The fees set out in items 2 to 7 of table 1 to this Part shall be paid on receipt of an invoice from the Agency.
  • (3) Subject to subsection (4), the applicable fee set out in table 2 is payable as follows:
  • (a) 25 per cent of the fee is payable on receipt of an invoice from the Agency; and
  • (b) the remainder of the fee is payable in three equal instalments at equal time intervals within the year.
  • (4) If the applicable fee set out in table 2 is less than $300, the fee is payable on receipt of an invoice from the Agency.
Table 1: Egg Fees
Item Column 1
Service, Right, Product, Privilege or Use
Column 2
+6.8% starting March 31, 2024
1 For the issuance of a licence under section 20 of the Act or the renewal of a licence under section 22 of the Act per licence, valid for 2 years $268.93 $287.22
2 For an inspection of eggs under section 24 of the Act upon the written request for a certificate of inspection per hour $61.32 $65.49
but not exceeding per inspection $268.93 $287.22
3 For an inspection of eggs under section 24 of the Act before export for the purpose of issuing a certificate or other document under section 48 of the Act per hour $40.35 $43.09
but not exceeding per inspection $161.37 $172.34
4 (1) For the verification of import information referred to in subsection 13(1) of the Regulations, and inspection of imported eggs under section 24 of the Act per shipment $111.88 $119.49
(2) For the verification of import information referred to in subsection 13(1) of the Regulations, and inspection of imported eggs under section 24 of the Act where the eggs are to be delivered for processing directly to an establishment where eggs are processed and treated by a licence holder per shipment $30.12 $32.17
5 For an inspection of ungraded eggs in accordance with the requirements for the grades prescribed in the Regulations per inspection $179.64 $191.86
6 For review by an inspector of plans and specifications for an establishment where eggs are graded by a licence holder per hour $55.18 $58.93
7 For an inspection carried out to determine whether corrective action has been taken for the purpose of addressing a contravention of the Regulations per hour $72.07 $76.97
Table 2: Annual fees for inspection of an establishment identified in a licence, where eggs are graded by a licence holder
Item Column 1
Average Weekly Grading Volume (Boxes)
Annual Fee
Column 2
+6.8% starting March 31, 2024
Annual Fee
1 30,001 or more $19,783.16 $21,128.41
2 25,001 to 30,000 $18,136.76 $19,370.06
3 20,001 to 25,000 $14,834.28 $15,843.01
4 15,001 to 20,000 $12,822.67 $13,694.61
5 10,001 to 15,000 $9,159.82 $9,782.69
6 8,001 to 10,000 $6,594.21 $7,042.62
7 6,001 to 8,000 $5,131.23 $5,480.15
8 4,001 to 6,000 $3,668.23 $3,917.67
9 2,001 to 4,000 $2,205.24 $2,355.20
10 1,001 to 2,000 $1,645.86 $1,757.78
11 501 to 1,000 $828.31 $884.64
12 101 to 500 $516.35 $551.46
13 50 to 100 $215.15 $229.78
14 less than 50 $135.00 $144.18

Part 3 – Processed Egg Fees



1. (1) The definitions in this subsection apply in this Part.

  • "Act" means the Safe Food for Canadians Act. (Loi)
  • "Regulations" means the Safe Food for Canadians Regulations. (Réglement)
  • (2) Unless otherwise provided in this Part, other words and expressions have the same meaning as in the Act and the Regulations.


2. The fees set out in the table to this Part shall be paid on receipt of an invoice from the Agency.

Table: Processed Egg Fees
Item Column 1
Service, Right, Product, Privilege or Use
Column 2
+6.8% starting March 31, 2024
1 For the issuance of a licence under section 20 of the Act or the renewal of a licence under section 22 of the Act per licence, valid for 2 years $268.93 $287.22
2 For an inspection of processed egg under section 24 of the Act before export for the purpose of issuing a certificate or other document referred to in section 48of the Act per hour $40.35 $43.09
but not to exceed per inspection $161.37 $172.34
3 For inspection under section 24 of the Act in the form of continuous supervision carried out for the purpose of meeting other country import requirements or for any other purpose per hour $6.94 $7.41
4 For the verification of import information referred to in subsection 13(1) of the Regulations, and inspection of processed egg in section 24 of the Act:      
(a) in the case of processed egg that has been processed and treated to meet the definition of a processed egg product as defined in the Regulations per shipment $69.92 $74.67
(b) in the case of processed egg that is to be delivered directly to an establishment to be treated by a licence holder in accordance with the provisions of the Act and Regulations per shipment $50.55 $53.99
(c) in the case of processed egg that:      
(i) is to be delivered directly to an establishment to be treated by a licence holder in accordance with the provisions of the Act and Regulations, under the continuous supervision of an inspector per shipment $19.37 $20.69
(ii) is exported in accordance with the provisions of the Act and Regulations per shipment $19.37 $20.69
  1. (iii) meets the conditions of import of the Export and Import Permits Act
per shipment $19.37 $20.69
5 (1) Subject to subitem (2), for an inspection under section 24 of the Act of an establishment identified in a licence, where eggs are processed and treated, the aggregate of the following fees:      
(a) the inspection carried out in the establishment and per hour $6.94 $7.41
(b) processed egg that is prepared in the establishment, calculated on a liquid basis per kilogram $0.0025 $0.0027
(2) the minimum fee for an inspection under section 24 of the Act of an establishment identified in a licence where eggs are processed and treated   $333.48 $356.16
6 For the review by an inspector of plans and specifications for an establishment where eggs are processed and treated by a licence holder per hour $55.18 $58.93
7 For an inspection under section 24 of the Act carried out to determine whether corrective action has been taken for the purpose of addressing a contravention of the Regulations per hour $72.07 $76.97

Part 4 – Feeds Fees



1. (1) The definitions in this subsection apply in this Part.

  • "Act" means the Feeds Act. (Loi)
  • "Regulations" means the Feeds Regulations, 2024. (Réglement)
  • (2) Unless otherwise provided in this Part, other words and expressions have the same meaning as in the Act and the Regulations.


2. The fees set out in the table to this Part shall be paid at the time the application or the information, as the case may be, is submitted.

Table: Feeds Fees
Item Column 1
Service, Right, Product, Privilege or Use
Column 2 2023-24
+6,8 % starting March 31 2024
(1) For the consideration of an application for approval of
  • any feed with a novel trait
  • any feed, other than a mixed feed, that is not listed in the Canadian Feed Ingredients Table
  • any single ingredient feed that is listed in the Canadian Feed Ingredients Table and whose description is different from what appears in the Canadian Feed Ingredients Table
  • any feed that is manufactured by or for a government, academic or private research establishment for research or experimental purposes, except if it is fed to livestock owned and under direct supervision of the establishment and that establishment has implemented a plan for proper disposal of remaining feed and livestock products produced as a result of being fed the experimental or research feed
(a) if it is necessary to assess or evaluate both the safety and efficacy of the feed $484.08 $517.00
(b) if evidence is required to support any claim on the label of the feed that is not set out in the Tables of Permissible Claims for Feeds Labels $484.08 $517.00
(c) if it is necessary to assess or evaluate either the safety or efficacy of the feed $306.59 $327.44
(d) if the feed is being imported for experimental purposes and does not require safety and/or efficacy evaluation $26.89 $28.72
(e) in any other case $102.19 $109.14
(2) The fees for approval set out in item 1 are payable even if after consideration of the application for approval, the feed is exempted from approval.    
(1) For the consideration of an application for registration of
  • any single ingredient feed listed in Part II of the Canadian Feed Ingredients Table; or
  • any mixed feed
(a) if it is necessary to assess or evaluate both the safety and efficacy of the feed $484.08 $517.00
(b) if evidence is required to support any claim on the label of the feed that is not set out in the Tables of Permissible Claims for Feeds Labels $484.08 $517.00
(c) if it is necessary to assess or evaluate either the safety or efficacy of the feed $306.59 $327.44
(d) in any other case $118.33 $126.38
(2) fees for registration set out in item 2 are payable even if after consideration of the application for registration, the feed is exempted from registration.    
(3) If a fee for approval set out in item 1 has been paid for a feed, the fee for registration set out for item 2 is not payable even if that feed also requires registration.    
Voluntary registration
For the consideration of an application for registration of a single ingredient feed described in Part I of the Canadian Feed Ingredients Table $102.19 $109.14
For the consideration of an application to renew a registration of a feed. $43.04 $45.97
(1) For the consideration of an application to amend a registration of a feed    
(a) where there is any change to the brand name, feed name, type or level of medicating ingredient in the feed $96.81 $103.39
(b) if it is necessary to assess or evaluate both the safety and efficacy of the feed $484.08 $517.00
(c) if evidence is required to support any claim on the label of the feed that is not set out in the Tables of Permissible Claims for Feeds Labels $484.08 $517.00
(d) if it is necessary to assess or evaluate either the safety or efficacy of the feed $306.59 $327.44
(e) in any other case $10.75 $11.48
(2) A fee set out in item 5 for the consideration of any amendment contained in an application for renewal is in addition to the renewal fee set out in item 4.    

Part 5 – Fertilizers Fees



1. (1) The definitions in this subsection apply in this Part.

  • "Act" means the Fertilizers Act. (Loi)
  • "Regulations" means the Fertilizers Regulations. (Réglement)
  • (2) Unless otherwise provided in this Part, other words and expressions have the same meaning in this part as in the Act and the Regulations.


2. The fees set out in the table to this Part shall be paid at the time of application.

Table: Fertilizers Fees
Item Column 1
Service, Right, Product, Privilege or Use
Column 2
+6.8% starting March 31, 2024
(1) Subject to subsection (3), for the consideration of an application for registration of a fertilizer or supplement made under section 5 of the Regulations:    
(a) in the case of an application for registration $376.50 $402.10
(b) in the case of an application for the re-registration of a fertilizer or supplement $268.93 $287.22

(c) in the case of an application to amend a registration in respect of one or more of the following minor amendments:

  • (i) the name or address of the registrant
  • (ii) the product name
$53.79 $57.45
(d) in the case of any other application to amend a registration (major amendment) $376.50 $402.10
(2) Subject to subsection (3), for an assessment of the safety of a fertilizer or supplement if it is necessary to consider an application referred to in subsection (1), in addition to those set out in that subsection $537.87 $574.45
(3) The maximum fee payable for the consideration of an application $1,075.73 $1,148.88
Release of novel supplements
(1) For the evaluation referred to in section 23.3 of the Regulations    
(a) if an assessment of the safety of the supplement is necessary $537.87 $574.45
(b) if no such assessment is necessary $268.93 $287.22
(2) For a subsequent evaluation for the purposes of a renewal of authorization referred to in section 23.3 of the Regulations $107.57 $114.88

Part 6 – Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Fees



1. (1) The definitions in this subsection apply in this Part.

  • "Act" means the Safe Food for Canadians Act. (Loi)
  • "Regulations" means the Safe Food for Canadians Regulations. (Réglement)
  • (2) Unless otherwise provided in this Part, other words and expressions have the same meaning as in the Act and the Regulations.


2. (1) Subject to subsection (2), the fees set out in the table to this Part shall be paid

  • (a) in the case of fees set out in any of items 2 to 7, and 9 of that table, on the issuance of the certificate or evidence of inspection, or on the completion of the grading, monitoring or assistance, as the case may be; and
  • (b) in the case of fees set out in items 1 or 8 of that table, at the time the request for an exemption, a licence or a renewal of a licence is submitted, as the case may be.
  • (2) If a person has a charge account with the Agency, the fees set out in that table, other than those set out in item 6, are payable on receipt of an invoice from the Agency.

3. Despite section 2, the fees set out in items 2 to 7 of the table to this Part shall be paid before the service is provided if the applicant

  • (a) has previously failed to pay a fee set out in this Notice; or
  • (b) does not have a fixed place of residence in Canada.
Table: Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Fees
Item Column 1
Service, Right, Product, Privilege or Use
Column 2
+6.8% starting March 31, 2024
Ministerial Exemptions
For an exemption conferred under section 174 of the Regulations for the purpose of alleviating a food shortage per load $21.52 $22.98
Inspection, Grading and Monitoring
For the inspection of produce under section 24 of the Act to certify imported apples, onions or potatoes under section 116, paragraph 117(1)(b) or paragraph 118(1)(b) of the Regulations, or any other imported produce at a place other than the point of shipping, other than destination inspection referred to in item 2.1 of this table per 100 kilograms of produce inspected $1.48 $1.58
subject to a minimum fee of $73.16 $78.13
Destination Inspection
Where inspection at destination is requested by the applicant under section 123 of the Regulations      
(a) for the inspection of domestic fresh produce or fresh produce entering Canada from a foreign jurisdiction that is damaged or defective per hour $183.95 $196.46
assessed at per 15 minutes, subject to a 1 hour minimum charge $45.99 $49.12
(b) for the witnessing of the destruction or disposal of fresh produce and the issuance of a written notice of the disposition per hour $183.95 $196.46
assessed at per 15 minutes, subject to a 1 hour minimum charge $45.99 $49.12
(c) for the cancellation of inspection services requested after an inspector has been dispatched   $70.00 $74.76
3 For the inspection under section 24 of the Act of onions or potatoes for the purpose of issuing a certificate or other document referred to in section 48of the Act per 100 kilograms of produce inspected $0.68 $0.73
subject to a minimum fee of $32.27 $34.46
4 For the inspection under section 24 of the Act of produce, other than onions and potatoes for the purpose of issuing a certificate or other document referred to in section 48of the Act:      
(a) if the inspection is performed at the point of shipping per 100 kilograms of produce inspected $0.68 $0.73
subject to a minimum fee of $73.16 $78.13
(b) if the inspection is performed at a place other than the point of shipping per 100 kilograms of produce inspected $1.48 $1.58
subject to a minimum fee of $73.16 $78.13
5 The fee payable for an appeal inspection is the applicable fee set out in items 3 to 5 of this table, unless the results of the original inspection are not confirmed by the appeal inspection, in which case no fee is payable      
6 For the grading of produce at a processing establishment per quarter hour, the grading time being rounded off to the nearest quarter hour $18.28 $19.52
subject to a minimum fee of $73.16 $78.13
7 For the monitoring of produce quality, packaging or labelling requested by a licence holder per hour $73.16 $78.13
or per 100 kilograms of monitored produce, whichever the applicant chooses $0.64 $0.68
For the issuance of a licence under section 20 of the Act or a renewal of a licence under section 22 of the Act per licence, valid for 2 years $268.93 $287.22
Compliance Assistance
For services provided by an inspector, upon request from a person, for the purpose of helping that person to meet the requirements of the Act or the Regulations per quarter hour, the time being rounded to the nearest quarter hour $18.28 $19.52
subject to a minimum fee of $73.16 $78.13

Part 7 – Honey Fees



1. (1) The definitions in this subsection apply in this Part.

