Colombia - Export requirements for meat and poultry products


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On this page

  1. Eligible/ineligible product
  2. Production controls and inspection requirements
  3. Labelling, marking and packaging requirements
  4. Documentation
  5. Other information

1. Eligible/ineligible product

1.1 Eligible

  • Beef products
    • Products derived from domestic slaughter, including animals imported from countries with a negligible bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) risk status or from the United States of America for domestic slaughter.
  • Pork
  • Poultry products
    • chicken
    • turkey
    • goose
    • duck

1.2 Ineligible

  • Meat imported into Canada

2. Production controls and inspection requirements

  • Establishments where meat products are manufactured for export to Colombia must develop, implement, and maintain effective and verifiable control programs for ensuring compliance with all applicable requirements.
  • Where eligible and non-eligible products are manufactured at the establishment, the control programs must ensure that non-eligible products can be distinguished from those that are eligible through receiving, processing, shipping/distribution. The control programs must include monitoring, verification and deviation procedures. The controls implemented by the establishment to comply with applicable requirements must be reviewed and found satisfactory by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) inspector. The inspector will verify compliance through usual inspection activities.
  • Products containing frozen pork striated muscle (excluding fat, liver or kidneys) must be treated for trichina using one of the methods described in Preventive controls for food – Meat products.
  • Chilled pork: The chilled pork can be exported without testing for Trichinella spiralis.

3. Labelling, marking and packaging requirements

  • The date of packaging must appear on the label of beef products.

4. Documentation


  • Certificate of Inspection Covering Meat Products (CFIA/ACIA 1454)
  • Annex A – Certification covering poultry product for export to Colombia
  • Annex A-1 – Veterinary certification covering goose and duck pate (pate/terrine de foie gras) intended for export to Colombia
  • Annex A-2 – Certification covering goose and duck raw livers, chilled or frozen, intended for export to Colombia for human consumption
  • Annex B-1 – Certification covering pork meat, edible offal, and processed meat products (frozen and/or chilled) for export to Colombia
  • Annex C – Certification covering beef and beef products for export to Colombia

Note: the annexes for exporting to Colombia are written in English/Spanish. The French version is available for information only.

5. Other information

  • The following information must be submitted to Instituto National de Vigilancia de Medicamentos y Alimentos (INVIMA) (Spanish only) either by mail or email by the importer:
    • name of establishment
    • registration number of establishment
    • address of establishment
    • product for export
    • country
  • Issuance of import permits for meats, edible meat products and meat-based products originating from the establishments is under the responsibility of Instituto Colombiano Agropecuario (ICA).
  • All import conditions applicable to the products intended for export to Colombia must be met by trading parties for example: product labelling, storage conditions (keep refrigerated, keep frozen), etc.
  • Spanish language labels must include lot number, date of production, slaughter dateFootnote 1 expiration date and/or date of minimum durability and producing establishment.

Instituto National de Vigilancia de Medicamentos y Alimentos (INVIMA) (Spanish only)
Carrera 10 # 64-28
Bogotá, Colombia
Tel.: 018000122220

Instituto Columbiano Agropecuario (ICA)
Avenida Calle 26 # 85b - 09 - 43
Bogotá, Colombia
Tel.: 57 - (1) 3323700 / 2884800