Export of dogs and cats to Mexico

The import requirements and procedures for pet dog(s) and cat(s) to Mexico from Canada have changed. If you would like to export a pet dog or cat to Mexico, you must comply with all of the requirements outlined on the National Service of Agrifood Health, Safety and Quality (SENASICA) (Spanish only) website. Although the site is in Spanish, all of the necessary requirements are available and it is the responsibility of the importer/owner to confirm individual country requirements prior to travel. The import requirements and procedures are outlined below for reference.

A health certificate for dogs and cats from Canada is no longer needed to enter Mexico. Note: If transiting another country, such as the United States, it is the responsibility of the importer/owner to confirm import requirements for the other countries.

Upon entering Mexico, the pet dog(s) or cat(s) must be presented to the Agricultural Health Inspection Office, la Oficina de Inspección de Sanidad Agropecuaria (OISA), where a physical inspection of the dog(s)/cat(s) will be conducted by an employee of SENASICA. The objective of the physical examination is to determine that the dog(s) and/or cat(s) is/are:

  1. free of signs of an infectious and contagious disease(s),
  2. free of ectoparasites (that is, external parasites), and
  3. free of rashes, open wounds or wounds in a healing stage.
  • The dog(s)/cat(s) should enter Mexico in a cage/carrier which is clean and without bedding or accessories (toys, treats, or other objects). If on inspection, the cage/carrier is found to be dirty and/or contains bedding (for example, newspapers, rags, diaper(s), wood, or other materials), toys, and/or edible products, the cage will require disinfection and items in the cage/carrier will be removed and destroyed.
  • Only enough pet food for the day of arrival is permitted.
  • If a tick(s) is/are detected during the physical examination, the SENASICA inspector will take a sample of the ectoparasite(s). The sample will be submitted to the official laboratory to confirm identity. Any analysis, tests, and/or treatments will be performed at the importer/owner's expense. The animal(s) will remain at OISA until confirmation is received that the ectoparasite(s) are not foreign to Mexico and until SENASICA verifies that all parasites have been removed from the pet(s). If the parasite is identified as foreign or a new species to Mexico SENASICA, through the Animal Health Directorate General, will determine the measures to be applied.
  • If your pet is being treated for lesions and/or infections of the skin (for example, sarcoptic mange, dermatomycosis, dermatophylosis, alopecia or similar conditions), the importer/owner should present SENASICA with a letter from a licensed veterinarian with the diagnosis and treatment. The letter should be on official letterhead with the license number, or equivalent, of the veterinarian.
  • If any open or healing wounds, rashes, external parasites or infectious diseases are detected, the importer/owner will be required to contact a veterinarian of their choice to apply/administer an effective treatment. Any analysis, tests or treatments will be performed at the importer/owner's expense.

The import requirements to enter Mexico directly from Canada or if they transit the USA prior to entry into Mexico are the same. Compliance with the conditions outlined above does not exempt the importer/owner from submitting documents, and/or complying with procedures required by other authorities (for example, if transiting another country, such as the United States, the owner/importer is required to meet any conditions of import for dog(s) and cat(s) to USA from Canada).