  • "Act" means the Safe Food for Canadians Act. (Loi)
  • "Regulations" means the Safe Food for Canadians Regulations. (Réglement)
  • (2) Unless otherwise provided in this Part, other words and expressions have the same meaning as in the Act and the Regulations.


2. (1) The fee set out in item 1 of the table to this Part shall be paid at the time the application for the licence or renewal of the licence is submitted.

  • (2) The fees set out in items 3 and 7 of that table shall be paid on receipt of an invoice from the Agency.
  • (3) Subject to section 3, the fee set out in item 4 of that table shall be paid at the time a request for a certificate or other document referred to in section 48of the Act is made.
  • (4) Subject to section 3, the fees set out in items 2, 5 and 6 of the table shall be paid on delivery of the inspection results.

3. If a person has a charge account with the Agency, the fees referred to in subsections 2(3) or (4) are payable on receipt of an invoice from the Agency.

4. Despite section 2, the fees set out in items 3 to 7 of the table to this Part shall be paid before the service is provided if the person who requests that service

  • (a) has previously failed to pay a fee set out in this Notice; or
  • (b) does not have a fixed place of residence in Canada.
Table: Honey Fees
Item Column 1
Service, Right, Product, Privilege or Use
Column 2
+6.8% starting March 31, 2024
For the issuance of a licence under section 20 of the Act or the renewal of a licence under section 22 of the Act per licence, valid for 2 years $268.93 $287.22
Establishment Inspections
For the inspection of an establishment in which a licence holder conducts the activities identified in a licence:      
(a) in the case of a producer-grader establishment per year per establishment if the establishment is inspected in the year $100.00 $106.80
(b) in the case of a packing establishment per year per establishment if the establishment is inspected in the year $215.14 $229.77
(c) in the case of a pasteurizing establishment per year per establishment if the establishment is inspected in the year $430.30 $459.56
Import Information
For the verification of import information referred to in subsection 13(1) of the Regulations, and inspection under section 24 of the Act per shipment $5.38 $5.75
or per kilogram of honey in the shipment, whichever is the greater amount $0.0108 $0.0115
Product Inspections
For the inspection of honey under section 24 of the Act before export for the purpose of issuing a certificate or other document referred to in section 48 of the Act per shipment $161.37 $172.34
5 For the inspection of honey under section 24 of the Act carried out for purposes other than export per inspection $161.37 $172.34
6 For an appeal inspection, the fee payable is the applicable fee set out in item 4 or 5 unless the results of the original inspection are not confirmed by the appeal inspection, in which case no fee is payable      
Compliance Assistance
For services provided by an inspector, upon request from a person, for the purpose of helping that person to meet the requirements of the Act or the Regulations per quarter hour, the time being rounded off to the nearest quarter hour $23.39 $24.98
subject to a minimum fee of $93.59 $99.95

Part 8 – Livestock and Poultry Carcass Grading Fees



1. (1) The definitions in this subsection apply in this Part.

  • "Act" means the Safe Food for Canadians Act. (Loi)
  • "grader" means a person designated as a grader under subsection 13(3) of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency Act. (classificateur)
  • "Regulations" means the Safe Food for Canadians Regulations. (Réglement)
  • (2) Unless otherwise provided in this Part, other words and expressions have the same meaning as in the Act and the Regulations.


2. The fees set out in the table to this Part shall be paid

  • (a) on receipt of an invoice from the Agency; or
  • (b) before the service is provided, if the person has previously failed to pay a fee set out in this Notice.

3. If two or more persons request grading for a veal, ovine, bison or beef carcass, an equal portion of the applicable fee set out in item 1 of the table to this Part is payable by each of those persons.

Table: Livestock and Poultry Carcass Grading Fees
Item Column 1
Service, Right, Product, Privilege or Use
Column 2
+6.8% starting March 31, 2024
1 If veal, ovine, bison or beef carcasses are graded by a grader at the request of a person referred to in section 334 of the Regulations, or if the application of grade names to veal, ovine, bison or beef carcasses is monitored by a grader:      
(a) in the case of veal, ovine and bison carcasses, for the grading or monitoring per quarter-hour or part thereofTable Note 1 $13.98 $14.93
(b) in the case of beef carcasses      
(i) for the grading per carcassTable Note 1 $1.35 $1.44
(ii) for the monitoring per quarter-hour or part thereofTable Note 1 $13.98 $14.93
2 (1) For the application of grade names prescribed by the Regulations under the conditions of section 338 of the Regulations to poultry carcasses in an establishment that has an average weekly slaughter volume of      
(a) less than 5,000 per year $806.80 $861.66
(b) 5,000 – 14,999 per year $1,075.73 $1,148.88
(c) 15,000 – 29,999 per year $1,344.65 $1,436.09
(d) 30,000 – 74,999 per year $1,613.59 $1,723.31
(e) 75,000 or more per year $2,151.45 $2,297.75
(2) For the inspection under Section 24 of the Act of graded processed poultry for the purposes of monitoring the grade names applied to poultry carcasses per hour $47.34 $50.56

Part 9 – Maple Products Fees



1. (1) The definitions in this subsection apply in this Part.

  • "Act" means the Safe Food for Canadians Act. (Loi)
  • "Regulations" means the Safe Food for Canadians Regulations. (Réglement)
  • (2) Unless otherwise provided in this Part, other words and expressions have the same meaning as in the Act and the Regulations.


2. The fees set out in the table to this Part shall be paid at the time the application for a licence or for renewal of an existing licence is submitted, on delivery of the inspection results, or after the assistance has been provided, as the case may be, except if the applicant has a charge account with the Agency, in which case the fees are payable on receipt of an invoice from the Agency.

3. Despite section 2, the fees set out in items 3 to 6 of the table to this Part shall be paid before the service is provided if the person who requests the service:

  • (a) has previously failed to pay a fee set out in this Notice; or
  • (b) does not have a fixed place of residence in Canada.
Table: Maple Products Fees
Item Column 1
Service, Right, Product, Privilege or Use
Column 2
+6.8% starting March 31, 2024
For the issuance of a licence under section 20 of the Act or the renewal of a licence under section 22 of the Act per licence, valid for 2 years $268.93 $287.22
Establishment Inspection
For the inspection under section 24 of the Act of an establishment in which a licence holder conducts the activities identified in the licence:      
(a) in the case of a sugar bush establishment per year per establishment if the establishment is inspected in the year $40.00 $42.72
(b) in the case of a packing establishment or maple syrup shipper establishment per year per establishment if the establishment is inspected in the year $225.90 $241.26
Product Inspection
For the inspection of a maple product under section 24 of the Act or grading of a maple product under section 306 of the Regulations per kilogram of product inspected, $0.06 $0.06
subject to a minimum fee of $53.79 $57.45
4 For the inspection of a maple product before export for the purpose of issuing a certificate or other document referred to in section 48of the Act per kilogram of product inspected $0.03 $0.03
subject to a minimum fee of $53.79 $57.45
subject to a maximum fee of $268.93 $287.22
5 For an appeal inspection, the fee payable is the applicable fee set out in items 3 or 4, unless the results of the original inspection are not confirmed by the appeal inspection, in which case no fee is payable      
Compliance Assistance
For services provided by an inspector, upon request from a person, for the purpose of helping that person to meet the requirements of the Act or the Regulations per quarter hour, the time being rounded to the nearest quarter hour $23.39 $24.98
subject to a minimum fee of $93.59 $99.95

Part 10 – Meat Products Inspection Fees



1. (1) The definitions in this subsection apply in this Part.

  • "Act" means the Safe Food for Canadians Act. (Loi)
  • "Regulations" means the Safe Food for Canadians Regulations. (Réglement)
  • (2) Unless otherwise provided in this Part, other words and expressions have the same meaning as in the Act and the Regulations.


2. (1) The fees set out in items 4 to 7 of table 1 and in table 3 to this Part shall be paid on receipt of an invoice from the Agency.

  • (2) Subject to subsection (3), the fees set out in items 2 and 3 of table 1 and in table 2 are payable as follows:
  • (a) 25 per cent of the amount, on receipt of an invoice from the Agency; and
  • (b) the remainder of the annual amount, in three equal instalments at equal time intervals within the year.
  • (3) If the fees set out in items 2 and 3 of table 1 and in table 2 are less than $1,000, they shall be paid in full on receipt of an invoice from the Agency.
  • (4) The fee set out in item 1 of table 1 shall be paid at the time the application for a licence or renewal of a licence is submitted, except if a person has a charge account with the Agency, in which case they are payable on receipt of an invoice from the Agency.

3. (1) Subject to subsection (4), if the Minister has adjusted the minimum number of hours of inspection or the number of inspection stations in accordance with subsection 44(2) of the Regulations, the amount of the fee set out in item 3 of table 1 or in table 2, as the case may be, is adjusted to the applicable amount of those fees.

  • (2) If the fee is adjusted upward, the adjustment of the fee is effective on the day on which the change referred to in subsection 44(1) of the Regulations occurs.
  • (3) If the fee is adjusted downward, the adjustment of the fee is effective:
  • (a) on the day on which the change referred to in subsection 44(1) of the Regulations occurs, if the Minister is notified in accordance with that subsection at least one month before that day;
  • (b) on the day that is one month after the day on which the Minister is notified of the change in accordance with subsection 44(1) of the Regulations, if the Minister is notified less than one month before the day on which the change occurs; and
  • (c) on the day that is one month after the day on which the change referred to in subsection 44(1) of the Regulations occurs, in any other case.
  • (4) In the case referred to in paragraph (3)(b) or (c), the fee shall not be adjusted if the change is no longer in effect on the day on which the adjustment would otherwise have been effective.
Table 1: Meat Products Inspection Fees
Item Column 1
Service, Right, Product, Privilege or Use
Column 2
+6.8% starting March 31, 2024
For the issuance of a licence under section 20 of the Act or the renewal of a licence under section 22 of the Act per licence, valid for 2 years $268.93 $287.22
Inspection at establishments identified in a licence
(1) Subject to subitem (2), for the inspection under section 24 of the Act of an establishment identified in a licence, and the meat products in it, in the case where one or more of the following activities as identified in the licence, is conducted by the licence holder: per year per establishment $322.71 $344.65
(a) the inspection of imported or detained meat products requiring refrigeration or freezing      
(b) the inspection of imported or detained meat products not requiring refrigeration or freezing      
(c) the refrigeration, freezing and storage of refrigerated and frozen meat products      
(d) the storage of meat products not requiring refrigeration or freezing      
(2) The fees referred to in subitem (1) are fixed for a 12 month period and shall be reduced proportionally on a daily basis if the establishment identified in the licence operates for less than 12 months      
3 (1) Subject to subitem (2), for the inspection under section 24 of the Act of an establishment and the animals and meat products in it, where food animals are slaughtered by a licence holder:      
(a) in respect of each inspection station referred to in subsection 41(1) of the Regulations      
(i) for the slaughter of poultry other than ostriches, emus and rheas per station per year $17,446.14 $18,632.48
(ii) for the slaughter of other food animals per station per year $10,601.29 $11,322.18
(b) in respect of each additional inspection station provided pursuant to subsection 41(3) of the Regulations per station per year $26,524.20 $28,327.85
(2) The fees referred to in subitem (1) are set out for a work shift of five days in a work week, for a 12-month period, and shall be reduced proportionally on a daily basis if the work shift is less than five days in a work week or covers less than 12 months      
4 In addition to the fee set out in item 3, in the case where food animals are slaughtered by a licence holder, for the inspection under section 24 of the Act on an hourly basis, of the establishment and the animals and meat products in it, in respect of each additional inspection station provided pursuant to subsection 41(3) of the Regulations per hour $57.01 $60.89
subject to a minimum fee of $171.04 $182.67
For the issuance of a certificate or other document referred to in section 48 of the Act   $16.14 $17.24
For the verification of import information as referred to in subsection 13(1) of the Regulations, and inspection of meat products under section 24 of the Act   $73.16 $78.13
For an inspection carried out to determine whether corrective action has been taken for the purpose of addressing a contravention of the Regulations per hour $57.01 $60.89

4.(1) Subject to subsection (2), if a licence is issued under section 20 of the Act for the processing or packaging and labelling of meat products, the annual fee payable for the inspection under section 24 of the Act of each establishment identified in the licence and the meat products in it, in respect of each work shift, is the amount set out in table 2 of this Part.

  • (2) The fees referred to in subsection (1) are set out for a 12-month period and shall be reduced proportionally on a daily basis if the establishment identified in the licence operates for less than 12 months.
Table 2: Annual Fees per Work Shift
Item Column 1
Minimum number of hours of inspection required per year for the work shift, as determined in accordance with section 42 of the Regulations
Annual fee payable for the work shift
Column 2
+6.8% starting March 31, 2024
Annual fee payable for the work shift
1 0 to 373.40 $2,635.53 $2,814.75
2 373.50 to 746.90 $3,980.20 $4,250.85
3 747 to 1,120.40 $4,851.53 $5,181.43
4 1,120.50 to 1,493.90 $6,185.43 $6,606.04
5 1,494 or more $7,772.13 $8,300.63
Table 3: Analyses and Tests
Item Column 1
Analyses and Tests
Column 2
+6.8% starting March 31, 2024
1 Antibiotic screening (STOP Test) $30.00 $32.04
2 Sulfonamides (TLC) $51.00 $54.47
3 Chloramphenicol (Card) $22.00 $23.50
4 Chloramphenicol (LCMS) $244.19 $260.79
5 LCMS Confirmation $391.57 $418.20
6 Penicillin (LC) $55.00 $58.74
7 Tetracycline (LC) $80.00 $85.44
8 Macrolide (Charm II) $24.00 $25.63
9 Streptomycin (LC) $165.67 $176.94
10 Streptomycin (Charm II) $24.00 $25.63
11 Trichinella – swine $0.71 $0.76
12 Trichinella – horses and other species $3.53 $3.77
13 Kidney Inhibition Swab (KIS) Test $14.25 $15.22

Part 11 – Health of Animals Fees



1. (1) The definitions in this subsection apply in this Part.

