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How food testing helps keep you safe

How food testing helps keep you safe

CFIA scientists test food products to look for undeclared allergens and other hazards, like pesticides and bacteria, that could make you or your loved ones sick.

Women in Science: meet Diane Allan, Vice-President of Science at the CFIA

Women in Science: meet Diane Allan, Vice-President of Science at the CFIA

The CFIA has many exciting job opportunities where you could help to protect Canada's food, plants and animals. Watch Diane Allan's inspiring message for women and girls considering a career in STEM.

A sustainable future rooted in healthy soil

A sustainable future rooted in healthy soil

Life on land depends on many things, like sun and water. But the unsung hero is soil. Let’s dig into how we can all help to protect this precious natural resource.

Putting fish DNA to the test

Putting fish DNA to the test

Fish is one of the most commonly reported misrepresented foods worldwide. To combat this issue, our experts use DNA testing to detect mislabelled fish.

We are the CFIA

We are the CFIA

Here's how we inspect to protect you, your family, the environment and the economy.

Technology in the wild

Technology in the wild

Invasive species threaten our ecosystems and economy…and reproduce rapidly! That's why the CFIA is bringing digital tools into the wild to track them.

Get involved in Tree Check Month

Get involved in Tree Check Month

Invasive pests are responsible for billions of dollars in damage to Canada's trees. In August, help to protect the environment in your community.

Join the plant health movement

Join the plant health movement

Plants are key to eating, breathing and living! Let’s do our part to keep them healthy and protect life all around us.

Women in Science: meet Victoria Arling and Annie Locas

Women in Science: meet Victoria Arling and Annie Locas

Calling all students: do you love science? Are you wondering what to do with a science degree? Here’s how two CFIA experts got their careers started.

Putting honey to the test

Putting honey to the test

Canadians love their honey. But if sugars are added and not declared on the label, that is a form of food fraud. The CFIA tests honey to make sure it’s authentic.

Pass the Mic: talking about celiac disease

Pass the Mic: talking about celiac disease

Experts from the Canadian Celiac Association and the CFIA answer a question about how they work to protect those who need to steer clear of gluten.

eDNA: another tool in the toolbox

eDNA: another tool in the toolbox

From the lab to the field, environmental DNA (eDNA) is a powerful technology that quickly detects the presence (or absence) of pathogens.

Tackling food fraud

Tackling food fraud

Food fraud may occur when food is misrepresented—and it happens globally. Here's how the CFIA and the public can work together to combat it.

Meet Lacy, a Canada Border Services Agency detector dog

Meet Lacy, a Canada Border Services Agency detector dog

There's one big difference between Lacy and some other dogs: she has a job to do! Watch her in action helping to protect you, the economy and the environment.

#DigitalFirst: vlog with Dr. Stephani McLean

#DigitalFirst: vlog with Dr. Stephani McLean

A veterinarian with farming and private practice experience explains the benefits doing business online through My CFIA.

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