  • "Act" means the Health of Animals Act. (Loi)
  • "certification" means the signing by an inspector of a document authorizing an activity or attesting to the validity of information, no matter who prepared the document. (certification)
  • "commercial grade beef cattle" means cattle that are used primarily to produce meat, other than cattle that are purebred within the meaning of section 2 of the Animal Pedigree Act. (boeufs commerciaux sans race)
  • "import permit" means a permit for the purpose of the importation of animals or things that is issued by the Minister under section 160 of the Regulations. (permis d'importation ou licence d'importation)
  • "pet bird" means a pet bird that is imported from a country other than the United States under a permit issued pursuant to section 10 of the Regulations. (oiseau de compagnie)
  • "private quarantine facility" means a quarantine facility that is not a quarantine station. (installation de quarantaine privée)
  • "quarantine station" means a quarantine facility operated by the Agency. (station de quarantaine)
  • "Regulations" means the Health of Animals Regulations. (Réglement)
  • (2) Unless otherwise provided in this Part, other words and expressions have the same meaning as in the Act and the Regulations.

2. This Part does not apply to the importation and exportation of regulated animals transiting through Canada or the United States during an emergency situation referred to in sections 17 and 69.1 of the Health of Animals Regulations.


3. (1) The fees set out in the table to this Part, except those set out in item 20, shall be paid when the service is requested.

(2) The fees set out in item 20 of the table shall be paid as follows:

  • (a) 10% of the fee multiplied by the minimum number of days that the animal to be imported will be quarantined, as determined by the Minister on issuance of a permit to import an animal in accordance with section 160 of the Regulations, shall be paid at the earlier of
    • (i) the time a request to be placed on a list reserving space at a quarantine station for an animal to be imported is made, or
    • (ii) the time the application for a permit to import an animal is made; and
  • (b) the outstanding balance shall be paid before the release of the animal from the quarantine.
Table: Health of Animals Fees
Item Column 1
Service, Right, Product, Privilege or Use Rental –
residence & other accommodation
Column 2
+6.8% starting March 31, 2024
consideration in respect of import permits
For the consideration of an application, with respect to an animal or thing, for an import permit      
(a) for single use   $37.66 $40.22
(b) for multiple use   $64.54 $68.93
2 (1) In addition to the fee payable under item 1, if      
(a) subject to subitem (2), the conditions agreed to between Canada and the country of origin for the importation of an animal or thing require modification, or have been modified less than two years before the date on which the application referred to in item 1 is received, for the consideration of an application for an import permit      
(i) for single use   $69.92 $74.67
(ii) for multiple use   $123.71 $132.12
(b) subject to paragraph (c) and subitem (2), an assessment of the risk of introducing disease is required with respect to an application referred to in item 1, or such an assessment has been completed and conditions for the importation were agreed to between Canada and the country of origin less than two years before the date on which the application is received, for the consideration of an application for an import permit      
(i) for single use   $1,075.73 $1,148.88
(ii) for multiple use   $1,344.65 $1,436.09
(c) the applicant is an accredited institutional member of the Canadian Association of Zoological Parks and Aquariums, the application is for no more than six mammalian animals or animal embryos or for no more than twelve birds or hatching eggs, and an assessment of the risk of introducing disease is required with respect to the application referred to in item 1, or such an assessment has been completed and conditions for the importation were agreed to between Canada and the country of origin less than two years before the date on which the application is received, for the consideration of an application for an import permit      
(i) for single use   $322.71 $344.65
(ii) for multiple use   $484.08 $517.00
(2) In addition to the fee payable under item 1 for the consideration of an application for a permit required by paragraph 12(1)(a) of the Regulations for the import of cattle, for the purpose of feeding, from the United States, whose movements are restricted by the permit, for each animal (amended: Canada Gazette, Part I, May 22, 2010)   $1.61 $1.72
3 In addition to any fee payable under item 1 or 2, for the consideration of an application referred to in item 1 for which an environmental assessment is required under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act   $161.37 $172.34
4 For the consideration of an application for a permit for animals or things in transit   $64.54 $68.93
5 (1) For the consideration of a request to amend an import permit by changing the expiry date, date of shipment, number of animals, port of entry, address of the importer or name and address of the carrier   $21.52 $22.98
(2) For the consideration of a request to amend an import permit with respect to any matter other than one set out in subitem (1)   $118.33 $126.38
6 For the inspection of an animal or thing for the purpose of considering an application for an import permit which requires an inspector to leave Canada, for each day or part of a day that the inspector is outside Canada (amended: Canada Gazette, Part I, August 12, 2017)   $233.98 $249.89
inspection and consideration of a facility or other premises for import purposes
For the inspection and consideration of a private quarantine facility, if approval of the facility under section 60 of the Regulations is sought for the quarantine of ruminants, porcines, ratites or ratite hatching eggs, or of premises for the import of cattle, for the purpose of feeding, from the United States, whose movements are restricted by the permit required by paragraph 12(1)(a) of the Regulations (amended: Canada Gazette, Part I, May 22, 2010)      
(a) if the facility or premises have not been approved in the previous 24 months   $322.71 $344.65
(b) if the facility or premises have been approved in the previous 24 months and there has been a change to the facility or premises or their management since the last approval   $322.71 $344.65
(c) if the facility or premises have been approved in the previous 24 months and there has been no change to the facility or premises or their management,      
(i) for the first inspection to obtain a new approval   $129.08 $137.86
(ii) for the second inspection to obtain a new approval   $64.54 $68.93
(iii) for all further inspections to obtain a new approval   $129.08 $137.86
8 For the inspection and consideration of a private quarantine facility, if approval of the facility under section 60 of the Regulations is sought for the quarantine of equines, birds or hatching eggs (except for ratites and ratite hatching eggs and pet birds),      
(a) if the facility has not been approved in the previous 24 months   $220.52 $235.52
(b) if the facility has been approved in the previous 24 months and there has been a change to the facility or its management since the last approval   $220.52 $235.52
(c) if the facility has been approved in the previous 24 months and there has been no change to the facility or its management,      
(i) for the first inspection to obtain a new approval   $107.57 $114.88
(ii) for the second inspection to obtain a new approval   $37.66 $40.22
(iii) for all further inspections to obtain a new approval   $75.30 $80.42
9 For the inspection and consideration of a private quarantine facility, if approval of the facility under section 60 of the Regulations is sought for the quarantine of an animal, including a pet bird, other than one for which a fee is set out in item 7 or 8   $107.57 $114.88
10 For the inspection and consideration of a private facility, if approval of the facility is sought in accordance with a condition set out in an import permit for the importation of an animal embryo or a thing   $107.57 $114.88
11 For the inspection and consideration of an establishment registered under the Meat Inspection Act, if approval of the establishment is sought for the importation of swine for immediate slaughter   $322.71 $344.65
12 For the inspection and consideration of a facility, if approval of the facility is sought under subsection 58(3) of the Regulations for the inspection of animals imported into Canada at a place other than the port of entry   $96.81 $103.39
import inspections
For the inspection of documents relating to a shipment of animals, animal embryos or animal semen presented before the time of importation under section 16 of the Act   $18.83 $20.11
14 (1) For either the inspection of animals, animal embryos or animal semen presented at the time of importation under section 16 of the Act, or for the inspection of documents relating to such animals, animal embryos or animal semen, or for both, for each shipment of      
(a) animal semen or pigeons   $37.66 $40.22
(b) feeder calves imported under paragraph 12(1)(b) of the Regulations and section 17 of Part III of the Import Reference Document (amended: Canada Gazette, Part I, May 22, 2010)   $37.66 $40.22
(c) subject to paragraph (d), dogs, cats or ferrets      
(i) imported from the United States for use in research and consigned to a facility approved by the Canadian Council on Animal Care or imported from the United States for transit to another country   $37.66 $40.22
(ii) imported for any other purpose      
(A) for the first animal in the shipment   $32.27 $34.46
(B) for each additional animal   $5.38 $5.75
(d) cats or dogs imported under paragraph 12(1)(b) of the Regulations, if an inspector has made a vaccination order under section 1 or 2, respectively, of Part III of the Import Reference Document (amended: Canada Gazette, Part I, May 22, 2010)      
(i) for the first animal in the shipment   $59.17 $63.19
(ii) for each additional animal   $32.27 $34.46
(e) any animal imported for immediate slaughter under paragraph 12(1)(b) of the Regulations and section 5 of Part III of the Import Reference Document (amended: Canada Gazette, Part I, May 22, 2010)   $37.66 $40.22
(f) swine imported from the United States for immediate slaughter   $62.40 $66.64
(g) sexually intact cattle, sheep or goats imported from the United States under paragraph 12(1)(b) of the Regulations (amended: Canada Gazette, Part I, May 22, 2010)      
(i) for cattle      
(A) for the first animal in the shipment   $37.66 $40.22
(B) for each additional animal   $5.38 $5.75
(ii) for sheep or goats      
(A) for the first animal in the shipment   $37.66 $40.22
(B) for each additional animal   $2.15 $2.30
(h) feeder cattle, feeder sheep and feeder goats imported under paragraph 12(1)(b) of the Regulations (amended: Canada Gazette, Part I, May 22, 2010)      
(i) for feeder cattle      
(A) for the first animal in the shipment   $25.82 $27.58
(B) for each additional animal   $1.56 $1.67
(ii) for feeder sheep or feeder goats      
(A) for the first animal in the shipment   $25.82 $27.58
(B) for each additional animal   $0.64 $0.68
(i) ratites      
(i) for the first animal in the shipment   $37.66 $40.22
(ii) for each additional animal   $6.45 $6.89
(j) bison, camelidae or cervidae      
(i) for the first animal in the shipment   $38.72 $41.35
(ii) for each additional animal   $7.80 $8.33
(k) equines      
(i) for each equine imported from the United States   $26.89 $28.72
(ii) for each equine imported from a country other than the United States   $32.27 $34.46
(l) animals or hatching eggs other than those referred to in paragraphs (a) to (k), if the requirements of the Regulations or the conditions of an import permit apply to a group of animals or hatching eggs (except requirements or conditions relating to identification or certification by a veterinarian in the country of origin indicating that the animals or hatching eggs have been examined and are free from disease)   $37.66 $40.22
(m) animals or hatching eggs other than those referred to in paragraphs (a) to (k), if the requirements of the Regulations or the conditions of an import permit apply to individual animals or hatching eggs (except requirements or conditions relating to identification or certification by a veterinarian in the country of origin indicating that the animals or hatching eggs have been examined and are free from disease)      
(i) for the first animal or hatching egg in the shipment   $37.66 $40.22
(ii) for each additional animal or hatching egg   $6.45 $6.89
(n) embryos imported under section 11 of the Regulations (amended: Canada Gazette, Part I, September 1, 2001, Vol 135, no 35, p. 3295)      
(i) for embryos from the first dam-sire pair in the shipment   $37.66 $40.22
(ii) for embryos from each additional dam-sire pair   $4.30 $4.59
(2) In addition to any fee payable under paragraphs (1)(a) to (n), for the inspection of documents and the sealing of a conveyance at the port of entry, if the shipment of animals imported from the United States is inspected at a place other than the port of entry   $37.66 $40.22
15 In addition to any fee payable under item14, for the inspection of animals or things and for the testing of animals or things by a laboratory of the Agency, after an inspection referred to in item14      
(a) for a shipment of feeder cattle imported either under paragraph 12(1)(a) or paragraph 12(1)(b) of the Regulations and section 17 of Part III of the Import Reference Document (amended: Canada Gazette, Part I, November 15, 2005)      
(i) for the first animal in the shipment   $34.41 $36.75
(ii) for each additional animal   $2.05 $2.19
(b) for a shipment of sexually intact bovines imported from the United States under paragraph 12(1)(b) of the Regulations (amended: Canada Gazette, Part I, May 22, 2010)      
(i) for the first animal in the shipment   $37.66 $40.22
(ii) for each additional animal   $16.14 $17.24
(c) for a shipment of porcines that is to be quarantined at a quarantine station only, under the Regulations or in accordance with the conditions of an import permit, if the shipment is      
(i) imported from the United States      
(A) for the first animal in the shipment   $59.17 $63.19
(B) for each additional animal   $18.83 $20.11
(ii) imported from a country other than the United States      
(A) for the first animal in the shipment   $91.44 $97.66
(B) for each additional animal   $32.27 $34.46
(d) for a shipment of porcines that is to be quarantined at a private quarantine facility or at both a quarantine station and a private quarantine facility, under the Regulations or in accordance with the conditions of an import permit, if the shipment is      
(i) imported from the United States      
(A) for the first animal in the shipment   $161.37 $172.34
(B) for each additional animal   $38.72 $41.35
(ii) imported from a country other than the United States      
(A) for the first animal in the shipment   $252.79 $269.98
(B) for each additional animal   $49.48 $52.84
(e) for each equine that, in accordance with the conditions of an import permit,      
(i) is not required to be tested for contagious equine metritis   $91.44 $97.66
(ii) is a male and is required to be tested for contagious equine metritis   $1,177.92 $1,258.02
(iii) is a female and is required to be tested for contagious equine metritis   $441.05 $471.04
(f) for a shipment of cervidae or camelidae that is to be quarantined in accordance with the conditions of an import permit, if the shipment is      
(i) imported from the United States      
(A) for the first animal in the shipment   $242.04 $258.50
(B) for each additional animal   $75.30 $80.42
(ii) imported from a country other than the United States,      
(A) for the first animal in the shipment   $376.50 $402.10
(B) for each additional animal   $107.57 $114.88
(g) for a shipment of ungulates other than those referred to in paragraphs (a) to (f)      
(i) for the first animal in the shipment   $188.26 $201.06
(ii) for each additional animal   $53.79 $57.45
(h) for each ratite that is to be quarantined under the Regulations or in accordance with the conditions of an import permit   $55.93 $59.73
(i) for each ratite hatching egg that is to be quarantined under the Regulations or in accordance with the conditions of an import permit (amended: Canada Gazette, Part I, February 24, 2001,Vol135, no 8, p. 612)   $13.99 $14.94
(j) for each shipment of animals or hatching eggs other than those referred to in paragraphs (a) to(i)   $139.85 $149.36
(k) for a shipment of semen consisting of      
(i) 1 to 49 units   $34.41 $36.75
(ii) 50 to 499 units   $54.85 $58.58
(iii) 500 to 1,499 units   $69.92 $74.67
(iv) 1,500 to 2,999 units   $101.11 $107.99
(v) 3,000 to 5,999 units   $132.31 $141.31
(vi) 6,000 units or more   $179.64 $191.86
(l) for each shipment of embryos, if the conditions of an import permit do not require the recipients to be monitored   $62.40 $66.64
(m) for a shipment of embryos, if the conditions of an import permit require the recipients to be monitored      
(i) for the first embryo in the shipment   $80.67 $86.16
(ii) for each additional caprine or ovine embryo   $17.22 $18.39
(iii) for each additional porcine embryo   $4.30 $4.59
(iv) for each additional embryo of any other animal   $34.41 $36.75
16 (1) Subject to subitem (2), for the inspection of or for otherwise dealing with any shipment of things presented under section 16 of the Act, or for the inspection of documents relating to such a shipment, or for both, except a shipment of animals, semen or embryos      
(a) for each shipment that is inspected under the Agricultural Pre-arrival Review System   $16.09 $17.18
(b) for any other shipment   $27.17 $29.02
(2) The fees set out in subitem (1) do not apply to a shipment      
(a) that has been produced, manufactured or substantially transformed in the United States;      
(b) that originates in Canada, was exported directly to the United States and is returned to Canada after being refused entry into the United States;      
(c) that enters Canada as international mail, is inspected in a Canada Post Customs Screening Centre and has a value, as declared by the importer or as assessed by Revenue Canada, as the case may be, of less than $100;      
(d) that enters Canada in a passenger's baggage that accompanies the passenger;      
(e) that is inspected under the Meat Inspection Regulations, 1990 at the time of importation and for which a fee for inspection is paid; or      
(f) for which any other fee is set out in this table.      
17 (1) Subject to subitem (2), for services provided to an air or marine carrier respecting any animal or thing presented by the carrier under section 16 of the Act, including the control of international garbage, the review of manifests and an inspection      
(a) for an aircraft entering Canada   $26.89 $28.72
(b) for a ship entering Canada      
(i) for the first manifest for the ship      
(A) if the manifest is provided to an inspector, in an electronic format that is approved by Revenue Canada, at least one working day before the arrival of the ship   $43.04 $45.97
(B) if fewer than 10 items are declared on the manifest or the ship is in ballast   $43.04 $45.97
(C) if the ship is a cruise ship, or in cases other than those referred to in clause(A) or (B)   $107.57 $114.88
(ii) for each additional manifest for the ship      
(A) if the manifest is provided to an inspector, in an electronic format that is approved by Revenue Canada, at least one working day before the arrival of the ship   $21.52 $22.98
(B) if fewer than 10 items are declared on the manifest or the ship is in ballast   $21.52 $22.98
(C) if the ship is a cruise ship, or in cases other than those referred to in clause (A) or (B)   $75.30 $80.42
(2) The fees set out in subitem (1) do not apply to      
(a) an aircraft entering Canada that      
(i) is on a flight whose flight data information shows that it originated in the United States,      
(ii) has a maximum capacity of 30 persons, in the case of a passenger aircraft, or      
(iii) is operated by the armed forces of another country;      
(b) a ship entering Canada that      
(i) is registered in Canada or the United States,      
(ii) is operated by the Government of the United States,      
(iii) is operating exclusively in Canadian and American waters and, since it last left a port other than a Canadian or American port, has been inspected and certified by the appropriate Canadian or American officials as having no food or ship's refuse that originates in a country other than Canada or the United States, or contains food or ship's refuse that is approved by the Agency or the United States Department of Agriculture for uncontrolled entry into Canada or the United States, or      
(iv) is operated by the armed forces of another country.      
18 In addition to any fee payable under items 13 to 19, for the inspection of an animal or thing, if the animal or thing is inspected at a place outside Canada or mainland United States, including Alaska, for the purpose of importing the animal or thing into Canada, for each day or part of a day that the inspector is outside Canada (amended: Canada Gazette, Part I, August 12, 2017)   $233.98 $249.89
19 If a person requests assistance to ensure their compliance with the provisions of the Regulations or the conditions of an import permit, with respect to the importation of an animal or thing,      
(a) for services relating to the documentation in respect of a shipment   $32.27 $34.46
(b) for services relating to the inspection of a shipment and the related documentation   $64.54 $68.93
(1) Subject to subitem (2), for care and accommodation provided in respect of an animal admitted to quarantine at the quarantine station at Nisku, Alberta; North Portal, Saskatchewan; Emerson, Manitoba; Windsor, Ontario; or Mirabel, Quebec,      
(a) for bovines      
(i) for each bovine four months or older on admission per day $16.95 $18.10
(ii) for each bovine under four months on admission per day $5.66 $6.04
(b) for sheep and goats      
(i) for each sheep or goat up to and including five in number per day $5.66 $6.04
(ii) for each additional sheep or goat over five in number per day $2.15 $2.30
(c) for swine      
(i) for each weaned pig up to and including 22 kg in weight on admission per day $1.08 $1.15
(ii) for each pig over22 kg but not over 35 kg in weight on admission per day $2.15 $2.30
(iii) for each pig over 35 kg but not over 68 kg in weight on admission per day $3.23 $3.45
(iv) for each pig over 68 kg in weight on admission per day $5.38 $5.75
(v) for each nursing pig   Nil Nil
(d) for canaries and finches      
(i) for 50 birds or less   $71.53 $76.39
(ii) for each additional bird over 50 in number   $0.64 $0.68
(e) for psittacines, zoo birds, pigeons and poultry      
(i) for six birds or less   $85.84 $91.68
(ii) for each additional bird over six in number   $6.78 $7.24
(f) for deer, antelope, wild sheep and goats      
(i) for each animal up to and including five in number   $367.10 $392.06
(ii) for each additional animal over five in number   $203.32 $217.15
(g) for each eland, camel, gaur or zebra   $485.69 $518.72
(h) for buffaloes, wisents and giraffes      
(i) for each animal 350 kg or over in weight on admission   $643.82 $687.60
(ii) for each animal under 350 kg in weight on admission   $508.28 $542.84
(i) for each horse per day $16.14 $17.24
(j) for each dog per day $3.23 $3.45
(k) for llamas and alpacas      
(i) for each male llama or alpaca over four months of age on admission per day $23.77 $25.39
(ii) for each male llama or alpaca four months of age or under on admission per day $15.14 $16.17
(iii) for each female llama or alpaca (amended: Canada Gazette, Part I, May 22, 2010) per day $15.14 $16.17
(l) for ostriches      
(i) for each ostrich over eight months of age on admission per day $13.88 $14.82
(ii) for each ostrich eight months of age or under on admission per day $7.89 $8.43
(2) The maximum fee payable for the care and accommodation of animals admitted to quarantine at a quarantine station referred to in subitem (1) is the following:      
(a) for each group of animals referred to in paragraph (1)(k) (amended: Canada Gazette, Part I, May 22, 2010) per day $1,231.70 $1,315.46
(b) for each group of animals referred to in paragraph (1)(l) (amended: Canada Gazette, Part I, May 22, 2010) per day $1,579.18 $1,686.56
export inspection, testing and certification
(1) For the inspection of poultry or hatching eggs for export to the United States, if each individual animal or hatching egg is required by that country to be identified      
(a) for ratites or ratite hatching eggs (amended: Canada Gazette, Part I, May 22, 2010)      
(i) for the first animal or hatching egg inspected on each premises (amended: Canada Gazette, Part I, May 22, 2010)   $53.79 $57.45
(ii) for each additional animal or hatching egg inspected on each premises (amended: Canada Gazette, Part I, May 22, 2010)   $5.38 $5.75
(b) for poultry or hatching eggs other than ratites or hatching eggs (amended: Canada Gazette, Part I, May 22, 2010)      
(i) for the first animal or hatching egg inspected on each premises (amended: Canada Gazette, Part I, May 22, 2010)   $32.27 $34.46
(ii) for each additional animal or hatching egg inspected on each premises (amended: Canada Gazette, Part I, May 22, 2010)   $1.08 $1.15
(2) For the inspection of a flock of poultry for the purpose of exporting poultry or hatching eggs to the United States, if each individual animal or hatching egg is not required by that country to be identified   $43.04 $45.97
(3) For the testing by a laboratory of the Agency of ratites or ratite hatching eggs for export to the United States, for each animal tested on each premises (amended: Canada Gazette, Part I, May 22, 2010)   $10.75 $11.48
subject to a minimum fee of $26.89 $28.72
(4) For the certification of poultry or hatching eggs for export to the United States      
(a) for ratites or ratite hatching eggs      
(i) for the first animal or hatching egg on the certificate   $26.89 $28.72
(ii) for each additional animal or hatching egg on the certificate   $1.61 $1.72
(b) for chickens, turkeys, game birds, ducks and geese or their hatching eggs, for each certificate   $26.89 $28.72
(c) for poultry or hatching eggs other than those referred to in paragraphs (a) and (b), for each certificate   $21.52 $22.98
(5) For the inspection of ratites for the purpose of exporting them or their hatching eggs to a country other than the United States      
(a) if the importing country does not require testing by a laboratory of the Agency      
(i) for the first animal inspected on each premises (amended: Canada Gazette, Part I, May 22, 2010)   $37.66 $40.22
(ii) for each additional animal inspected on each premises (amended: Canada Gazette, Part I, May 22, 2010)   $10.75 $11.48
(b) if the importing country requires testing by a laboratory of the Agency, for each animal inspected   $53.79 $57.45
(6) For the certification of poultry or hatching eggs for export to a country other than the United States      
(a) for ratites or ratite hatching eggs      
(i) for the first animal or hatching egg on the certificate   $26.89 $28.72
(ii) for each additional animal or hatching egg on the certificate   $10.75 $11.48
(b) for chickens and turkeys or their hatching eggs      
(i) for export to Mexico, for each certificate   $134.47 $143.61
(ii) for export to a country other than Mexico, if the importing country does not require testing by a laboratory of the Agency, for each certificate   $107.57 $114.88
(iii) for export to a country other than Mexico, if the importing country requires testing by a laboratory of the Agency, for each certificate   $2,689.32 $2,872.19
(c) for pigeons, game birds, ducks and geese or their hatching eggs      
(i) if the importing country does not require testing by a laboratory of the Agency, for each certificate   $80.67 $86.16
(ii) if the importing country requires testing by a laboratory of the Agency, for each certificate   $1,613.59 $1,723.31
(d) for poultry or hatching eggs other than those referred to in paragraphs (a) to (c)      
(i) if the importing country does not require testing by a laboratory of the Agency, for each certificate   $26.89 $28.72
(ii) if the importing country requires testing by a laboratory of the Agency, for each certificate   $537.87 $574.45
22 (1) For the inspection of ovine or caprine animals for export to the United States or Mexico, if each individual animal is required by the importing country to be identified      
(a) for the first animal inspected on each premises (amended: Canada Gazette, Part I, May 22, 2010)   $45.18 $48.25
(b) for each additional animal inspected on each premises (amended: Canada Gazette, Part I, May 22, 2010)   $2.15 $2.30
(2) For the inspection of a flock of ovine or caprine animals for export to the United States, if each individual animal is not required by the importing country to be identified   $107.57 $114.88
(3) For the certification of ovine or caprine animals for export to the United States or Mexico for a purpose other than those referred to in subitems (4) and (5)      
(a) for the first animal on the certificate   $16.14 $17.24
(b) for each additional animal on the certificate   $1.08 $1.15
(4) For the certification of ovine or caprine animals consigned to the same sale in Canada by the same consignor, at the same time, for possible sale to the United States, if individual certificates are requested      
(a) for the first certificate   $16.14 $17.24
(b) for each additional certificate   $5.38 $5.75
(5) For the certification of ovine or caprine animals for export to the United States, if each individual animal is not required by the importing country to be identified      
(a) for the first animal on the certificate   $16.14 $17.24
(b) for each additional animal on the certificate   $0.21 $0.22
(6) For the inspection, and for the testing by a laboratory of the Agency, of ovine or caprine animals for export to a country other than the United States or Mexico, for each animal      
(a) inspected by an inspector   $26.89 $28.72
(b) inspected by an accredited veterinarian   $16.14 $17.24
(7) For the certification of ovine or caprine animals for export to a country other than the United States or Mexico      
(a) for the first animal on the certificate   $26.89 $28.72
(b) for each additional animal on the certificate   $2.15 $2.30
23 (1) For the inspection of porcine animals for export to the United States      
(a) for the first animal inspected on each premises (amended: Canada Gazette, Part I, May 22, 2010)   $45.18 $48.25
(b) for each additional animal inspected on each premises (amended: Canada Gazette, Part I, May 22, 2010)   $2.15 $2.30
(2) For the certification of porcine animals for export to the United States      
(a) for the first animal on the certificate   $16.14 $17.24
(b) for each of the next 50 animals on the certificate   $0.54 $0.58
(c) for each additional animal in excess of 51 animals on the certificate   $0.16 $0.17
(3) For the inspection of porcine animals for export to Mexico,      
(a) for the first animal inspected on each premises (amended: Canada Gazette, Part I, May 22, 2010)   $49.48 $52.84
(b) for each additional animal inspected on each premises (amended: Canada Gazette, Part I, May 22, 2010)   $6.45 $6.89
(4) For the testing, by a laboratory of the Agency, of porcine animals for export to Mexico, (amended: Canada Gazette, Part I, May 22, 2010)   $6.99 $7.47
subject to a minimum fee of  $16.14 $17.24
(a) for the first animal inspected on each premises (amended: Canada Gazette, Part I, May 22, 2010)      
(b) for each additional animal inspected on each premises (amended: Canada Gazette, Part I, May 22, 2010)      
(5) For the certification of porcine animals for export to Mexico      
(a) for the first animal on the certificate   $26.89 $28.72
(b) for each additional animal on the certificate   $1.08 $1.15
(6) For the inspection, and for the testing by a laboratory of the Agency, of porcine animals for export to any country in the Caribbean, Central America or South America, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand or Viet Nam, for each animal      
(a) inspected by an inspector   $16.14 $17.24
(b) inspected by an accredited veterinarian   $10.75 $11.48
(7) For the certification of porcine animals for export to any country in the Caribbean, Central America or South America, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand or Viet Nam      
(a) for the first animal on the certificate   $26.89 $28.72
(b) for each additional animal on the certificate   $1.61 $1.72
(8) For the inspection, and for the testing by a laboratory of the Agency, of porcine animals for export to China, Japan, South Korea or Taiwan, for each animal      
(a) inspected by an inspector   $48.41 $51.70
(b) inspected by an accredited veterinarian   $32.27 $34.46
(9) For the certification of porcine animals for export to China, Japan, South Korea or Taiwan,      
(a) for the first animal on the certificate   $26.89 $28.72
(b) for each additional animal on the certificate   $2.15 $2.30
(10) For the inspection, and for the testing by a laboratory of the Agency, of porcine animals for export to a country not mentioned elsewhere in this item, for each animal      
(a) inspected by an inspector   $32.27 $34.46
(b) inspected by an accredited veterinarian   $21.52 $22.98
(11) For the certification of porcine animals for export to a country not mentioned elsewhere in this item,      
(a) for the first animal on the certificate   $26.89 $28.72
(b) for each additional animal on the certificate   $1.61 $1.72
24 (1) For the inspection, and for the testing by a laboratory of the Agency, of equine animals, other than those referred to in subitem (3), for export to the United States or Mexico,      
(a) for the first animal inspected on each premises (amended: Canada Gazette, Part I, April 21, 2012)   $75.30 $80.42
(b) for each additional animal inspected on each premises (amended: Canada Gazette, Part I, April 21, 2012)   $32.27 $34.46
(2) For the testing by a laboratory of the Agency, of equine animals that have been imported into Canada for less than 60 days, for export to the United States, for each animal   $96.81 $103.39
(3) For the inspection of equine animals for export to the United States for immediate slaughter, for all animals on each premises. (amended: Canada Gazette, Part I, April 21, 2012)   $64.54 $68.93
(4) For the certification of equine animals for export to the United States for immediate slaughter      
(a) for the first animal on the certificate   $16.14 $17.24
(b) for each additional animal on the certificate   $0.54 $0.58
(5) For the certification of equine animals for export to the United States for a purpose other than that referred to in subitem (4), or to Mexico (amended: Canada Gazette, Part I, May 22, 2010)      
(a) for the first animal on the certificate   $16.14 $17.24
(b) for each additional animal on the certificate   $1.61 $1.72
(6) For the inspection, and for the testing by a laboratory of the Agency, of equine animals for export to a country other than the United States or Mexico, for each animal      
(a) inspected by an inspector      
(i) for the first animal inspected on each premises (amended: Canada Gazette, Part I, April 21, 2012)   $53.79 $57.45
(ii) for each additional animal inspected on each premises (amended: Canada Gazette, Part I, April 21, 2012)   $32.27 $34.46
(b) inspected by an accredited veterinarian      
(i) for the first animal inspected on each premises (amended: Canada Gazette, Part I, April 21, 2012)   $37.66 $40.22
(ii) for each additional animal inspected on each premises (amended: Canada Gazette, Part I, April 21, 2012)   $21.52 $22.98
(7) In addition to the fee payable under subitem (6)      
(a) for the testing, by a laboratory of the Agency, of equine animals for export to a country other than the United States or Mexico, if the importing country requires the semen of those animals to be tested for equine viral arteritis, for each animal tested   $376.50 $402.10
(b) for administrative services in connection with the testing referred to in paragraph (a), if the testing is performed by a laboratory other than a laboratory of the Agency, at the expense of the exporter, for each animal tested   $32.27 $34.46
(8) For the certification of equine animals for export to a country other than the United States or Mexico      
(a) for the first animal on the certificate   $26.89 $28.72
(b) for each additional animal on the certificate   $5.38 $5.75
25 (1) For the inspection of cattle for export to the United States      
(a) for the first animal inspected on each premises (amended: Canada Gazette, Part I, April 21, 2012)   $53.79 $57.45
(b) for each additional animal inspected on each premises (amended: Canada Gazette, Part I, April 21, 2012)   $16.14 $17.24
(2) For the testing for brucellosis, by an inspector or an employee of the Agency, of cattle for export to the United States, for each animal tested on each premises (amended: Canada Gazette, Part I, August 12, 2017)   $3.76 $4.02
subject to a minimum fee of $16.14 $17.24
(3) Certification of cattle for export to the United States for a purpose other than the purpose referred to in subitem (4)      
(a) for the first animal on the certificate   $26.89 $28.72
(b) for each additional animal on the certificate   $1.61 $1.72
(4) For the certification, for export to the United States, of registered cattle that are consigned to a show designated by the Minister, for each animal on the certificate   $1.61 $1.72
subject to a minimum fee of $10.75 $11.48
(5) For the inspection, and for the testing by a laboratory of the Agency, of cattle for export to the Dominican Republic, Mexico or Puerto Rico      
(a) for the first animal inspected on each premises (amended: Canada Gazette, Part I, April 21, 2012)   $37.66 $40.22
(b) for each additional animal inspected on each premises (amended: Canada Gazette, Part I, April 21, 2012)   $21.52 $22.98
(6) For the testing, by a laboratory of the Agency, of cattle for export to the Dominican Republic, Mexico or Puerto Rico, if the inspection is performed by an accredited veterinarian, for each animal tested on each premises (amended: Canada Gazette, Part I, April 21, 2012)   $4.84 $5.17
subject to a minimum fee of  $16.14 $17.24
(7) For the certification of cattle for export to the Dominican Republic, Mexico or Puerto Rico, for each animal on the certificate   $2.15 $2.30
subject to a minimum fee of $26.89 $28.72
(8) For the inspection, and for the testing by a laboratory of the Agency, of cattle for export to Argentina, Barbados, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Curaçao, Ecuador, Guatemala, Hungary, Morocco, Paraguay, Peru, Romania, South Africa, Tunisia, Uruguay, Venezuela or Zimbabwe, for each animal      
(a) inspected by an inspector   $37.66 $40.22
(b) inspected by an accredited veterinarian   $21.52 $22.98
(9) For the certification of cattle for export to Argentina, Barbados, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Curaçao, Ecuador, Guatemala, Hungary, Morocco, Paraguay, Peru, Romania, South Africa, Tunisia, Uruguay, Venezuela or Zimbabwe, for each animal on the certificate   $5.38 $5.75
subject to a minimum fee of $26.89 $28.72
(10) Subject to subitem (12), for the inspection, and for the testing by a laboratory of the Agency, of cattle for export to Australia, Austria, Belgium, China, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland or the United Kingdom, for each animal      
(a) inspected by a veterinary inspector   $93.59 $99.95
(b) inspected by an accredited veterinarian   $64.54 $68.93
(11) Subject to subitem (13), for the certification of cattle for export to Australia, Austria, Belgium, China, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland or the United Kingdom, for each animal on the certificate   $16.14 $17.24
subject to a minimum fee of  $26.89 $28.72
(12) For the inspection, and for the testing by a laboratory of the Agency, of commercial grade beef cattle for export to China, for each animal   $21.52 $22.98
(13) For the certification of commercial grade beef cattle for export to China, for each animal on the certificate   $3.23 $3.45
subject to a minimum fee of  $26.89 $28.72
(14) For the inspection, and for the testing by a laboratory of the Agency, of cattle for export to the Czech Republic, Estonia, Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Russia, Slovakia, Taiwan or Ukraine, for each animal      
(a) inspected by an inspector   $53.79 $57.45
(b) inspected by an accredited veterinarian   $37.66 $40.22
(15) For the certification of cattle for export to the Czech Republic, Estonia, Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Russia, Slovakia, Taiwan or Ukraine, for each animal on the certificate   $2.15 $2.30
subject to a minimum fee of  $26.89 $28.72
(16) For the inspection, and for the testing by a laboratory of the Agency, of cattle for export to a country not mentioned elsewhere in this item, for each animal      
(a) inspected by an inspector   $21.52 $22.98
(b) inspected by an accredited veterinarian   $10.75 $11.48
(17) For the certification of cattle for export to a country not mentioned elsewhere in this item, for each animal on the certificate   $3.23 $3.45
subject to a minimum fee of  $26.89 $28.72
26 (1) For the inspection of ruminants, other than cattle, ovines and caprines, for export to the United States or Mexico      
(a) for the first animal inspected on each premises (amended: Canada Gazette, Part I, April 21, 2012)   $64.54 $68.93
(b) for each additional animal inspected on each premises (amended: Canada Gazette, Part I, April 21, 2012)   $21.52 $22.98
(2) For the testing for brucellosis, by an inspector or an employee of the Agency, of ruminants, other than cattle, ovines and caprines, for export to the United States or Mexico, for each animal tested on each premises (amended: Canada Gazette, Part I, August 12, 2017)   $3.76 $4.02
subject to a minimum fee of  $16.14 $17.24
(3) For the certification of ruminants, other than cattle, ovines and caprines, for export to the United States or Mexico      
(a) for the first animal on the certificate   $26.89 $28.72
(b) for each additional animal on the certificate   $2.69 $2.87
(4) For the inspection, and for the testing by a laboratory of the Agency, of the following ruminants, other than cattle, ovines or caprines, for export to a country other than the United States or Mexico      
(a) for each animal of the species cervus elaphus      
(i) inspected by an inspector   $91.44 $97.66
(ii) inspected by an accredited veterinarian   $53.79 $57.45
(b) for each bison or animal of the family camelidae      
(i) inspected by an inspector   $80.67 $86.16
(ii) inspected by an accredited veterinarian   $48.41 $51.70
(c) for each ruminant other than one referred to in paragraph (a) or (b)      
(i) inspected by an inspector   $53.79 $57.45
(ii) inspected by an accredited veterinarian   $32.27 $34.46
(5) For the certification of ruminants, other than cattle, ovines or caprines, for export to a country other than the United States or Mexico,      
(a) for the first animal on the certificate   $26.89 $28.72
(b) for each additional animal on the certificate   $4.30 $4.59
27 (1) For the inspection on each premises, for export, of animals not mentioned elsewhere in items 21 to 33, and of animal products, animal by-products or manure, excluding veterinary biologics (amended: Canada Gazette, Part I, April 21, 2012)   $32.27 $34.46
(2) For the certification, for export, of animals not mentioned elsewhere in items 21 to 33, and of any animal product, animal by-product or manure, excluding veterinary biologics, for each certificate   $21.52 $22.98
28 For the inspection and certification, for export, of animal semen      
(a) for semen from the first donor sire on the certificate   $16.14 $17.24
(b) for semen from each additional donor sire on the certificate   $5.38 $5.75
29 For the inspection and certification, for export, of mammalian embryos,      
(a) for each cattle embryo on the certificate   $6.45 $6.89
  subject to a minimum fee of $16.14 $17.24
(b) for each ovine or caprine embryo on the certificate   $2.69 $2.87
  subject to a minimum fee of $16.14 $17.24
(c) for each porcine embryo on the certificate   $2.15 $2.30
  subject to a minimum fee of $16.14 $17.24
(d) for each embryo on the certificate, other than one referred to in paragraphs(a) to (c)   $5.38 $5.75
  subject to a minimum fee of $16.14 $17.24
30 If an exporter requests additional copies with an original signature of any certificate mentioned in items 21 to 29, for each copy in excess of five copies   $2.15 $2.30
31 For the inspection of a premises, other than a farm of origin, to be used as a pre-export isolation facility, if the facility has not been approved in the previous 24 months for the species of animal that is to be isolated, or if there has been a change in the management of the facility or in the requirements of the importing country since the previous approval   $80.67 $86.16
32 For the consideration of a request for a waiver of an importation requirement imposed by another country or for a letter which certifies any information that is not contained in the original certificate   $64.54 $68.93
33 If a person requests assistance to ensure their compliance with the import requirements of another country or to correct an export certificate      
(a) for services relating to the documentation in respect of a shipment   $32.27 $34.46
(b) for services relating to the inspection of a shipment and the related documentation   $64.54 $68.93
35 For consideration of an application for a licence to operate a hatchery, submitted pursuant to section 72.2 of the Regulations   $344.23 $367.64
37 For evaluation of the operation of a licensed hatchery, for any year or part of a year subsequent to the year in which the licence referred to in item 35 is issued   $68.85 $73.53
38 For inspection of a licensed hatchery to evaluate mitigation of the risk of introduction and spread of the biological hazards referenced in paragraph 72.4(3) of the Regulations and to assess the sanitary condition of the hatchery.   $154.90 $165.43
services related to veterinary biologics
(1) In respect of an application for an initial import permit for a veterinary biologic, other than a veterinary biologic referred to in item 43, manufactured in a country other than the United States      
(a) for preliminary review of the application   $349.61 $373.38
(b) for consideration of the application   $2,151.45 $2,297.75
(c) for issuance of the permit   $537.87 $574.45
(d) for the testing by a laboratory of the Agency of      
(i) a master cell line   $753.01 $804.21
(ii) a master seed culture   $591.64 $631.87
(iii) each serial tested, to a maximum of three   $1,075.73 $1,148.88
(2) For consideration of a subsequent application for an import permit for a veterinary biologic for which an initial import permit has been issued in the 12-month period before the filing of the application   $129.08 $137.86
(3) For consideration of the first application to renew an import permit for one or more veterinary biologics for each of which an import permit has been issued, per veterinary biologic   $129.08 $137.86
(4) For consideration of a subsequent application for an import permit for one or more veterinary biologics in respect of each of which an import permit has been renewed   $129.08 $137.86
41 (1) In respect of an application for an initial import permit for a veterinary biologic, other than a veterinary biologic referred to in item 42 or 43, manufactured in the United States      
(a) for preliminary review of the application   $349.61 $373.38
(b) for consideration of the application   $1,613.59 $1,723.31
(c) for issuance of the permit   $618.54 $660.60
(2) For consideration of a subsequent application for an import permit for a veterinary biologic for which an initial import permit has been issued in the 12-month period before the filing of the application   $129.08 $137.86
(3) For consideration of the first application to renew an import permit for one or more veterinary biologics for each of which an import permit has been issued, per veterinary biologic   $209.77 $224.03
(4) For consideration of a subsequent application for an import permit for one or more veterinary biologics in respect of each of which an import permit has been renewed   $129.08 $137.86
42 (1) In respect of an application for an initial import permit for either a viral or bacterial autogenous veterinary biologic, other than a veterinary biologic referred to in item 41 or 43, manufactured in the United States, that requires an approval of a product outline      
(a) for preliminary review of the application   $215.14 $229.77
(b) for consideration of the application   $484.08 $517.00
(c) for issuance of the permit   $215.14 $229.77
(2) For consideration of an application for an import permit for either a viral or a bacterial autogenous veterinary biologic manufactured in the United States using a product outline that has been previously approved under subitem (1) (amended: Canada Gazette, Part I, April 21, 2012)   $64.54 $68.93
43 For consideration of an application for an import permit for a veterinary biologic      
(a) for use in research   $64.54 $68.93
(b) for use in an emergency referred to in section 131.1 of the Regulations   $64.54 $68.93
44 (1) For inspection of a facility, as required by an import permit      
(a) for a facility in Canada to which veterinary biologics are imported (amended: Canada Gazette, Part I, August 12, 2017)   $408.78 $436.58
(b) for a manufacturing facility located in the United States from which veterinary biologics are exported to Canada (amended: Canada Gazette, Part I, August 12, 2017)   $564.76 $603.16
(c) for a manufacturing facility located in a country other than Canada or the United States from which veterinary biologics are exported to Canada (amended: Canada Gazette, Part I, August 12, 2017)   $1,129.51 $1,206.32
(2) For any further inspection required because a facility has failed to comply with the requirements of the import permit or the Regulations   the applicable fee set out in subitem (1) the applicable fee set out in subitem (1)
45 (1) For consideration of an application for an establishment licence   $64.54 $68.93
(2) For initial inspection of an establishment for purposes of the issuance of an establishment licence (amended: Canada Gazette, Part I, August 12, 2017)   $564.76 $603.16
(3) For consideration of an application to renew an establishment licence (amended: Canada Gazette, Part I, August 12, 2017)   $64.54 $68.93
(4) For inspection of an establishment for purposes of the renewal of an establishment licence (amended: Canada Gazette, Part I, August 12, 2017)   $564.76 $603.16
(5) For any further inspection of an establishment required because it has failed to comply with the requirements of the Regulations   the applicable fee set out in subitem (2) or (4) the applicable fee set out in subitem (2) or (4)
46 (1) Subject to subitems (2) and (3), in respect of an application for an initial product licence for a veterinary biologic      
(a) for preliminary review of the application   $349.61 $373.38
(b) for consideration of the application   $1,613.59 $1,723.31
(c) for issuance of the licence   $537.87 $574.45
(d) for the testing by a laboratory of the Agency of      
(i) a master cell line   $753.01 $804.21
(ii) a master seed culture   $591.64 $631.87
(iii) each serial tested, to a maximum of three   $1,075.73 $1,148.88
(2) In respect of an application for an initial product licence for either a viral or a bacterial autogenous veterinary biologic, that requires approval of a product outline      
(a) for preliminary review of the application   $215.14 $229.77
(b) for consideration of the application   $484.08 $517.00
(c) for issuance of the licence   $215.14 $229.77
(3) In respect of an application for an initial product licence for a veterinary biologic      
(a) if the veterinary biologic is manufactured by mixing two or more veterinary biologics in respect of each of which an import permit or product licence has been issued      
(i) for preliminary review of the application   $215.14 $229.77
(ii) for consideration of the application   $484.08 $517.00
(iii) for issuance of the licence   $215.14 $229.77
(b) if the veterinary biologic is imported into Canada pursuant to an import permit or a product licence has been issued for it, and the application is for filling new containers with the veterinary biologic or repackaging the final veterinary biologic without adding any other substance      
(i) for preliminary review and consideration of the application   $376.50 $402.10
(ii) for issuance of the licence   $107.57 $114.88
(4) For consideration of a subsequent application for a product licence for a veterinary biologic in respect of which an initial product licence has been issued in the 12-month period before the filing of the application   $129.08 $137.86
(5) For consideration of the first application to renew a product licence for one or more veterinary biologics in respect of each of which a product licence has been issued, per veterinary biologic   $129.08 $137.86
(6) For consideration of a subsequent application for a product licence for one or more veterinary biologics in respect of each of which a product licence has been renewed   $129.08 $137.86
47 For consideration of an application for approval of the release for sale of a new serial of a veterinary biologic   $161.37 $172.34
48 For a review of a page of advertisement to ensure that the representations made therein meet the requirements of subsection 135(2) of the Regulations   $107.57 $114.88
49 (1) For any change to an import permit, an establishment licence or a product licence   $64.54 $68.93
(2) For consideration of an alteration to a previously approved label or product outline   $64.54 $68.93
50 For issuance of an export certificate   $64.54 $68.93
animal semen
(1) For the testing of animals by a laboratory of the Agency and the inspection of documentation relating to that testing, for the purpose of admission to an animal semen production centre under a permit required by section 115 of the Regulations, if an accredited veterinarian performs the inspection of the animals      
(a) for each bovine   $32.27 $34.46
(b) for each porcine   $21.52 $22.98
(c) for any animal other than one referred to in paragraph (a) or (b)   $26.89 $28.72
(2) In addition to any fee payable under subitem(1), for inspection of animals for the purpose of admission to an animal semen production centre under a permit required by section 115 of the Regulations, if the inspection is performed by an inspector      
(a) for each bovine   $80.67 $86.16
(b) for each porcine, ovine or caprine   $64.54 $68.93
(c) for any animal other than one referred to in paragraph (a) or (b)   $91.44 $97.66
52 For the inspection, and for the testing by a laboratory of the Agency of animals in an isolation facility under a permit required by section 115 of the Regulations      
(a) for each bovine   $75.30 $80.42
(b) for each porcine   $26.89 $28.72
(c) for each ovine or caprine   $32.27 $34.46
(d) for any animal other than one referred to in any of paragraphs (a) to (c)   $75.30 $80.42
53 For the routine inspection, and for the testing by a laboratory of the Agency, of animals under a permit required by section 115 of the Regulations, after the animals have been admitted to an animal semen production centre      
(a) for each bovine   $45.72 $48.83
(b) for each porcine   $21.52 $22.98
(c) for each ovine or caprine   $26.89 $28.72
(d) for any animal other than one referred to in any of paragraphs (a) to (c)   $43.04 $45.97
equine infectious anemia
For each test performed by an approved laboratory for the detection of equine infectious anemia   $2.15 $2.30
rabies vaccination fees
For the vaccination of a pet against rabies by an employee of the Agency per vaccination $3.23 $3.45

Part 12 – Plant Protection Fees



1. (1) The definitions in this subsection apply in this Part.

  • "Act" means the Plant Protection Act. (Loi)
  • "equipment" includes machinery. (équipement)
  • "lot" means
  • (a) in the case of used vehicles and cargo containers, three units or less that are owned by one person;
  • (b) in the case of agricultural and construction equipment, one unit that is owned by one person; and
  • (c) in any other case, a number of units of a single thing that is or will be transported by a conveyance or a person and that is owned by one person. (lot)
  • "Regulations" means the Plant Protection Regulations. (Réglement)
  • (2) Unless otherwise provided in this Part, other words and expressions have the same meaning as in the Act and the Regulations.


2. (1) Subject to section 3, the fees set out in items 1, 3 to 13 of table 1 and table 2 and 3 of this Part shall be paid on receipt of an invoice from the Agency.

  • (2) The fees set out in item 2 of table 1 shall be paid at the time the application for issuance or amendment of a permit is submitted.

3. An inspector may require that a fee set out in any of items 1, 3 to 13 of table 1 or in table 2 and 3 be paid before the service is provided, if the person who requests that service

  • (a) has previously failed to pay a fee set out in this Notice or in the Plant Protection Cost Recovery Fees Order; or
  • (b) does not have a fixed place of residence in Canada.
Table 1: Plant Protection Fees
Item Column 1
Service, Right, Product, Privilege or Use
Column 2
+6.8% starting March 31, 2024
certificate of designation
repealed (amended: Canada Gazette Part I, May 22, 2010)      
import permits
(1) For a review of an application, submitted under section 30 of the Regulations, for a permit to import a thing from a country or a part of a country, if no import permit has ever been delivered in respect of such thing originating from that country or part of country      
(a) if the thing does not require a pest risk assessment and is to be imported for research purposes   $16.14 $17.24
(b) if the thing does not require a pest risk assessment and is to be imported for purposes other than research   $37.66 $40.22
(c) if the thing requires a pest risk assessment   $268.93 $287.22
(2) If a pest risk assessment has already been conducted and an import permit has already been delivered in respect of a thing originating from a country or a part of a country, for a review of any other application for a permit to import such thing from that country or part of country      
(a) if the application is received less than two years after the date on which the import permit was delivered   $268.93 $287.22
(b) if the application is received at least two years after the date on which the import permit was delivered      
(i) if the thing is to be imported for research purposes   $16.14 $17.24
(ii) if the thing is to be imported for purposes other than research   $37.66 $40.22
(3) If an import permit has already been delivered but no pest risk assessment has ever been conducted in respect of a thing originating from a country or a part of a country, for a review of any other application for a permit to import such thing from that country or part of country      
(a) if the thing still does not require a pest risk assessment and is to be imported for research purposes   $16.14 $17.24
(b) if the thing still does not require a pest risk assessment and is to be imported for purposes other than research   $37.66 $40.22
(c) if the thing requires a pest risk assessment   $268.93 $287.22
(4) For the amendment of a permit, except if the application for the amendment requires an additional review, in which case the fee payable is the applicable fee set out in subitem (1), (2) or (3), as the case may be (amended: Canada Gazette Part I, May 22, 2010)   $10.75 $11.48
3 For an inspection of a facility to ensure that its owner or operator complies or is able to comply with the conditions of the permit issued or to be issued in respect of that facility   $86.06 $91.91
inspections of things presented for import
(1) Subject to subitems (2) to (4) and for the purposes of Part II of the Regulations, for services provided in respect of a thing that is presented for import under section 7 of the Act      
(a) for aquatic plants and biological consignments, for seeds of fruit trees, trees, shrubs and field crops, and for grain and grain products per lot $13.99 $14.94
(b) for things that have been pre-inspected by an inspector in a foreign country per lot $13.99 $14.94
(c) for cut flowers, peat, soil, used containers other than used blueberry containers, nuts, sod, rocks, herbs, spices, hay and straw, for greenhouse plant material, including flowering plants and vegetable and herbaceous transplants, and for cargo containers if the inspection is carried out to detect the presence of pests other than the AGM per lot $19.37 $20.69
(d) for root crops, for potatoes grown in the continental United States, and for fresh fruits and vegetables if the lot consists of not more than 250 boxes or bags per lot $30.12 $32.17
(e) for outdoor household articles, including flower pots, garden tools and equipment per lot $35.50 $37.91
(f) for bulbs, nursery stock, grape stock and fruit trees, for ornamental and small fruit plants grown in the continental United States, and for forest products, including cut Christmas trees, foliage, logs, firewood, lumber and bark products such as mulch per lot $40.88 $43.66
(g) for agriculture and construction equipment, conveyances, tires and bags per lot $46.26 $49.41
(h) for cargo containers if the inspection is carried out to detect the presence of the AGM, and for fresh fruits and vegetables if the lot consists of more than 250 boxes or bags per lot $51.64 $55.15
(i) for used blueberry containers per lot $67.78 $72.39
(j) for bulbs, nursery stock, grape stock and fruit trees, for ornamental and small fruit plants grown outside the continental United States, and for potatoes grown outside the continental United States per lot $94.67 $101.11
(k) for ships' dunnage per lot $57.01 $60.89
(2) Subject to subitem (4), if a thing referred to in subitem (1) is presented for import at a facility designated under section 19 of the Act, as required by subsection 40(3) of the Regulations, for services provided in respect of that thing per lot $13.99 $14.94
(3) Subject to subitem (4), if the customs transaction value of a lot of a thing referred to in subitem (1) is less than $1,600, the fee payable for services provided in respect of that lot, unless that lot enters into Canada by mail or courier and has a customs transaction value of not more than $100, in which case no fee is payable. per lot $13.99 $14.94
(4) The maximum amount that is payable under subitem (1), (2) or (3) by a person in respect of a thing, on any given day is the applicable fee set out in that subitem in respect of that thing multiplied by five.      
inspections of things to be moved within Canada
(1) Subject to subitems (2) and (3), for an inspection of a thing carried out for the purposes of Part III of the Regulations, in respect of each lot of that thing      
(a) for seeds of fruit trees, trees, shrubs and field crops, and for grain and grain products   $16.14 $17.24
(b) for greenhouse plant material, including flowering plants and vegetable and herbaceous transplants, for hay, straw, sod, soil, peat and rocks, and for outdoor household articles, including flower pots, garden tools and equipment   $32.27 $34.46
(c) for agriculture and construction equipment, conveyances, tires and bags   $43.04 $45.97
(d) for cargo containers, and for fresh fruits and vegetables if the lot consists of not more than 250 boxes or bags   $48.41 $51.70
(e) for bulbs, onion sets, ornamental plants, small fruit plants, fruit trees, grape stock, blueberries and used blueberry containers, and for forest products, including cut Christmas trees, foliage, logs, firewood, lumber and bark products such as mulch   $53.79 $57.45
(f) for fresh fruits and vegetables if the lot consists of more than 250 boxes or bags   $64.54 $68.93
(2) If the customs transaction value of a lot of a thing referred to in subitem (1) would be less than $1,600, for the inspection of that lot   $5.38 $5.75
(3) The maximum amount that is payable under subitem (1) by a person in respect of a thing, on any given day, is the applicable fee set out in that subitem in respect of that thing multiplied by five.      
movement certificate
For a Movement Certificate issued in respect of a lot      
(a) if the customs transaction value of that lot would not be more than $1,600   $7.53 $8.04
(b) if that value would be more than $1,600   $18.28 $19.52
annual inspection programs
(1) Subject to subitem (2), for the annual inspection of the following facilities:      
(a) any greenhouse or nursery per year $139.85 $149.36
(b) any hardwood lumber mill per year $96.81 $103.39
(c) a softwood lumber mill taking part in the Heat Treatment Control Program per year $430.30 $459.56
(d) a softwood lumber mill taking part in the Kiln Dried Control Program or the Debarking and Grub Hole Control Program per year $322.71 $344.65
(2) If the fee set out in paragraph (1)(c) has been paid by a softwood lumber mill in respect of the Heat Treatment Control Program, the fee set out in paragraph (1)(d) is not payable by that mill.      
inspections of facilities and conveyances
For an inspection, other than an inspection referred to in item 3, of the following facilities and conveyances: (amended: Canada Gazette Part I, May 22, 2010)      
(a) a seed packing facility or a vessel that is loading or is to load in Canada grain or grain products that will be unloaded at another Canadian port   $48.41 $51.70
(b) a grain loading facility or a flour mill that has not more than 30 break roller machines   $107.57 $114.88
(c) a flour mill that has more than 30 break roller machines   $193.63 $206.80
(d) any type of grain elevator   $279.69 $298.71
(e) a Christmas tree shipping yard   $107.57 $114.88
(f) a vessel, if the inspection is carried out to detect the presence of the AGM   $537.87 $574.45
(g) a facility designated under section 19 of the Act, other than a facility referred to in any of paragraphs (a) to (e)   $64.54 $68.93
field inspections
For a field inspection carried out for the purposes of section 55 of the Regulations      
(a) in respect of sod farms, seed corn farms and nurseries, other than inspections referred to in paragraph 7(1)(a) (amended: Canada Gazette Part I, May 22, 2010)      
(i) for the first two hectares   $32.27 $34.46
(ii) for each additional hectare   $10.75 $11.48
(b) in respect of rose and small fruit farms and plantations, including vineyards and apple orchards, in respect of plantations and nurseries if the inspection is carried out for the purposes of post entry quarantine, and in respect of fruit tree and grapestock nurseries if the inspection is carried out to verify phytosanitary testing and production requirements (amended: Canada Gazette Part I, February 24, 2001, Vol 135, no. 8, p. 612)      
(i) for the first two hectares (amended: Canada Gazette Part I, February 24, 2001, Vol 135, no. 8, p. 612)   $53.79 $57.45
(ii) for each additional hectare (amended: Canada Gazette Part I, February 24, 2001, Vol 135, no. 8, p. 612)   $23.66 $25.27
(c) in respect of flower bulb production areas      
(i) for the first two hectares   $290.45 $310.20
(ii) for each additional hectare   $96.81 $103.39
(d) in respect of orchards and nurseries, if the inspection is carried out to detect the presence of the Apple Ermine Moth      
(i) for the first hectare   $215.14 $229.77
(ii) for each additional hectare   $172.12 $183.82
(e) for every one hundred hectares of a peat bog   $107.57 $114.88
(f) for every thirty hectares of field peas, alfalfa, lentils, clover, beans, grain and other field crops   $53.79 $57.45
(g) in respect of any greenhouse referred to in paragraph 7(1)(a) producing floral material      
(i) for the first one-half hectare   $53.79 $57.45
(ii) for each additional one half hectare   $23.67 $25.27
(h) in respect of any nursery referred to in paragraph 7(1)(a) producing nursery stock or ornemental material or in respect of Christmas tree plantations(amended: Canada Gazette Part I, February 24, 2001, Vol 135, no. 8, p. 612) for each period of four hours or less $188.26 $201.06
but not exceeding per day $322.71 $344.65
inspections of things presented for export
(1) Subject to subitems (3) to (5) and for the purposes of section 55 of the Regulations, for an inspection of a thing presented for export under section 7 of the Act      
(a) for seeds of fruit trees, trees, shrubs and field crops, and for grain and grain products per lot $16.14 $17.24
(b) for greenhouse plant material, including flowering plants and vegetable and herbaceous transplants, and for agricultural and construction equipment, conveyances, tires, bags, sod, soil, peat, rocks, tobacco, hops, kiln dried lumber and apples from orchards that have undergone the inspections referred to in paragraph 9(b) or (d) (amended: Canada Gazette Part I, May 22, 2010) per lot $32.27 $34.46
(c) for bulbs, onion sets, herbs, spices, hay, straw, ornamental plants, fruit trees, grape stock and small fruit plants, for fresh fruits and vegetables if the lot consists of not more than 250 boxes or bags, and for forest products, including cut Christmas trees, foliage, logs, firewood, bark products such as mulch, and lumber from facilities other than those referred to in subitem 7(1) per lot $53.79 $57.45
(d) for fresh fruits and vegetables if the lot consists of more than 250 boxes or bags per lot $86.06 $91.91
(2) Subject to subsection (4) and for the purposes of section 55 of the Regulations, for an inspection of seed potatoes tubers or potato tubers for consumption or processing presented for export under section 7 of the Act per metric ton $1.29 $1.38
(3) If a thing referred to in subitem (1) is or will be transported in bulk by a vessel for the purposes of export, for an inspection of a lot of that thing per day or part of a day $268.93 $287.22
(4) If the customs transaction value of a lot of a thing referred to in subitem (1) or of a shipment of a thing referred to in subitem (2) is less than $1,600, for the inspection of that lot or shipment   $5.38 $5.75
(5) The maximum amount that is payable under subitem (1) by a person in respect of a thing, on any given day, is the applicable fee set out in that subitem in respect of that thing multiplied by five      
phytosanitary certificates
(1) For a Canadian Phytosanitary Certificate, a Canadian Phytosanitary Certificate for Re-export or any other document issued in respect of a shipment      
(a) if the customs transaction value of that shipment is not more than $1,600   $7.53 $8.04
(b) if that value is more than $1,600   $18.28 $19.52
(2) For the re-issuance of a certificate, for an additional certificate or for each copy of a certificate   $7.53 $8.04
collection of samples
For any collection of samples carried out under the Act or the Regulations, for purposes other than import per sample $5.38 $5.75
For an inspection of a facility, conveyance or thing to meet the requirements of the Act and the Regulations, the fee payable by the owner or the person having the possession, care or control of the facility, conveyance or thing is the applicable fee set out in this table or (amended : Canada Gazette Part I, May 22, 2010) per hour or part of an hour, whichever is the greater amount $92.51 $98.80

Inspections of Vessels

4. For the purposes of sections 58 to 60 of the Regulations, the fee payable by an owner or a person having the possession, care or control of a vessel, for an inspection set out in column 1 of an item of table 2 to this Part, is the applicable fee set out in column 2 of that item.

Table 2: Fees for Inspection of Vessels
Item Column 1
Service, Right, Product, Privilege or Use
Column 2
+6.8% starting March 31, 2024
1 For each inspection at anchorage   $430.30 $459.56
2 For each inspection at dockside   $236.66 $252.75
3 For each inspection of deck head beams, if spaces were not accessible for inspection during the previous visit   $188.26 $201.06
4 For each reinspection of a vessel carried out to ensure that a measure required by subsection 58(3), section 59 or subsection 60(2) or (3) of the Regulations has been taken the applicable fee set out in item 1 or 2, as the case may be, plus $107.57 $114.88

5. If a test or laboratory service set out in column 1 of an item of table 3 to this Part is provided by a centre of expertise of the Agency, the fee payable for that test or laboratory service is, for each unit set out in column 2 of that item, the fee set out in column 3 of that item.

Table 3: Fees for Tests and Laboratory Services
Item Column 1
Test or Service
Column 2
Column 3
+6.8% starting March 31, 2024
1 ELISA Test (testing for the first virus) sample of leaves $6.73 $7.19
2 ELISA Test (testing for the first virus) sample of dormant material $10.22 $10.91
3 ELISA Test (testing for each additional virus) sample of leaves or dormant material, as the case may be $1.89 $2.02
4 RT-PCR Test (testing for each virus) sample $20.70 $22.11
5 Bioassay Test on grapevines sample of leaves per indicator plant $15.60 $16.66
6 Bioassay Test on grapevines sample of cuttings per indicator plant $131.24 $140.16
7 Bioassay Test on fruit trees, other than fruit trees referred to in items 8 and 9 sample of leaves per indicator plant $18.28 $19.52
8 Bioassay Test on fruit trees grown in a greenhouse sample of cuttings per indicator plant $21.52 $22.98
9 Bioassay Test on fruit trees grown in the field sample of cuttings per indicator plant $43.04 $45.97
10 Multiple tests on grapevine material, including the handling and maintenance of samples sample of material $1,215.57 $1,298.23
11 Multiple tests on fruit tree material, including the handling and maintenance of samples sample of material $510.97 $545.72
12 Recording of test results test $39.26 $41.93
13 Maintenance of grapevine material four plants $97.89 $104.55
14 Maintenance of fruit tree material four plants $68.57 $73.23
15 Repository service two plants per year $76.11 $81.29
16 Distribution of repository samples (grapevines) cutting $2.69 $2.87
17 Distribution of repository samples (fruit trees) bud $1.08 $1.15
18 Heat therapy treatment on grapevine material plant $242.04 $258.50
19 Multiple tests and Heat therapy treatment on grapevine material plant $1,613,59 $1,723.31
20 Heat therapy treatment on fruit tree material plant $126.93 $135.56
21 Multiple tests and Heat therapy treatment on fruit tree material plant $981.06 $1,047.77
22 Entomology service specimen $30.93 $33.03
23 Mycology seed wash sample $39.26 $41.93
24 Mycology Agar/blotter test sample $117.26 $125.23
25 Mycology pest detection and identification sample $39.26 $41.93
26 Nematode pest detection and identification sample of soil, peat or other growing media $101.92 $108.85
27 Nematode pest detection and identification plant that is rooted in soil, peat or growing media $168.35 $179.80
28 Nematode pest detection and identification sample of seeds $43.04 $45.97
29 Nematode pest detection and identification sample of woody material $70.46 $75.25
30 Nematode pest detection and identification plant $82.29 $87.89
31 Nematode pest identification specimen, including cysts $15.60 $16.66
32 Bacteriology diagnosis sample $139.03 $148.48
33 Bacteriological ELISA test sample $48.41 $51.70
34 Bacteriological identification sample $68.57 $73.23
35 Post entry quarantine sample lot of seed potatoes $705.14 $753.09
36 Multiple tests and Heat therapy treatment on potatoes sample $1,226,32 $1,309.71

Part 13 – Processed Fruit or Vegetable Products Fees



1. (1) The definitions in this subsection apply in this Part.

  • "Act" means the Safe Food for Canadians Act. (Loi)
  • "full inspection service" applies to all establishments not meeting the definition for reduced inspection service. (service d'inspection complet)
  • "reduced inspection service" applies to establishments that produced no more than 250,000 kilograms of processed fruit and vegetable products in the previous year and a statement of such production volume is provided to the inspector. New establishments may provide a statement of the estimated production volume for the first year of production. (service d'inspection réduit)
  • "Regulations" means the Safe Food for Canadians Regulations. (Réglement)
  • (2) Unless otherwise provided in this Part, other words and expressions have the same meaning as in the Act and the Regulations.


2. (1) The fees set out in items 1 and 3 of the table to this Part shall be paid at the time the application for a licence, a licence renewal or inspection is submitted, except if a person has a charge account with the Agency, in which case they are payable on receipt of an invoice from the Agency.

  • (2) The fee set out in item 2 of that table shall be paid on delivery of the inspection results, except if the applicant has a charge account with the Agency, in which case the fee is payable on receipt of an invoice from the Agency.
  • (3) The fees set out in items 4 and 5 of that table are payable on receipt of an invoice from the Agency.

3. Despite section 2 the fees set out in items 3 to 5 shall be paid before the service is provided, or the right or privilege is conferred, if the applicant

  • (a) has previously failed to pay a fee set out in this Notice; or
  • (b) does not have a fixed place of residence in Canada.
Table: Processed Fruit or Vegetable Products Fees
Item Column 1
Service, Right, Product, Privilege or Use
Column 2
+6.8% starting March 31, 2024
For the issuance of a licence under section 20 of the Act or the renewal of a licence under section 22 of the Act per licence, valid for 2 years $268.93 $287.22
Establishment Inspection
For an inspection of an establishment in which a licence holder conducts activities identified in a licence      
(a) in the case of an establishment that packages low-acid or acidified low-acid processed fruit or vegetable products in hermetically sealed containers and is under      
(i) a full inspection service per year per establishment if the establishment is inspected in the year $2,915.22 $3,113.45
(ii) a reduced inspection service per year per establishment if the establishment is inspected in the year $672.34 $718.06
(b) in the case of an establishment that manufactures, processes, treats, preserves, grades or packages processed fruit or vegetable products, other than low-acid or acidified low-acid products in hermetically sealed containers, and is under      
(i) a full inspection service per year per establishment if the establishment is inspected in the year $914.37 $976.55
(ii) a reduced inspection service per year per establishment if the establishment is inspected in the year $322.71 $344.65
Inspection for purposes of export
For the inspection of a processed fruit or vegetable product before export, for the purpose of issuing a certificate or other document referred to in section 48of the Act per inspection $150.00 $160.20
Import information
For the verification of import information referred to in subsection 13(1) of the Regulations and inspection under section 24 of the Act per shipment $15.07 $16.09
Compliance Assistance
For services provided by an inspector, upon request from a person, for the purpose of helping that person to meet the requirements of the Act or the Regulations per quarter hour, the time being rounded to the nearest quarter hour $23.39 $24.98
subject to a minimum fee of $93.59 $99.95

Part 14 – Seeds Fees



1. (1) The definitions in this subsection apply in this Part.

  • "Act" means the Seeds Act. (Loi)
  • "approved conformity verification body" means an independent body approved by the President of the Agency as competent to administer specific tasks including assessing, recommending for acceptance and subsequent audit of establishments, operators, graders and laboratories that process, import, sample, test, grade or label seeds and which has entered into an agreement with the Agency pursuant to subsection 14(1) of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency Act to administer specific tasks. (organisme de vérification de la conformité agréé)
  • "breeder plot" means a parcel of land recognized as such by the Canadian Seed Growers' Association. (parcelle du sélectionneur)
  • "International Rules" means the International Rules for Seed Testing, Seed Science and Technology, Volume 21, Supplement, published by the International Seed Testing Association in 1993, as amended from time to time. (Règles internationales)
  • "large seeded crop kinds" means the species listed in column 1 of Table 2C of the International Rules, for which a maximum seed lot size of 20 000 kg or more has been established in column 2 of that Table. (espèces à grosses semences)
  • "Regulations" means the Seeds Regulations. (Règlement)
  • "seed year" means the period beginning on July 1 of a year and ending on June 30 of the following year. (année de production semencière)
  • "select plot" means a parcel of land recognized as such by the Canadian Seed Growers' Association. (parcelle Select)
  • "small seeded crop kinds" means the species listed in column 1 of Table 2C of the International Rules, for which a maximum seed lot size of less than 20 000 kg has been established in column 2 of that table. (espèces à petites semences)
  • "small shipment" means an imported seed shipment that weighs less than
  • (a) 5 kg, in the case of large seeded crop kinds; and
  • (b) 500 g, in the case of small seeded crop kinds. (petit envoi)
  • (2) Unless otherwise provided in this Part, other words and expressions have the same meaning as in the Act and the Regulations.


2. (1) This Part does not apply to seed potatoes.

  • (2) Item 4 of Table 1 and items 1, 3 and 4, and subitems 5(a) and (b) of table 2 to this Part do not apply to establishments, operators, graders and laboratories on behalf of which an application is made, or that are recommended, by an approved conformity verification body.
Table 1: Seeds Fees
Item Column 1
Service, Right, Product, Privilege or Use
Column 2
+6.8% starting March 31, 2024
seed crop and land use inspections
For a seed crop or land use inspection for purposes other than to determine pedigreed status per quarter hour, the time being rounded to the nearest quarter hour $16.14 $17.24
subject to a minimum fee of $96.81 $103.39
seed inspections
For seed inspection services including sampling, grading, tagging, completion of documents, sample handling or reviewing documents      
(a) if the inspection is carried out for purposes other than certifying seed for export per quarter hour, the time being rounded to the nearest quarter hour $16.14 $17.24
subject to a minimum fee of $96.81 $103.39
(b) if the purpose of the inspection is to certify seed for export per quarter hour, the time being rounded to the nearest quarter hour $8.07 $8.62
subject to a minimum fee of $ $48.41 $51.70
seed importation
(1) For services provided for the purposes of sections 40 to 42 of the Regulations in respect of each shipment of imported seed      
(a) for a shipment of 1 500 kg or less   $16.14 $17.24
(b) for a shipment of more than 1 500 kg per kg $0.0108 $0.0115
(2) Subitem (1) does not apply in respect of      
(a) seed imported by an authorized importer      
(b) small shipments      
quality surveillance
(1) Subject to subitems (2) and (3), in the case of an approved conditioner or accredited grader, for quality surveillance, for each seed year      
(a) if the volume of seed of pedigreed status conditioned or graded in the preceding seed year is   $102.19 $109.14
(i) not more than 100 tonnes of seed, or      
(ii) not more than two seed lots      
(b) if the volume of seed of pedigreed status conditioned or graded in the preceding seed year is   $204.38 $218.28
(i) more than 100 but not more than 500 tonnes of seed, or      
(ii) more than two but not more than 10 seed lots      
(c) if the volume of seed of pedigreed status conditioned or graded in the preceding seed year is   $408.78 $436.58
(i) more than 500 but not more than 1 500 tonnes of seed, or      
(ii) more than 10 but not more than 30 seed lots      
(d) if the volume of seed of pedigreed status conditioned or graded in the preceding seed year is   $817.55 $873.14
(i) more than 1 500 but not more than 3 000 tonnes of seed, or      
(ii) more than 30 and not more than 100 seed lots      
(e) if the volume of seed of pedigreed status conditioned or graded in the preceding seed year is   $1,624.34 $1,734.80
(i) more than 3 000 tonnes of seed, or      
(ii) more than 100 seed lots      
(2) No fee is payable by an accredited grader for quality surveillance in respect of seed of pedigreed status that was conditioned by an approved conditioner      
(3) A person who is subject to two fees under subitem (1) shall pay the greater amount      
registered establishment inspections
For each inspection carried out for the purposes of subsection 87(2), paragraph 91(a), subsection 99(2) or paragraph 103(a) of the Regulations per quarter hour, the time being rounded to the nearest quarter hour $16.14 $17.24
subject to a minimum fee of $96.81 $103.39
seed tests
(1) Unless otherwise specified in this Notice, for any seed tests carried out by the Agency per quarter hour, the time being rounded to the nearest quarter hour $16.14 $17.24
(2) For post control tests conducted in accordance with the publication Up-to-date Version of the Seed Schemes as of 15 June 1996, published by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, as amended from time to time      
(a) in the case of seed of certified status of a variety that is maintained in Canada   $16.14 $17.24
(b) in all other cases   $64.54 $68.93
release of seed
(1) For the evaluation referred to in section 111 of the Regulations      
(a) in the case of a confined release   $430.30 $459.56
(b) in the case of an unconfined release   $2,151.45 $2,297.75
(2) For a subsequent evaluation for the purposes of a renewal of authorization referred to in section 111 of the Regulations is   $107.57 $114.88
(3) For the verification of compliance with the conditions imposed by the Minister pursuant to section 111 of the Regulations, in respect of each site of a confined release (amended: Canada Gazette Part I, May 22, 2010) per year $107.57 $114.88
compliance assistance
For services provided, upon request from a person, for the purpose of bringing a product, process or service into compliance with the Regulations per quarter hour, the time being rounded to the nearest quarter hour $16.14 $17.24
subject to a minimum fee of $96.81 $103.39
miscellaneous services
(1) Subject to subitems (2) and (3), for training provided by the Agency per quarter hour, the time being rounded to the nearest quarter hour $16.14 $17.24
subject to a minimum fee of $96.81 $103.39
(2) For training, provided by the Agency, in groups of four to seven individuals per individual per each half day or portion thereof $53.79 $57.45
(3) For training, provided by the Agency, in groups of eight or more individuals per individual per each half day or portion thereof $26.89 $28.72
10 For the issuance of a certificate of origin   $16.14 $17.24

3. The fee that is payable for any service, right, privilege or use of a facility described in column 1 of Table 2 is the amount set out in column 2 and is payable on the due date set out in column 3 of the table.

Table 2: Service, Right, Product or Privilege
Item Column 1
Service, Right, Product, Privilege or Use
Column 2
+6.8% starting March 31, 2024
1 Review of application for    
(a) accredited grader certificate $102.19 $109.14
(b) certificate of registration of an establishment $102.19 $109.14
(c) licence to operate a registered establishment $102.19 $109.14
(d) amendment to an accredited grader certificate, certificate of registration of an establishment or a licence to operate a registered establishment $102.19 $109.14
(e) any combination of paragraphs (a) to (d) $102.19 $109.14
2 Administration of each evaluation for    
(a) accreditation as a grader $102.19 $109.14
(b) registration of an establishment $204.38 $218.28
(c) licensing as operator of a registered establishment $102.19 $109.14
3 Issuance of    
(a) accredited grader certificate $102.19 $109.14
(b) certificate of registration of    
(i) an approved conditioner $408.78 $436.58
(ii) a bulk storage facility $204.38 $218.28
(iii) an authorized importer $408.78 $436.58
(c) licence to operate a registered establishment $102.19 $109.14
4 Renewal of    
(a) accredited grader certificate $102.19 $109.14
(b) certificate of registration of    
(i) an approved conditioner $102.19 $109.14
(ii) a bulk storage facility $102.19 $109.14
(iii) an authorized importer $842.30 $899.58
(c) licence to operate a registered establishment $102.19 $109.14
5 For the purposes of the Seed Laboratory Accreditation and Audit Protocol    
(a) accreditation of a laboratory $1,183.30 $1,263.76
(b) annual renewal of an accreditation referred to in paragraph (a) $672.34 $718.06
(c) administration of an accredited seed analyst examination $414.16 $442.32
6 Review of an application for    
(a) registration of a variety, other than a variety referred to in paragraph 68(2)(a) of the Regulations $941.27 $1,005.28
(b) registration of a variety referred to in paragraph 68(2)(a) of the Regulations $215.14 $229.77
(c) reinstatement of a suspended or cancelled variety registration $215.14 $229.77
(d) amending a variety name $215.14 $229.77
(e) annual renewal of the registration of a variety referred to in paragraph 68(2)(a) of the Regulations $107.57 $114.88

Part 15 – Seed Potatoes Fees



1. (1) The definitions in this subsection apply in this Part.

  • "Act means the Seeds Act. (Loi)
  • "Regulations" means the Seeds Regulations. (Réglement)
  • (2) Unless otherwise provided in this Part, other words and expressions have the same meaning as in the Act and the Regulations.


2. The applicable fee set out in item 2 of the table to this Part shall be submitted with the application form referred to in section 49 of the Regulations. (amended: Canada Gazette Part I, February 24, 2001, Vol 135, no. 8, p. 612)

Table: Seed Potatoes Fees
Item Column 1
Service, Right, Product, Privilege or Use
Column 2
+6.8% starting March 31, 2024
1 For consideration of an application for a crop inspection submitted under section 49 of the Regulations $53.79 $57.45
2 For an inspector to inspect a crop for the purpose of determining whether a crop certificate may be issued under section 52 of the Regulations    
(a) for the first hectare or part thereof $21.52 $22.98
(b) for each full hectare beyond the first $21.52 $22.98

Part 16 – Fish Inspection Fees



1. (1) The definitions in this subsection apply in this Part.

  • "Act" means the Safe Food for Canadians Act. (Loi)
  • "Regulations" means the Safe Food for Canadians Regulations. (Réglement)
  • (2) Unless otherwise provided in this Part, other words and expressions have the same meaning as in the Act and the Regulations.


2. The fee set out in item 1 of Table 1 shall be paid at the time the application for a licence or a renewal of a licence is submitted.

3. The fees set out in items 2 to 5 of Table 1 and in Tables 2 and 3 shall be paid on receipt of an invoice from the Agency.

Table 1: Licences, Inspection Certificates and Inspections
Item Column 1
Service, Right, Product, Privilege or Use
Column 2
+6.8% starting March 31, 2024
For the issuance of a licence under section 20 of the Act or the renewal of a licence under section 22 of the Act per licence, valid for 2 years $268.93 $287.22
For an inspection under section 24 of the Act carried out to determine whether corrective action has been taken for the purpose of addressing a contravention of the Regulations following the suspension of a licence   $1,075.73 $1,148.88
3 (1) For the inspection under section 24 of the Act of an establishment identified in a licence:      
(a) where the total size of processing areas in an establishment is 300 metres2 or less per year per establishment if the establishment is inspected in the year $1,075.73 $1,148.88
(b) where the total size of processing areas in an establishment is more than 300 metres2 per year per establishment if the establishment is inspected in the year $1,613.59 $1,723.31
(2) In addition to the fee referred to in paragraph (1) (b), the fee that is payable for the inspection under section 24 of the Act of an establishment with processing areas of a total size greater than 300 metres2 is in accordance with the following types of process operations:      
(a) canning fish per year per establishment if the establishment is inspected in the year $1,075.73 $1,148.88
(b) processing ready-to-eat fish per year per establishment if the establishment is inspected in the year $1,075.73 $1,148.88
(c) processing shellfish per year per establishment if the establishment is inspected in the year $1,075.73 $1,148.88
(d) pickling, spicing or marinating fish per year per establishment if the establishment is inspected in the year $537.87 $574.45
(e) salting or drying fish per year per establishment if the establishment is inspected in the year $537.87 $574.45
(f) processing fresh or frozen fish or semi-preserves per year per establishment if the establishment is inspected in the year $537.87 $574.45
(g) any other type of process operation per year per establishment if the establishment is inspected in the year $1,075.73 $1,148.88
(3) In addition to the fees referred to in subitems (1) and (2), the initial fee payable for the inspection under section 24 of the Act of an establishment that will conduct shellfish process operations by depuration:      
(a) where the total size of processing areas in an establishment is 300 metres2 or less for the initial inspection of a new establishment $6,454.36 $6,893.26
(b) where the total size of processing areas in an establishment is more than 300 metres2 for the initial inspection of a new establishment $8,067.95 $8,616.57
Inspection Certificate
(1) Subject to subitem (2), the fee for issuing an inspection certificate, including a certificate or other document referred to in section 48 of the Act:      
(a) where an inspection of the fish is performed   $100.00 $106.80
(b) where an evaluation of the request is performed   $26.89 $28.72
(2) Maximum amount payable by a person under subitem (1) in a calendar year   $10,757.27 $11,488.76
Facility Inspection
An inspection under section 24 of the Act other than an inspection referred to in items 2 and 3, requested by any person to determine whether their establishment meets the applicable requirements of the Regulations   $537.87 $574.45

4. (1) Subject to subsection (2), a licensed importer who imports fish into Canada shall pay in respect of the type of product set out in column 1 of an item of table 2, an inspection service fee, per kilogram of declared weight of fish imported, in the amount identified in column 2 of table 2, unless the importer held a valid Quality Management Program import licence immediately before the coming into force of the Act and Regulations and continues to meet the requirements of such a licence, in which case the inspection service fee is identified in column 3 of table 2.

For the purposes of this section a Quality Management Program (QMP) means a fish inspection and control system that includes procedures, inspections and records, for the purpose of verifying and documenting the processing of fish and the safety and quality of fish processed in, exported from or imported into Canada.

Table 2: Inspection Service for Imports
Fee per kilogram (based on weight declared)
Item Column 1
Type of Product
Column 2
+6.8% starting March 31, 2024
(QMP – import licence)
Column 3 2023-24
+6.8% starting March 31, 2024
(QMP – import licence)
1 Ready-to-eat $0.1614 $0.1724 $0.00215 $0.00230
2 Canned $0.0215 $0.0230 $0.00215 $0.00230
3 Fresh $0.0108 $0.0115 $0.00215 $0.00230
4 Raw molluscan shellfish $0.0108 $0.0115 $0.00215 $0.00230
5 Other $0.0108 $0.0115 $0.00215 $0.00230
  • (2) The fee payable for an inspection service is $32.04 for each shipment of fish if the fish being imported is intended for further processing that will result in a substantial transformation of the fish and the fish is being delivered to an establishment operated by a licence holder.

5. A person who appeals a decision shall pay the applicable fee set out in Table 3 for the type of re-inspection requested.

Table 3: Re-inspection Fees
Item Column 1
Type of Inspection
Column 2
Sample Size
Column 3
+6.8% starting
March 31, 2024
1 Sensory evaluation (a) 13 $187.19 $199.92
(b) 21 $243.11 $259.64
(c) 29 $318.41 $340.06
(d) 48 $337.79 $360.76
(e) 84 $393.72 $420.49
(f) 126 $543.24 $580.18
(g) 200 or more $674.48 $720.34
2 Net content determination (a) 7-13 $87.00 $92.92
(b) 14-21 $105.00 $112.14
(c) 22-29 $122.00 $130.30
(d) 30-48 $187.19 $199.92
(e) 49-84 $206.53 $220.57
(f) 85-126 $280.76 $299.85
(g) 127 or more $318.41 $340.06
3 Label evaluation      
(1) Inner container   $87.00 $92.92
(2) Outer container   $52.00 $55.54
(3) Container coding   $52.00 $55.54
4 Container integrity evaluation      
(1) Cans 1,250 $974.61 $1,040.88
(2) Other containers (a) 13 $105.00 $112.14
(b) 21 $122.00 $130.30
(c) 29 $168.88 $180.36
(d) 48 $187.19 $199.92
(e) 84 $206.53 $220.57
(f) 126 $280.76 $299.85
(g) 200 or more $337.79 $360.76
5 Fish content of battered or breaded products (a) 13 $168.88 $180.36
(b) 21 or more $206.53 $220.57
6 Histamine (a) 13 $168.88 $180.36
(b) 21 or more $206.53 $220.57
7 Electrophoresis species identification   $168.88 $180.36
8 Food additives   $262.48 $280.33
9 Sodium and potassium   $262.48 $280.33
10 Moisture content   $205.46 $219.43
11 Salt content   $87.00 $92.92
12 pH   $87.00 $92.92
13 Quality indices   $243.11 $259.64
14 Water activity   $87.00 $92.92
15 Tuna colour   $87.00 $92.92

Part 17 – Other Food Commodity Fees



1. (1) The definitions in this subsection apply in this Part.

  • "Act" means the Safe Food for Canadians Act. (Loi)
  • "Regulations" means the Safe Food for Canadians Regulations. (Règlement)
  • (2) Unless otherwise provided in this Part, other words and expressions have the same meaning as in the Act and the Regulations.


2. The fee in this Part applies to food businesses that conduct a regulated activity with a food commodity not covered by the fees identified in Parts 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13 or 16 of this Notice.


3. The fees set out in the table to this Part shall be paid at the time the application for a licence or renewal of a licence is submitted.

Table: Other Food Commodity Fees
Item Column 1
Service, Right, Product, Privilege or Use
Column 2
+6.8% starting March 31, 2024
1 For the issuance of a licence under section 20 of the Act or the renewal of a licence under section 22 of the Act per licence, valid for 2 years $268.93 $287.22